26- What I'm Supposed to Be

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Dipper POV
When I wake up, I'm dazed and confused. Mabel comes in with a basket of laundry and is happy to see me awake.

"W-what happened?" I croak sleepily as she walks over to my bedside.

"You fainted, you've been asleep for a few hours." She says gently.

Then I remember what happened yesterday, I woke up and Bill was missing. Tears run down my face, Mabel looks shocked and hugs me.

"H-he lied a-a-and tricked-d me." I sob, hugging her.

"It's okay," she soothes "talk it out." I nod and sniffle, pulling away.

"It was all a trick, Mabel, he used me to get to the journals and Ford's invention. He turned them into ashes and left me. How could he? Everything was a lie!" I break down into tears again.

She pats my hand shushing me as I sob. I feel as though my life has been torn apart. My only chance of having a nice life is gone, but was it ever there to begin with? I guess I never did have a chance.

"You were right." I whisper to her "whatever you want me to do I'll do it, just... lead me."

"That's what I like to hear." She smiles proudly at me. "You're broken Dipper, you need someone there for you, to take care of you. So I'm sending you away with Gideon for the week."

I just nod, no emotions are coming to me. I guess she's right, I am broken and need help. I'll just do what they say, let them lead me around and do what they wish with me. This is what I was always supposed to do, that distraction is gone and now I must do what I'm supposed to.

Mabel calls Gideon, packs my bag and pulls me out to the parking lot where Gideon is waiting.

"Hiya sweet pea." He purrs as he helps me into his car.

"Hi." I say bluntly.

"We're gonna have a fun week you and I." He chuckles, I can sense the evil. We start to speed down the highway.

"What ever you wish." I don't care anymore if he's evil. I don't have a choice, why fight it.

"Oh, someone has changed their mind..." Gideon seems excited by my new attitude. "I guess you finally fell for me."

"Yes, I suppose I did." I lie "now I am yours."

He chuckles proudly.

"This is gonna be fun!"

Instead of going to his parent's house we end up at an expensive looking little  townhouse, which he seems to own.

"Like my car, I get lots of things." He explains when he sees my confused face.

He caries my bag in as I take off my shoes. When he returns he leads me to the living room where he sits down and pats his lap and whistles for me to come like I'm a dog. I do as he wants and snuggle onto his lap.

"Wow, you sure did change!" He laughs, enjoying my submission.

"Mabel told me you have some mental issues so I'll be watching you carefully. Making sure you get better." He pets my head as I nod. "Mabel gave me some pills to help you sleep, some happy pills if your feeling sad or scared and I'm supposed to make sure your eating enough." I nod again, not knowing what else to do. He chuckles and continues to pet me some more.

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