32- Reunited

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Bill POV
Over the span of a week, we adventure over one hundred different dimensions.

Pinetree is the happiest I've ever seen him. The anorexia slowly cleared up, he hasn't had a sip of alcohol, I've been watching over his dreams to eliminate any nightmares and his overall anxiety has decreased slightly. Though I don't think the anxiety will ever go away, it's just who he is.

When I get called to make a deal with someone, Pinetree will tag along to watch the whole thing. Sometimes he even warns me if the deal doesn't seem fair or seems dangerous, it really helps. Sometimes my clients can be really emotional at times, depending on the deal, and Pinetree just steps in and calms them down. I guess all those years of being human payed off, he understands humans when I don't. We're like the perfect duo.

Now, we are sitting on the couch in our mansion. Pinetree is cuddled up in my lap, reading a book from his personal library we added to the house. I'm watching the new episode of The Bachelor on the television and eating a granola bar.

"Why are you obsessed with reality T.V?" He mumbles, looking up from his book. He stares at the tv with a bored expression.

"It's research, I need to analyze how humans interact." I say in a matter-of-factly tone.

"You just like drama." Pinetree laughs.

"You're such a basic white bitch." I roll my eyes and take the book out of his hands, saving his page with my thumb.

"It's better than some of those animes you watch. What are you reading anyway?" I ask, holding it out of his reach while he struggles for it.

"You liked Tokyo Ghoul! The book is called Lord of the Rings." he sighs, giving up the fight "it's about a ring and some hobbits in middle earth."

I hum in response, not having a clue what he just said, as I skim through the book and read the occasional sentence.

"Gloria is about to get sent home." Pinetree says after a little while.

"What!" My head shoots up from the book, eyes wide. He snatches the book back while I'm distracted.

"Yeah, research." Pinetree giggles.

Just then a notification buzzes my phone. I pull out my phone and quickly read the text I received.

"It's from your Gruncle Stan." I say simply, not looking up from the phone.

"What?" He exclaims, his head shooting up from the book.

"Yeah, I gave him my number and he gave me his. So we can get in touch." I look over to see that his eyes are narrow, he's mad about something... "What!"

"And you were going to tell me this when, exactly?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Ummmm..." Is all I can say, not being able to look him in the eyes.

"He's the only family I have left, and you forgot to tell me that I can talk to him whenever I want?!"


He snatches the phone away from me and reads the text. Then he unlocks my phone and texts back.

"How do you know my password...?" I laugh awkwardly.

"Really Bill? 'Dipper's Ass' isn't obvious enough?" He chuckles back, sending his text. "Okay, we're gonna meet for coffee in a few hours."

"We are?" I say surprised.

"Yup." He gets up and walks to our bedroom, with me following.

Once we're in the bathroom he grabs some towels and finds some clothes to change into. I watch him as he bustles around the room. After a while he stops and looks up at me with his 'thinking face'.

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