2 - The Big Date

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The dress kinda looks like that!

Dipper POV
I am sitting in Pacifica's bedroom while her and Mabel stare at me, whispering back and forth.
"I never agreed to wearing a dress!" I say impatiently, though I know I can't get out of this. It's not that I have a problem with wearing dresses and clothes like that, I think that gender rules are stupid and people should be able to wear what ever they want without judgement, my problem is that I'm already the freak of the town and the last thing I need is for people to think I'm actually transgender or something when I'm not. If I could, I would wear a skirt instead of shorts everyday, but the crazy people in this town would never take me seriously again.
"Dipper," Pacifica starts softly, "you know you will look amazing in a dress with your feminine features and tiny waist. We just want to make this special for you." Wow, that sure helped my self esteem spiral lower. Pacifica wasn't wrong though; as I grew taller, my form just got more girlish, and being depressed only made it worse. It's like you're feeding off of your emotions instead of actual food, so it's really difficult to gulp down dinner every night.
"Plus, you never agreed to the date in the first place. Which means you no longer have any say!" Adds Mabel loudly. I sigh as they seemed to come to a conclusion. "Yep, blue is definitively the right colour!" Mabel announces professionally.
"And I think I have the perfect one in the attic storage!" Pacifica says running to the door in excitement, "You start with the hair while I look!"
With that, I am thrown onto a spinning stool and a hair straightener is plugged in with experienced hands.
As we wait for it to heat up, Mabel brushes my hair, trying different things with it to find tonight's perfect hair style.
I've got to admit, I am actually kinda nervous for tonight. Not that I actually have feelings for Gideon, but I was really hoping he didn't have any tricks up his sleeve to change my mind. Magic that is. But no matter how hard he tries, I will never not hate him.

*** Time Skip ***

It took about an hour, but I am finally ready. Pacifica let me (more like forced me to) borrow a sky blue, knee length dress with one wrap around sleeve (sorry I don't know what that's called, hope you get it) and ruffles gathered at the bottom. They had also lent me a pair of nude heels, which, incidentally, I knew how to walk in after a month of helping Mabel learn. Mabel had decided to comb my hair, giving me some wavy bangs, after the straightener refused to work.

 Mabel had decided to comb my hair, giving me some wavy bangs, after the straightener refused to work

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That's what his hair looked like because I can't really explain it very well.

I walk out of the bathroom to reveal the dress. Mabel and Pacifica both gasp as they stared in awe.
"Dipper, it's ... Beautiful!" Mabel says putting her hands over her mouth, eyes watering slightly. I stand there a little confused, not to mention feeling a little like a doll being dressed up, as I awkwardly play with the the ruffles on my dress.
"I've got to admit, you pull it off better then any girl in Gravity Falls. And you're not even a girl!" Pacifica says proudly.
"You think?" I asked a little flustered, I knew I look good in this dress but I didn't think I looked that good!
"Omg! It's almost eight, we need to get you home in time for Gideon to pick you up!" Mabel exclaims quickly, dragging me to the car with Pacifica running behind.
We get back to the shack shortly before Gideon arrives. Candy and Grenda are  there to have a sleep over with Mabel and Pacifica while I am on my date, probably just wanting to here all the gossip when I get home.
Stan and Ford, who are in the kitchen, call for me to join them for a second. I walk in hesitantly, blushing as the two stare speechlessly at me.
"Um, you wanted to talk to me?" My voice cracking in the middle from nervousness. With that, Gruncle Stan cracks up laughing.
"It was fun to send one great niece out on her first date, but I never thought I would get to do it again!" He laughs, "This is just too good." My face turns red at this words and I look down at my feet in embarrassment.
"I didn't have a choice to wear this, or even go on the date." I say softly. Gruncle Ford chuckles and walks over to me.
"It's okay Dipper, we aren't judging you, we're proud of you!" I look up at him, seeing his caring eyes.
"Yeah, kid, we'll accept you even if you want to be a girl." Gruncle Stan adds Ford just chuckles in agreement.
"It's not like that!" I plead, trying in vain to convince them that this wasn't what it seemed.
"Dipper! He's here!" Mabel yells from the main entrance. I sigh and walk away.
"Have fun, kid!" Gruncle Stan yells behind me. This was not going to be, in any way, fun.
I walk to the door and see Mabel talking to Gideon outside. I take a deep breath and step out, making myself visible and getting their attention with the click of my heels. Gideon turns his head to say hello but freezes before he can say anything. His eyes are wide and his mouth hangs open as he stares at me. Mabel lightly nudges him in the arm, finally breaking him from his trance.

"Oh, um, sorry." He coughs, "Might I say, you look... gorgeous!" I blush slightly, I really don't like this much attention and I was getting a lot of it in this get up.
"Thanks..." I reply nervously, my eyes fixed on anything but Gideon.
"Oh right," he lifts a large bouquet of roses from behind his back, an unoriginal move, I put on a fake smile and thank him. Ditching the flowers with Mabel, we get into the car and drive off.
I was half expecting to arrive at the fancy restaurant he took Mabel when she was his target, but instead we veer into the woods and end up at a secluded picnic area, 'great, now I can't get away from him at all!' I think in panic. The trees are decorated with white and red lights, their boughs hanging over the little clearing. The table is elegantly decorated with long candles on a white and gold lined table cloth. Two wine glasses and an expensive bottle of wine wait for us on the table. Gideon takes my hand and leads me to the table, pulling out the chair for me and smiling as I thank him and sit down without any objections. He pours me some wine and then some  for himself. Finally sitting down, he  stares into my eyes.

"This looks nice." I say looking around a little more, trying to break the silence.
"Just like you," He coos.
I shiver a little and take a sip of my wine. He tried to do the same but it is obvious he doesn't like it, maybe he has... never had wine before?
Though only 14, I have already had my fair share of alcohol. It really helps on those sleepless, depressing nights when I would sneak a few shots from the stash under my bed, don't ask were I got it from. Vodka, whiskey, you name it and I've probably had it straight out of the bottle; so this wine is nothing. It is actually really good, plus it helps me calm my coursing nerves a little.
"So," he finally starts a conversation, "how have you been, I haven't really had a chance to just talk to you this summer." That's odd, it actually sounds like he cares. Maybe he has changed from his evil little brat days, but that doesn't mean I like him any different.
"Well, good I guess." I reply, taking another sip of wine. He smiles before continuing.
"Still a nerd I see though." He chuckles , "In love with those books as always. If only you would be in love with something else." I shift in my seat uncomfortably, not really knowing what to say. "I've seen you listening to a lot of music lately, what do you like?" He asks, trying his best to sound interested. He was doing a good job but I could tell he was more interested in my neck line, as he was constantly peeking there.
"Um, I like most of the 2010 music and Panic! at the Disco is pretty good." I say, calming down a little with the easy question.
"Interesting," he responds, staring into my eyes again. I blush again and try not to look at him much, he is definitively into me right now and I have no idea what to do "And wow, you just look so... beautiful tonight!" He looks me up and down in amusement.
"You can thank Mabel for that." I squeak, fake smiling. This is terrifying, how long can I go before he tries to make a move on me?!

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