Chapter 8 - Forest

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I sighed as I pulled into the driveway of the asylum that my son was in. I could not believe that our son has turned out this way. It was quite troublesome. Eudora had gone to the city. I was going in alone today. The last time we came here was some time last month.

Our son has gone insane.

I walked into the building, heading to the front desk.

"Hello sir, how may I help you today?" The lady at the front desk asked me, looking up at me.

"I have come to see my son."

She nodded. 

"May I have the first and last name of your son, sir?"

"Gale Keafler."

She nodded, typing away on her computer.

I looked around. There were nurses pushing wheelchairs of sustained patients in straightjackets. There were stretchers going through the hallway. Nurses were running around with medicine trays.

"What is your name, sir?"

I looked back to the front desk lady. 

"Uh, Forest Keafler."

"I will need to see your identification sir, to see if it matches with the one I have on my record."

As if I have not come enough times to the point where they should recognize my face. I know this is all for security measures though.

"Yeah, here you go."

She types away more on her computer, probably to pull up his file.

"Room 332A, sir. I will have a guard guide you." She waves over one of the waiting guards.

"Thank you."

We made our way to the elevator and went up.

I took a deep breath, entering through the door that held my son. He sat in a corner with his head down, hair covering his face. He was put into a straightjacket, his straight hair a mess all over his head. His room looked like it was just cleaned up again. The nurse that was taking care of him was fixing up his bed. I entered the room.

"Good afternoon, sir. Are you a relative of Gale Keafler?"

I nodded. 

"His father," I said plainly.

I looked towards him as he slowly raised his head.

"What?" He asked in a low voice, practically glaring at me.

I sighed, walking closer.

He cocked his head to the side, looking at me with a look of insanity.

"I am your father and should have the right to see my son."

He smirked and chuckled insanely. He coughed and looked at me with a look of disbelief.

"You don't love me," he said bluntly, looking at the nurse before back to me. "You son of a bitchin' LIAR!!" He screamed, randomly laughing.

He stopped, looking up at me with a glare. 

"Tell the truth next time, old man."

I could not believe that one out of five of my children had to end up like this. I bet Eudora was not so happy about it either. I hope he can be fixed and turn out like a real son. I sighed and looked at the nurse who gave me a look of sympathy. I nodded her way and looked back at my son.

"Goodbye, Gale. I will come back for you again next month. Me and your mother still love you, even though you turned out to be one heck of a monster."

He smirked evilly and chuckled darkly.

"Until next time then."

I sighed, nodding at the nurse again before turning my back to him and leaving out the door. I really hope he gets fixed.

I really do.

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