Chapter 16 - Eudora

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We said it.

We told him that he could go see Gale. I was still worried though. We both were. I did not want anything to happen to Blue. I did not want to lose another kid. I was worried that Gale would be hostile towards Blue, and hurt him. I hope that does not happen. I would hate to see Blue in pain. That is not something I can endure. Not at all. I hated seeing my kids in pain. I watched him go down the hallway. I could feel that he was satisfied by the answer we gave him. He really missed his brother. He missed how things were before. Trust me, we all do. I wish we could reverse time and go back to when Gale was a little angel. He was always smiling. I am curious as to what triggered him to become this way.

It all happened in a flash.

No one knew what went wrong. Our little boy.. Has turned into a monster. He was no longer our little boy. He was someone completely new. I could not understand what had gone wrong. We treated him like an angel, just like the rest of our children. It came to the point where he acted like a demon. There was no stopping his ways. We have tried. We both, we all.. Have tried to calm him down. Something inside his mind has triggered something that was never there before.

I sighed and looked back at my husband, who had sighed too. We did not want him to see Gale, but that was his brother. Wouldn't we be heartless if we did not let him? I mean, he was still family. We were just worried that he would end up getting hurt. I hope that is not the case. We cannot risk another heartbreak. I think one for our children was enough. We are hoping to prevent it. Blue was so precious to us, they all are.

I'm surprised Blue was even worrying about Gale. I thought he hadn't thought about him as much anymore, but Blue has a genuine heart. It will always stay that way. He loves his brother very much, just like he loves the rest of us. We love Gale too. But Gale.. doesn't feel the same way anymore. I wonder if there was a way to turn him back to the person we used to know. The kid we used to know. The one we would give love to everyday and he would smile the brightest. Just like Blue. They both had the brightest smiles, and they used to play with each other all the time. They would do everything together. They talked about the same things. They agreed on almost everything. They acted more like best friends. They acted closer as twins than Blue and Avalon did, and they were actually twins. It was a lovely sight to see.

I still feel heartbroken for Gale. I hate that we had to take him out and put him somewhere more contained. He needed it. If he had stayed here any longer, he might have burned the entire house down with every single one of us in it, except for maybe Blue. He might have made an excuse for him. But his parents? I do not know anymore. I do not understand Gale. I want to. I want to ask him all these questions. I want to ask what we had done. I did not understand. Neither did my husband. I do not blame him. We were both confused about what was going on.

I have had so many heartbreaks in my pastime. It happened with Cadby a long time ago. When I was in labor with Cadby, he almost did not make it. A miracle that happened that day and I got my little boy back. Ever since then, I have been watching over them delicately. When Cadby was a young boy, he had fallen and hit his head on a rock. He now has a scar next to his eye, but he was fine and in perfect working order. I have tried my best to keep all of them from getting hurt. Dakota was in the hospital for a week due to an unknown cause, but is fine now. Avalon and Blue have not really gotten hurt so far. The only problem with Gale is that he snapped and changed.

It pains me to see them in pain. I do not like seeing my children in pain. I want them to be happy and healthy. I sighed again as my husband wrapped his arms around my shoulders. We walked towards the screen door, headed out, and walked into the forest.

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