Eudora - Chapter 32

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Oh, no.. We're going home. I can't believe we are about to do this to our children. I never thought the day would come when we had to tell them that we were moving to the city. Part of me didn't want to do it. Part of me thought that maybe we could just drive them there ourselves from our own house, but Forest already knew what I was thinking.

He had told me that it would be impossible for us to drive our children back and forth from the forest to the city while we were working full time. We needed to be gone by early morning, and we didn't have enough room in the car to bring everybody out. That's why we home schooled them, because it would've been impossible to do so. Plus, the city is miles from our home, the forest. And the amount of gas we would have to get for the car, besides the different times they probably would've gotten out of school, would've been too much stress for Forest. I could never do that to him, so I never told him about that thought. Though, I didn't need to. He had already read my mind.

We were driving quietly down the road, while I keep looking back at Forest. He hasn't glanced or said anything since, he must be pretty stressed out too. Who would want to tell their children that they are moving? That would be too much on them.

I can tell we're almost back. I hate that we are. I don't want to see their faces crumble up in sadness. I don't want to watch disappointment swell onto their faces. I don't want to watch their hearts break. I feel that doing this will cause depression for all of my children. I don't want to do this to them. I really don't. But it has to be done, at least until Cadby and Dakota get out of school. Then they can get a car at our house and take each other out to their jobs in the city. I don't mind my children living with me until they get their own lover and move out together. I don't mind watching my babies grow up to be adults. As long as they learn to take care of themselves, everything should be fine.

We're approaching closer and closer to the forest home. I already can tell that Cadby and Dakota are sitting on the couch together talking and Avalon is probably comforting Blue, considering he's been upset since we brought him back home from Gale. Just wait till I tell them the news.. It'll be even worse than before. I don't want my babies to develop depression.. That'll break my own heart. I couldn't bear to see it. 

We pull up beside the house. I don't even want to get out of the car. I do not want to go inside and hurt my children. I slowly and dreadfully get out of the car and close the door. I stand there, contemplating if I really want to go inside and break the news or not. I'll have to do it eventually, wouldn't I? Might as well do it now, right? I sighed, heading to the door.

I reached walked up the steps to the door and stood behind Forest. He grabbed the handle and turned to me. He gave me a sympathetic look. I knew he was upset too. He walked over to me and hugged me, kissing me on the forehead while he held me close. 



"It'll be okay, honey." He kissed my head again, looking down at me in my eyes.

"I know, dear. But I just can't bear seeing my children like that.. or even the thought!" I sighed and looked down at my feet.

"I know, honey. I'm here for you, I promise. Let's go inside holding hands, alright?" He smiled at me the best he could, but I knew it upset him too.


I walked to the door with Forest, opening it as we walked in. Cadby and Dakota looked at us as they turned around on the couch. They looked confused as to why we walked in like that and why we looked upset. I gave them a sympathetic look before turning back to Forest. He nods.

I sigh. "Blue!  Avalon! Can you guys come out please?"

I hear a door open and close, hearing two pairs of footsteps slowly heading down the hallway. I could tell that Blue was still upset and he was looking down at the floor before slowly looking up at me. My heart was already breaking. My other children looked like they were confused.

"Blue, Avalon, Cadby, and Dakota. We need to talk.. Talk about something very important.."

They all looked back and forth at each other, confused as to what I was going to say.

"My darlings.. Your father and I have something very important to tell you.. And it was a very hard decision to make for us, but it had to be done.."

They seemed uneasy. I looked at Forest. He nods.

I sighed. "We need to move to the city.. I'm sorry. We just think it would be better for you guys to get out where the people are and learn people and communication skills... We also think that Cadby and Dakota should go to a real school.. where the other children are. It would be easier for us as well."

Slowly the pain and surprise spread across each of their faces.

"But it's okay.. We're not selling the house.. We're just moving to the city until you guys are done with your education.. Okay?"

Blue walked off without a word. Avalon looked back at him, hurt and wanting to reach out to him. She began to tear up, looking back at us and running off after Blue. I already began to feel the pain swell up inside me. I hated seeing them like that. I looked to Cadby and Dakota. Slowly, I began to see anger swell up on Cadby's face.

He stomped off the couch and in front of us. "No. We can't leave!"

Dakota soon joined in, but not in anger. She was upset. "Yeah! We're doing fine on our education here! And.. and.. Cadby and I will be separated!"

Cadby looked to Dakota in surprise, hurt, and anger, then looked back to us. "Yeah! I refuse!"

As if Forest was expecting this, he didn't stand for the objections. "Guys, it's not up for debate. It's not your decision to decide. It was your mother's and my decision. And it's the final. If you think we want to do it, then you're wrong." He sighed. "You guys are going to have to grow up one of these days. You guys are old enough to know that we make the decisions and that what we do for you is for a reason."

"Go pack."

Cadby stomped off down the hallway in anger. Dakota slowly follows with her head down. She is really upset.

Forest turns to me and grabs both my hands, kissing each and then kissing me. "We did the right thing, sweetheart."

"I hope so.."

I look to the ground. I hated doing that to my children. It hurt a lot. I never ever wanted to do that to my children. Never. And I hope to never hurt them like that again. I hope they'll find it in their hearts to forgive us someday, but it was necessary for them. It had to happen. I just hope nothing else goes wrong from here.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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