Question, Question, boku wa
Question, Question, Iwai
Question, Question, nani mo
dari mo hidegayou
sorry I just thought of that opening from Assassination Classroom
I wanna ask ya guys if I should publish one of these 3 books im ganna probably publish.
Hetaliax Doll! Reader-
You were created by a Puppet Master and your soul purpose is to accompany who ever you were given or destined to meet.
Deep Sea-
A young mermaid was so curious above the water but lets say curiosity almost killed the cat...
Always With You-
"I don't want to leave you!" I reached out to my life long childhood friend but it was futile. "I will always be with you, you know."
sorry for the crappy summery, I just don't know what to write for the moment. But if ya guys know Garden Chance, I'm working on that.

Hetalia crack and randomness 1 [FINISHED]
HumorThis is gonna be crack like and random stuff. I'll probably do some role play with characters. This was when I was a new Hetalia weeb, forgive my grammar mistakes! DISCLAIMER: I don't own Hetalia