
12 1 0

Vinex: *shooting hoops like a boss* I suck...

Germany: *shooting hoops like a boss* Work hard, play hard

Italy: *weakly throws* Ve~ my arms hurt.

Germany: I'll make you pasta if you shoot 20 hoops

Italy: *starts shooting like crazy*

France: *looks at the ball* I like my woman round~

England: *shoots some hoops* yes, 12!

America: *slam dunks* COOL!

China: *running away from Russia with a ball* AIIIYAAAA

Russia: *Chasing China for his ball* kolkolkol

Japan: *shoots like 3 hoops* ok I'm done *panting*

Prussia: *slam dunks* I AM AWEZOME BECAUSE I DUNK!

Denmark: *sees Prussia, shoots ball* *ball bounces off the board and hits Denmark in the face* WHY

Norway: *either shooting hoops like a bad@$$ or trying to hit Denmark with his Ball*

Iceland: *sitting on a bench watching*

Finland: *tending to Sweden's needs*

Sweden: *shooting hoops and getting his needs from Finland (gratefully)*

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