7- Test #2

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Video creds to Dani cosplay on YouTube, they're really good and you should check them out.

Dipper POV
I look around and see that we are in a forest. Mossy trees are all around us as we stand in a small opening, the high sun suggests it's around noon. I can hear faint music in the near distance, carnival music.
Without warning, the echoing voice from the counsel speaks once again.
"Well done on your first test, this is your second." He begins with an excited tone "this test is one you might find familiar, used by the human race as one of the first ways of deciding wether or not they have found their perfect soulmates." I think for a minute before it clicks in my head. Oh please not let that be the test! I look up and see that Bill is completely perplexed, all knowing huh? "Known as, the first date." The man finally finished. My face drops at the conformation of my fears and Bill's eye gets so big it could open a black hole.
"Uh-uh, no way are we going on a date!" I yell to the sky, not really knowing where the voice is coming from.
"What kind of test even is that!" Protests Bill.
"Hey!" A female voice from the panel yells through the sky, "this is, like, the easiest test ever and you're gonna chicken out? All you have to do is hang out for a few hours and you're done. So suck it up and get it over with!" We look up in surprise, that was a quick escalation.
"She's right," the first voice comes back, "it is very simple, just spend two hours at the carnival and this whole evaluation is over." I perk up at the last part.
"you mean it will all be over and I can go home?" I ask hopefully.
"Yes, that is correct." He says simply.
"Wait," Bill goes back to the subject, "we're going to a carnival?" The voice replies with a yes, making Bill hop a little in excitement. The motion makes me suddenly remember I'm in his arms, holding onto his neck and my head on his shoulder.
"Hey, can you let me down now?" I say a little annoyed. He chuckles and gently sets me on my feet next to a tree that I can lean on.
"You will receive a change of clothes, more suitable for the occasion." The voice returns.
"Wait, what does that..." Once again, it's too late. A strange feeling overcomes me and I close my eyes, after a few seconds the feeling stops.
Opening my eyes I look down to see that I'm wearing flats, a short denim skirt , a white tank top, and something that feels like a headband on my head.
"You've got to be kidding me!" I seethe. Once again, I'm stuck in a skirt because it's what other people want! I groan in defeat and look up to where Bill is standing. He is dressed in red converse, black jeans with a white belt, a yellow sweater with a triangle on the front, and his eye patch from before, but not the top hat. He actually looked pretty good, as a straight guy thing to say!
Bill looks over his own outfit then looks up to me, a big grin spreading across his face.
"It wasn't just that dress from the other night, you look great in ALL girl's clothes!" He exclaimed proudly, like he had discovered the answer to a very important question. He steps a little closer and reaches out to touch my headband.
"Ugh, Bill stop that! And that's gender stereotyping, clothes are just clothes." I whine trying to step away, forgetting about my injury. I tumble forwards and am caught by a pair of strong arms holding onto my waist.
"Uh-um, thanks." I say blushing hard. Pushing away and I lean back on the tree.
"Where do we even find a carnival around here?" Bill asks, taking the awkwardness out of the air. We listen for a second and hear more carnival music coming from a small opening in the woods.
"Well that was simple enough." I say limping forward a little. Bill watches me slowly limp a few feet.
"This isn't gonna work." He laughs, I sigh and look over to him.
"Well what else am I supposed to do?" My frustration clearly rising.
"Just let me carry you." He laughs at my anger.
"No!" I yell quickly, "You... Will get tired!" He raises an eyebrow at me.
"You're as light as a feather. I just threw you across a room two minutes ago." I desperately try to come up with another good excuse but am already in his arms. "I can at least get you to the carnival." I relax in his arms with defeat, there's no way I'm gonna get out of this.
"At least this is better than the last test." I say trying to break the silence.
"Aww, thanks Pine Tree!" Bill chirps happily.
"That's not what I meant!" I defend "it's just less intimidating as a room of blades, flames, darts, lasers, plus handcuffs."
"Hey, don't insult handcuffs! Handcuffs can be used for lots of pleasurab..."
"Bill!" I stop him before he can finish that thought. "Not helping." He rolls his eye and we keep walking.
I'm relieved when we finally reach the carnival, there is food and games everywhere. Almost exactly like that carnival we had at the shack once only I don't see any pig-weight-guessing stands this time.
"What the hell is this." Bill says in disappointment.
"What do you mean, it's a carnival" I look up at him confused.
"It's not like any carnival I've ever been to." He walks over to a picnic table and sets me down on it.
"That's probably because it's a human carnival." I laugh, adjusting myself on the table so that my legs are dangling off the edge. "It looks my ankle has swollen up a bit, I hope it's just a little twist." Bill's whole demeanour changes at that moment.
"We need to find a medical tent!" He picks me up again and runs around until we find a medical tent. The room looks like any normal medical tent, supplied with everything you might need in the case of a bad cut or sprain, we definitely didn't have this at the Mystery Fair. Bill places me on the examination table. Then he grabs a tube of anti-pain and inflammation cream, a wrap of gauze and a pair of crutches.
"Bill, I'm fine. Just give me some crutches!" I protest, trying to get down from the table. Bill stops me and pushes me back to the centre of the table.
"No can do Pine Tree, you're hurt and I don't have any magic to fix it." He says opening up the bottle of cream. "So this is the least I can do."
Just to explain here, in order to do the test correctly they have to take away a demons powers temporarily so there's no way he can cheat.
"I can do this myself Bill!" I pull my injured ankle away from him. He ignores me and squirts some of the medicine on his hands.
"Dipper," he actually uses my really name. "I swear, if you don't let me do this I will inject you with the pain relief instead and carry you everywhere, no crutches!" With this I stop arguing and let him grab my foot. Gently, he rubs the cream over all the swollen skin around my ankle. Then he wraps the gauze around it, just tight enough so that it will keep my ankle from moving to much but not too tight so that it blocks the circulation. I guess he is good at this. Then he helps me down from the table and finally gives me the crutches.
"Thank you." I mumble as I take the crutches and limp away.
"I should be an earth doctor!" He says proudly.
"You realize you aren't allowed to threaten your patient or drink their blood." I chuckle.
"Oh..." He says sadly looking down to the ground. Wait was he actually serious?!
"What happened to taking over the world?" I ask as we walk out of the tent.
"I don't really know anymore. I mean it would be great and all but I don't know if that's what I want." What! Bill fucking Cipher doesn't care about ruling the world anymore? I guess this human thing has changed him. "Oh look!" He breaks the awkward silence. "People food! I'm gonna eat it like a person!" He hops towards a pretzel stand excitedly.
"Wait Bill, no!" I laugh after him.

***time skip***

For two hours we went on rides, ate carnival food and played games for prizes. There wasn't a soul in site so we had the whole park to ourselves. It was a little annoying at times with the crutches but Bill helped me get around. He had really changed since I'd known him last, no longer driven to murder everyone and self-centred but actually really nice and caring. He even won me a prize at darts.
The prizes weren't exactly normal like the rest of the fair though, they were magic prizes like wands and potions, weapons, communication devices, etc. Bill had won me a candle that I could use to do small things that make me happy or calm, like summon a chocolate bar, relieve a headache or fall asleep, but I have to concentrate really hard and it only works on things that make me happy or calm, no one else.
He said it always seemed like I needed it, which leads me here where I'm explaining the entire conundrum with Gideon and my sister.
"He sounds like a top notch prick!" Bill says at the end of my story, "and how could your sister just force you into it like that?" We're practically finished the test, it's past two hours, but a door never appeared and Bill hasn't gotten his powers back so we just decided to wait. The sun starts to go down as we sit on a grassy hill, just talking.
"I know right?" I sigh, "I guess life just isn't fair."
"You deserve better though, all you have ever done is help other people and yet no one ever helps you." He has a point there, Mabel's happiness has always come before mine and now she is controlling both of ours.
"I just want to make Mabel happy." I look to the sky in dismay. Before Bill can say anything else a door appears in front of us. "I guess it's time to go then."

We step through, well I limp, and are greeted by the big counsel room that we started in.
"Thank you for completing this test, we have taken everything in great consideration." The echo voice says. "Sadly, we will not have a result for a few days. This case is indeed a strange one."

Before we have time to protest, Bill and I are teleported back to the forest outside the Mystery shack where Bill picked me up.
"Well, I guess it's not all over then." I groan, slumping down to the ground in exhaustion.
"I'm so sorry," Bill says sincerely, making my eyes go big and my mouth drop. "For getting you into this, for trying to kill you on multiple occasions, for everything." Did Bill Cipher just apologize to me?
"Bill, it's alright. It's not your fault we had to do that stupid test and I actually had a lot of fun." I feel a little embarrassed saying this but I don't really know why. "I haven't just let go and had a, well, sorta friend in a long time. Thank you." He looks up in surprise, was he expecting me to be mad at him for something?
"I haven't had a... Sorta friend like you in, well ever." He says with a slight blush "all my friends are kinda..."
"Crazy?" I finish for him.
"Yeah." He smiles at this, then looks at my ankle. "Oh, I have my powers back I can fix that for you now!"
"Um, ok but what are you gonna do." I say nervously, being healed with magic by a killer dream demon doesn't exactly seem safe to me.
"Don't worry it won't hurt, I promise." He kneels down and places his hand on my wrapped ankle. A yellow glow emanates from his hands as a warm feeling spreads from that spot to the rest of my body. It feels like something is put back in place and the warmth slowly fades away. Gently he unwraps my ankle and I see that it looks completely fine, it feels healthy too.
"Wow it feels great, thanks" I get up and test it out. Perfectly healed. I spin around in joy causing my skirt to flow a little, then I realize that I'm still in this awful, girly outfit. "Do you think you could take care of this outfit to?"
"I don't know, I'm liking this new look." He laughs, but obliges after I give him a death glare. To my relief, I end up back in my black jeans and t-shirt from before. "I'll let you know when they have made a decision." He says opening a portal.
"Then everything will be over." I say in what I think was a hopeful tone.
"Hope so. Well, I'll see you in your nightmares!" With that he disappears into another dimension, leaving me to walk home and deal with my family alone, this is gonna be fun...

That was a long one! The next one is short so I'll just post these two together. Hope you like!

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