Chapter 24 - Forest

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I have always felt that would be a terrible idea.

Taking Blue to Gale. I had a bad feeling about doing that. However, it did not go as quite as I thought. It went well. Way better than I thought it would. Gale was known to be extremely hostile. Even when he talks to people, it is with hostility. It is a surprise he did not do the same thing to Blue. Probably because they were closer than anyone else. Blue was always Gale's favorite. I looked at Eudora and then went back to the road. She was also concerned. She was his mother. She did not want to lose her first baby. She did not want to lose her middle one either, but that is what happens. We do not know what happened that one day, but it was out of the blue.

He was always a good kid. He never gave anyone trouble. He always did good with his homeschooling. I do not know what happened. We never finished his curriculum for his education, never had the chance. He has been in that asylum for years. I am hoping that he will not be there for the rest of his life. He should be twenty years old now. He has a life he needs to live. No one will let him go with him being hostile, however. I do not believe he will change, but I am hoping that he does. It is hard to change someone who has been angry and hostile for most of their life.

It was a long, quiet drive. Somewhat awkwardly quiet. I doubt Blue wanted to talk. He just wanted his brother. I understood that. What kind of kid would not want his own brother? I looked in the mirror, looking back at Blue. He looked like he was thinking about things. Maybe deep things. He seems fine, but a bit gloomy. I couldn't blame the kid. He has been without his brother for years and was told he had to go. Now his brother will be going to a mental hospital, hopefully to get better.

We were getting closer to home. We were just going to drop Blue off and then leave again. The kids can handle themselves. We need to do some errands in the city. Such as go to the hospital for Gale and do other things. The kids are usually pretty good by themselves. They get a lot of free time. There is also always a stocked fridge. There is never a time when the fridge is empty. We make sure to fill it when it gets to the point of being half empty. Need to make sure our kids will always have food in the house. None of our kids are electronic addicts, like most of the population. They spend most of their time in the pool, the greenhouse, the forest, and the lake. They have so much to keep them occupied that they would not need to stay on their electronics. Yes, we have internet, but no one really uses it most of the time. Sometimes they'll use them after hours.

We have gotten them out in nature at a young age. We wanted them to love nature as a young kid, so that they would grow to love it even more and spend more time outside than inside. And that is exactly how it happened. We have done so many fun things with the kids out in nature. Hide and seek was their favorite. They played it inside and outside. Dakota and Cadby still do that. Even at age sixteen, that is still Dakota's favorite game. I am not surprised. There are so many places to hide out here. It is no wonder they loved that game. They also play tag, tug o' war, Marco Polo, etc.. They were always one for games. Even board games. They have not been experienced in the video game field. We have never introduced them to it. Maybe soon we will. Hopefully they would not become addicted to it.

As for Gale, he was always the quiet type when Blue wasn't around. Otherwise he and Blue would play together. They always had fun wherever they were, even during homeschooling. They would also help each other with homework and studies.

We pulled in front of the house, looking back at Blue.

"Well, we're here. We're going to be leaving again, so tell your siblings. We'll bring back dinner."

"Okay, bye." He said plainly, getting out of the car. He walked towards the house and went inside.

I looked towards Eudora. She had a look of concern on her face. I matched the same. I sympathize. We have been going through a lot lately, especially now. I pulled the car in reverse and got us on the road again. It was a long drive going back and forth, but this is what we were used to. She put on some mellow music, settling and getting comfortable. It suited the mood we were both in.

I thought back about the night that Gale was taken away. I wondered what made him act the way that he had. I hope the hospital can find out what made him snap. I did not like remembering that awful night.

Cadby was probably too young to remember.

Toys were strewn about the floor. Broken glass, broken picture frames. Me, his mother, Avalon, and Dakota ended up with a couple cuts and bruises. Cadby was just a baby at the time. I remember loud cries, screaming, pleading for him to stop. I shuddered. He just went crazy, laughing and talking to himself. The only person who was left unharmed was Blue. Standing there trying to figure out what was wrong with his brother. He couldn't understand it. He stood there, crying, repeatedly trying to ask Gale what was wrong and why he was doing the things we was doing. He was throwing things, breaking things, swinging his arms around. Only the police were able to stop him. I wonder what had gotten into our poor kid.

We had a quiet drive down the long, winding road through the forest.

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