Vinex: who, who, who, is next on my bucket list? Spamano check, DenNor check, SuFin check, GerIta! *flies to Italy and go to Italy's house* ITALY!!
Le silence and crickets
Vinex: WHERE ARE THEY!? GERITA CANT HAPPEN WITHOUT THEM! *finds a poster on the table*
Grande Ball! All is welcome!
Vinex: *shrugs* I would like to go to the ball!
Night of the ball
Vinex: this is really nice! I didn't know Italy can arrange these! *looks into crowd and gets camera*
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Hetalia crack and randomness 1 [FINISHED]
HumorThis is gonna be crack like and random stuff. I'll probably do some role play with characters. This was when I was a new Hetalia weeb, forgive my grammar mistakes! DISCLAIMER: I don't own Hetalia