Chapter 18 - Dakota

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I had watched Blue walk down the hallway. I then watched mom and dad walk out the front door with my dad's arm around my mom's shoulders. I wonder what they were talking about. Must be something serious.

"Ay, Cadby.."

He looked curiously at me, looking to see where my eyes were. He looked out the same window as me, watching mom and dad walk into the forest down the trail.


"Did ya hear what they was talking about?"

"Were," he had corrected me.

"Oh, shut up. Just answer the question, ya punk."

He laughed and shrugged his shoulders, following his eyes back outside. But before he did, they had already disappeared into the forest. They were gone. But they were there a second ago. I guess they walk fast. Or maybe we just weren't paying attention. Yeah, that must be it. It looked like a serious conversation. It involved Blue. Blue, my brother. He seemed serious as well. It looked like something that bothered him. He had looked back where the photos were. Then an idea popped into my head.

"Ay, Cadby.. You think the conversation was about Gale?"

He looked back at me, kind of shocked and confused as to why I would even think that. But then he thought about it. It really got us thinking. We remember the last time he was here. That was a long time ago. Maybe even years ago. I don't think we miss him as much as Blue. He treated Blue better. He always did. They always got along. Better than brothers even. I wondered why he didn't treat the rest of us like that too. It would of been nice.

"You think we're ever gonna see 'em again?" Cadby asked, looking towards me with a look of curiosity.

I wonder if he really wanted to see him again. I don't know if I did, but he was our brother. I guess we kinda have to like him. Even if he is insane.

"I don't know, Cadby. Maybe someday, I guess."

That was the best answer I could give him. I don't know what else was gonna come. I guess we will just have to see. Soon enough, maybe we will find out what we have to do. Or what will come to us.

Maybe soon enough.


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