Eudora - Chapter 31

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I'm worried about Blue. He looked terrible when he walked out of the car and back into the house. I really hope nothing happened to him when we left. That would be devastating. Hopefully Dakota and Cadby didn't notice it, they really don't need to see something like that. They need to keep a fresh mind and don't get the wrong impressions about anything. They need to stay sharp and stay smart. And they don't need to find out what depression is. It would not be good for them when they are this young. I knew Blue had it, but there wasn't much we could do about it. Avalon is fine, for now, and let's hope it stays that way. Those two are closer than anything.

"Hey, Eudora.. I think we should talk about something." Forest mentioned to me, while still looking down the long, forest road.

"What is it, dear?" I looked at him, concerned. "Is it about Blue?"

"No, we can talk about Blue later. It's about something else.."

"What do you mean?" I looked at him, confused.

"Well, it's about the house.." Forest pursed his lips.


He sighed. "I think we should move out to the city. It would be better for us and it would be good for Dakota and Cadby to get some real schooling.."

I covered my mouth as I looked at him. "Sell the house..?"

"No, honey. Just move. I couldn't sell the house." He looked at me and then back on the road.

"Well, I wouldn't think so.. It belonged to your parents."

"That's right, I grew up in that house. It means everything to me. If I lost it, I don't know what I'd do.. Look, I just want a better life for my youngest children. Avalon and Blue already had their time, so they wouldn't be able to do it.. But at least, Dakota and Cadby can. They're still young enough to. I figure it would be better off for them that they learn professionally." He ran a hand through his hair.

"In a way.. You're right.. Dakota and Cadby do need better education in their lives.." I looked away and towards the forest.

"I know it'll be the toughest decision to make.. But I believe it will benefit our children in the end. And in a way, we would be a bit closer to Gale."

"Gale.." I looked up at the sky. "I would love to have my son back into my life, but doesn't he hate us?.."

He gave a long, deep sigh. "Yes. But maybe he'll come around.. And he needs to love his mother again." He looks at me. "You did nothing to him."

"You didn't either." I grabbed onto his shoulder. "We did nothing, Forest."

He sighed. "You're right, but I doubt he'll see it that way. But either way, I believe this is the best decision for our children. Besides, we have the money and my parents are still paying for the house. I told them they didn't have to anymore, but they.. insisted. They love that house as much as me and wanted to see our children grow up in it too."

"Exactly.. Oh, what would Rose think?.."

"Rose.." He sighed. "My mother probably wouldn't approve, considering I was never moved out of the house either. They insisted I stay there and be home schooled. Which was fine for me, but I want something more for my children."

"What about Edward?" I looked at him.

"Dad.. would probably be proud that his son is trying to take charge and let my children have better education than I did. Though, I am well educated now than I was before, but I want the same thing for my children as he did."

"Then why didn't he put you through schooling?" I looked at him, his eyes full of story.

"He couldn't. Rose wouldn't let him. He wanted to do exactly what I'm wanting to do, but Rose insisted that I stay grown up where nature is. She was kind of what some people would call a hippie, but she loved that lifestyle. All she ever wanted was to be where nature was."

"Can't say I blame her.." I looked out at the forest again.

"You're almost just like her." He looks over at me with a smile. "But maybe we'll make the better decision this time.."

"So you're saying.." I looked away from him.

"Yes, I'm saying the better decision is to leave to the city. They can see their other home again someday, but they need to be somewhere better for them." He looks back at the road with a serious face.

I looked out the window silently. It was a hard decision. A very hard decision. I loved that house. I've been there for most of our marriage and for our children. Watching them grow up in that house and that forest. Blue and Avalon found some people out in the forest with their homes just a mile away from ours. It was perfect for them. They're happy where they are. I would hate to take that away from them. And Dakota and Cadby, they're quite happy where they are too.

"Okay.." I sighed. "I guess you're right.."

"I'm sorry, honey. But I believe this is the best situation that we could possibly give them. They need to be learning the same things as the other kids and they need to learn how to socialize with other people. They can't do that if they're stuck in a forest all their life."

"You're right."

I looked out down the road, thinking about everything that could go wrong, but also thinking of what could go right. Part of me thinks that something bad will happen to Blue, Avalon, and Cadby. I feel that Dakota will fair off just fine. But the rest of them.. I'm worried. I don't bother telling forest my worries, I don't want to worry him or have him stray from what he thinks is right. I also don't want him to think that I'm doubting him, because I'm not.

I stare off at the forest. It's very beautiful and serene. I'm glad my children have grown up to love the nature and it's surroundings. I'm glad they got to grow up on something like this. I never got the chance. I grew up in the city, always surrounded by people and buildings. So I wanted them to have what I never got the chance to. To grow up around nature. It's good for them. And it's perfect for them to get out. They need to be used to the nature and the fresh air outside. Life is peaceful and tranquil out in nature. 

I look to Forest. He seems a bit stressed about the situation, but we both know that it needs to be done. They need to also be grown up around people so they can learn how people work and communicate and so that they can learn to communicate themselves. They need to learn their people skills if they want to get out in the world and they need to learn everything that the other children their age are learning. It would be better off for them this way. Sure, they've learned a lot from us when they were home schooled for years, but they need their outside sources too.

I really don't want to return home to tell my children the terrible news and watch them as they break into small, tiny pieces in front of me..

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