1 - alone

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Ex the long hair and there's new Dipper!

Dipper POV
It's been two years since weirdwaggedan ended and I'm back in Gravity falls for the summer. I'm 15 now which doesn't really mean much, a little bit taller, even more of a feminine figure, but still the same personality. Mabel, on the other hand, got taller, lost the braces and honestly, is quite beautiful. Gruncle Stan and Ford haven't changed to much either, they get along like Mabel and I used to, and they even managed to revamp Ford's lab; adding in strong containment chambers and new fancy technology.
Although the people didn't change to much, things still changed. Pacifica and Gideon (who had grown quite a bit, looking buff and manly) changed their evil ways and became friends with Candy, Grenda and Mabel. But I wasn't exactly part of that group of friends, they weren't really my type of people and they constantly would make fun of my girly features with Mabel laughing beside them. To say I was a little lonely would be an understatement, I was flat out depressed. With Ford always in his lab and everyone else treating me like a freak, I grew distant from them. Spending most of my time in the forest, reading or listening to music, trying to tune out the rest of the world, Mabel didn't even notice my depression, being too involved in her own life.

Sitting on my bed and listening to music as I lip sang the words, Mabel and her friends burst through the door with excitement. They stood there staring at me for a while without speaking, it freaked me out.
"What?" I said, pulling the ear buds out of my ears.
"Guess what!!!" Mabel screamed in my face, I cringed away from her.
"What?" My voice sounding slightly annoyed.
"Gideon just announced to us that he's bi!" Pacifica squealed, jumping up and down with Mabel. I thought for a second before responding with,
"Well that makes a lot of sense."
"And guess who he has his eyes set on!" Grenda loudly grunted, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Hm?" I looked at them confused. I hear a cough from the back of the crowd, everyone moved to the side allowing me to see who was there. There stood Gideon with a small bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates.
"Hey, lil' old you" he says cheekily, walking up kissing my hand. Oh god.
"It's you!" I heard Candy whisper. Gideon offered me the flowers from his hands I slowly reached out and took them, not wanting to be rude, along with the chocolates.
"Wow! I... Don't know what to say..." I say awkwardly, really not knowing what to say.
"You don't have to say anything my love," he purred "I realized that, though I am more interested in girls, you would make a perfect exception. I see now that it wasn't Mabel I was attracted to before, it was you!"
Oh my god, he literally just confessed his love to me. I thought, trying to find the words to delicately tell him to go home.
"We don't even have to worry about you not being gay, Mabel told me everything." He announced proudly. Earlier that year I had told Mabel I was gay, she supported me and promised not to tell anyone. I turned and glared at her.
"Sorry bro bro, but it was for the sake of love!" She pleads to me. Sighing, I stood up to face Gideon, sort of, he was taller than me now.
"Look Gideon, this is very nice of you and all but I just don't think I feel the same way." I try to sound as gentle as possible.
"Needs a little more charming, eh?" He smirks.
"No that's not what I..." I desperately try to explain before being interrupted.
"Don't you worry sweet pea! I'll have you melting in my arms by nightfall, if you would only give me a chance?" He looked at me with big puppy eyes.
"Of course he'll give you a chance Gideon!" Mabel said before I had a chance to respond.
"Good then, I'll go get it ready then. Make sure to wear your cutest gown and I'll pick you up at 8!" He said as he started to walk out the door.
"Wait, what?!" I yell but he was already gone, along with Candy and Grenda who I assume went to help him set up.
"He knows I'm not a girl right?!" I cried desperately to Mabel and Pacifica.
"Of course he does" Pacifica said calmly.
"You would just look really good in a dress!" Mabel squealed.
"Thanks," I spat sarcastically, glaring at her.
"Now let's go get you a dress at my house, you need to look your best for the big date!" Pacifica pulled me to the door, the girls dragged me into the car and we headed to Pacifica's house. This was going to be a long night!
Bill's POV
I floated down the long corridor, my 'stomach' churning in anticipation, one of the few emotions I have. Today was the day I would finally be told who my soulmate is, I had been waiting on the list for 89 billion years and now it was finally happening. After weirdwaggedan, I guess you could say I changed. I no longer care about ruling all of reality or murdering for fun on a Friday night, I don't really know what I had been doing with my life before this moment. Opening the door, I slipped into the office and sat down silently.
"Bill Cipher," the gentleman in front of me turned so I could see his face.
'Thank god he didn't say my middle name!' I thought as he opened a file, looking it over.
"You're in for a treat today Cipher, your soul mate is an interesting one that's for sure." I gave him a quizzical look, waiting for him to continue. "The oracle gave us this file, with special instructions. It looks like you're a special one this time, chap!" He handed me the file. Slowly I opened it up, my eye widened and my normal yellow colour turned to white.
'This can't be right!'

Hey! So I hop you liked my first chapter, I'm really enjoying writing this and have a lot of chapters written already. I think I'll post every week? Also if you find some really good fan art or if you make some, send it to me! I wanna post some of here.

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