Avalon - Chapter 27

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I started to worry. I thought I heard stuff coming from his room. But I wasn't sure. I really wanted to go see what it was. To see if he is okay. To see if Blue.. is okay. I panicked a bit. I don't think it was like him to do this. I'm extremely concerned. I didn't know what to do. I felt like I was lost in a dark forest with no way to get out. I'm confused. Afraid. Worried. I'm.. exhilarating. I stand up, starting to walk down the dark hallway, panting heavily. All sounds behind me began to drain out. Every thing was.. quiet.. And not the good kind of quiet. The kind of quiet that will make your heart fall to your stomach and all your body parts fall out of your body. It was not a very satisfying thought, nor was the quiet very satisfying either. 

I'm slowly approaching the door. His door. Blue's door.. It's sickening quiet. It's very.. ill.. and a bit.. scary. I was afraid. I was hoping that he was okay. I'm on the verge. I'm trying not to have a panic attack. I hope I don't. I hope I don't find anything in here that is.. not.. good. I'm worried. I'm scared to open the door. What if something bad did happen? .. Well, then you'd want to open the door and make sure that it was false. That Blue was okay and just sitting on his bed quietly or something like that. I don't know what he would do. I don't have depression. At least.. I don't think I do.

I slowly approached the door further. I slowly reached my hand out to the door knob. I took a deep swallow. I had to do this. I had to make sure that he was okay. That Blue.. was okay.. and alive.. And that my twin was safe and sound and unhurt. I was concerned. Very scared. I'm shaking. I'm pale. I'm cold. Lightheaded. My vision was trying to blur, but I didn't let it. I just took a deep breath and turned the door knob. I slowly opened the door. 


My heart dropped. I could not believe what I was seeing. My breathing hinged. I couldn't move. I froze in place. There I saw my beloved twin, Blue, lying on the bed with his one sleeve up with cuts on the wrist, bleeding down his arm. I saw the razor on the floor, a small puddle of blood around it. I could not believe what I was seeing. I panicked. I raced over to him and began shaking him softly. Tears started pouring down from my eyes, hoping that he was okay. That he was alive.


I shook slightly harder.

"Blue, don't leave... Don't leave me..."

Tears were just pouring down. Down they were falling. Down, down, down. I couldn't stop them. Nothing could. I worried. I worried about Blue. Was he going to be okay? What was wrong? What made him want to do this? All these questions and no answers. No answers to be given. Not at this time. I am worried. I am worried sick. I could not believe what I am seeing. I cry on him. I cry on his hoodie. He was my favorite brother. He meant so much to me. So much. I don't know what I would do, if I had lost him. I'd probably be this way, too. 

After a bit of crying, my breathing slowed, and so did my tears. My face and his hoodie were soaked. I closed my eyes and breathed softly. I began to drift off into my mindless thoughts. My empty, empty thoughts. Into the abyss of an oblivion. Into endless darkness. Into an endless maze of emptiness, of nothingness. I drifted off even more, even more into the deep, dark oblivion of my mind. I drifted, drifted, drifted.. until I could drift no more.. I passed out against my brother. Sleeping with my brother. With Blue. With Blue. With Blue...

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