Time Travel

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Vinex: If I can go to anytime in the past then I would go to the Edo era of Japan, 17th century England, or the Revolutionary War.

England: I would also go back to the 17th century to go back to my pirate days.

Vinex: *screaming in the background* that's the reason why, I want to see you as a pirate

America: honestly, I would like to go back to the war or go back where I met England...

England: You miss me you git?

America: nope

Japan: I would like to go back in Edo to be a samurai

Vinex: * screaming in the background again * I want to see you as a samurai

France: I would like to back when Jean D. Arc is still alive...

Vinex: *crying* Yes, go back to her

Italy: Ve~ I want to see Holy Roman Empire again~

Germany: I dont have that much of a past...

China: I want to go back when all my nations were children aru! then I will dress them up aru!

Russia: I want to go back so i can see General Winter again...

Vinex: I understand general winter was your guardian but he is your purple aura

Russia: *purple aura* is that so?

Vinex: *smiles evilly* yes


Norway: I want to go back when I found Iceland so i can make him call me Big Brother more...

Iceland: I think I want to go back when Norway was a viking


Sweden: past...

Finland: I wont mind if we all go back to our viking days!


2p Vinex: I would like to go back to where I was born, so I could kill my parents and make a living on killing people...

Chibi Vinex: i'm still young but if I could do anything, I would go back and tell my old self some potent poison for my cupcakes!

Vinex: I already said I want to go to Japan, England, or America. But I would like to give my past self money so I would already live a good life.

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