Vinex and 2p Vinex

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Vinex: *stares*

2p Vinex: *stares back*

Both: *takes out knifes*

Vinex: *smiles*

2p Vinex: *smiles*

Vinex: Remember when knifes were used for butter?

2p Vinex: Remember when guns were used for hunting?

Both: *puts weapons away and stares again at each other*

Vinex: We are so compatible, I don't think of you as a 2p more like my other half and sister...

2p Vinex: *nods* We both rule the dark but show the light....

Both: *laughs hysterically* lies, stupidity

Both: *goes on a kill spree and starts singing*

Vinex: *pose with knife* MAY THE WORLD BE DYED IN RED!

2p Vinex: *pose with knife* LET THE WORLD BE DYED IN RED!

The author went on a killing spree with her 2p and made fire grow and oceans red.

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