Chapter 20 - Eudora

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We watched as our son clung to his brother. That is the most that we have ever seen from Gale. He is usually always hostile. Not this time. I wonder why. Actually, no. No, I do not. I know exactly why he is not acting hostile. It is his brother, Blue. Blue is the reason that Gale has changed. Blue is the reason that Gale was able to feel again. Without Blue, Gale would still be the same. He missed his brother. Very, very much. You could tell by how much he was crying. He was clinging very tightly to Blue. He cried into him. I just wish he had done this to us.

The nurse walked over to us. Our son needed to be hospitalized before he can officially be released from the facility. We nodded, knowing it was the best for Gale. They were going to put him to sleep for some time and provide him with some pills that should hopefully be able to control the symptoms and get the Gale we once knew. His anger and hostility issues should be then more controlled after the hospitalization.

"I sense that this is not over and feel the best choice of action is to bed-bound him in a hospital. He should be free to go in a month or two, depending on how long they need to study him for and find out the source of the problem, and how to fix it. We're giving him the strongest medicine we have. We will also provide a psychologist for him free of charge; the hospital will take care of it. You won't need to worry about anything."

"Thank you, Nurse."

I watched inside the room. They let go of each other now, looking deep into each other's eyes. I knew that this was the best course of action for Gale. He needed to get some help, get his mind in the right direction. I do not know what made him snap, but it could have been something through a genetic condition. I hope that he will be okay for a while.

I knocked on the side, slowly making my way between the doorway. That is the farthest I was going to go. I was not sure how he would be towards me. Gale looked up at me, then looked away. He knew what he had done. And he knew I did not approve of it.

He was ashamed.

"Blue, it is time to go."

Gale looked towards Blue in fear, his eyes watering more than they already were. He looked up at me and then back to Blue.

"Don't leave me."

"Gale.. I have to. I will see you again.. I promise."

He clung onto Blue as if he was holding onto his life. He did not want Blue to leave him. I could see why. I hope he does not hate me for this.

"Gale.. You have somewhere to be after this.. Trust me, it will be better for you than here." I told him.

Blue looked towards me at the same time as Gale did. They were both confused, but nodded. They had known this was something I could not explain at the time. I had to leave Gale uninformed. I will tell Blue later.


Gale was hesitant for a moment. I could tell he wanted to say something, but I did not quite know what it was. Blue kissed Gale on the head once more before he began to walk towards us, giving an expression of sorrow. He did not want to leave his brother either. I did not blame him. I would not want to leave either, but this was something that had to be done.

"Bye, Gale." Blue said, waving goodbye with a sad expression.

Gale followed, looking depressed.

I felt bad taking him away from his brother again, but it cannot be helped. He needs help before he can come back.

As we turned to leave, Gale called out to me.


I was surprised, but turned around, looking at him. I smiled softly at him, but I feared for something worse.

"I'm sorry, I love you.."

"Tell dad I love him too.."

I smiled.

"It's okay, honey. We're not mad. We love you very much."

Gale gave a half smile, even though he was obviously very upset, even more than he already was. I hope they can help him since we couldn't. I felt really bad. He sat down on the floor, back against the wall, looking down at the floor. I walked out the door and closed it. At least he did not look angry. I hoped this would help him. I told my husband what Gale had said. He looked hesitant to believe it, but accepted it and nodded. He looked like he was thinking. I did not ask what it was.

I just walked Blue back out to the car and we drove away.

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