Chapter 21 - Gale

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I sighed.

I didn't feel angry anymore. Not even in the slightest. I was in a deep state of depression and I couldn't get out of it. I'm tired of these padded white walls I had to sit by everyday. I hope that I can leave. I don't want to be here anymore. I've been in this same room for years, not able to do anything. I didn't know what had gone through me though. It was a strange feeling. And I don't know why I was angry. I guess I just was.

But whatever it was caused me to come here, and I hated it.

I miss Blue. I'm glad he came though. If it wasn't for him, I don't think any feeling in my body would've come back. I would've just been angry. And I hate being angry. I don't want to be angry anymore. However, I know I can't avoid that. I just can't. I wish there was some way to avoid all this. I wonder what she was talking about. My mom. Eudora.. My mom was talking about something weird a couple minutes ago. Hell, like I know what time it was anyway. She had said something about going somewhere. Going somewhere where I needed to go. Going somewhere I needed to go. Needed to be. I don't know where that would be, but I guess I'll find out soon.

I heard the nurse coming down the hallway. That must be her. Coming to take me away. To that unknown place I don't know anything about. Taking me to where I must go. Taking me where I need to be. Wherever that is. Who knows? God knows. If that's a thing. I wonder where this destination was. Where I needed to be. She had opened the door, but was skeptical about coming in. I just sat and stared at her so she would. She needed to gain my trust, I guess. Pathetic. I guess she didn't trust me, I can't blame her. I'm still a monster at the end of the day. I wouldn't trust me either. Not one bit.

She came in and came down to my level. She was on her knees. She looked at me in my eyes.

She said: "Gale. It's time for you to be moved to a better place. New room, new place. Much better for you, trust me. You'll like it better than here. And plus, they will be able to help you. They can help you fight your battles, help you get better and let you go back to your brother and family. Would you like that?"

"Definitely," I said, without hesitation. There was no hesitation in a situation like this.

I would be free.

"Alright, there's one thing, however.."

She paused.

"You will be put there for at least a month or two, until they can be sure that you are safe to release to the public. And they need to make sure that your emotions are well-controlled."

I didn't want to wait that long, but I knew I didn't have a choice.

"Where is it?"

"I'll tell you this, it's at another hospital facility. And that's where you'll be staying for the rest of your time."

I tilted my head in confusion. "Isn't this like a hospital?"

"Oh, no. There's a huge difference. A hospital is way better for someone like you. An asylum, where you've been, is a place for insane people."

"Am I not insane?" I asked her.

"Well, it's not to say that you're not insane, it's to try to find the cause of said 'insanity' and try to fix it and help you become a better person."

I heard an inside voice laugh at that response she gave. I brushed it off.

"Any more questions?"

I shook my head. I was ready to get the fuck out of here.

"Alright, let's go. Take my hand and carefully stand up."

She stood. She reached down and held out her hand towards me. I grabbed it softly and tried to stand up. I was able to stand with wobbly legs. I held onto her softly, trying to maintain my balance. I hope I can be in a better condition after this.

"Let's go."

We walked through the door, closed it, and didn't look back.

Goodbye, Asylum.

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