9- More Problems (6 to be exact)

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Here's a gender bent Pacifica Northwest to give you an idea what Butch and the others would look like.

Dipper POV
The next day I decide to go into town for a change, it's been awhile after being made fun of like a circus animal last time so I guess I'm due. Mabel, of course, wanted to come in case I ran into Gideon. Just to be sure I wouldn't blow him off. Hoping to god I wouldn't see Gideon, we go to the town square and toss pennies into the fountain. I stare at the beautiful, clear water spouting up and sprinkling down. Mesmerized, I don't notice a group of finely dressed gentleman walk towards the fountain.
"Hello," one says, startling me. He looks my age and very, very rich, reminding me of Pacifica. "I'm sorry did I startle you?" I look around and notice that Mabel is talking with the rest of the group.
"Oh no I'm fine thank you." I regain composure and try to be polite. "You don't seem familiar, are you a visitor?"
"Yes for a little while." He smiles and looks down at my chest. Sorry bub, not what you're looking for.
Mabel runs over with the rest of the group and they look me over too.
"Hey bro bro, these are Pacifica's cousins from out of town can you believe that?" Mabel says excitedly.
"Wow, I didn't know Pacifica had so many cousins." I look to see that there are around six of them including the one I was talking to earlier. They all introduce themselves to me and I do the same. "So what are you all doing in Grvaity Falls, if you don't mind me asking." They look at me with big grins on their faces.
"We're here to find life partners, otherwise known as a husband or wife." One says.
"And we thought Pacifica could help us." another finishes.
"Oh wow!" Squeals Mabel "I could help you too, I'm an amazing match maker." They smile at her.
"Careful, once you say yes she won't stop until you are married with three children." I laugh, though some of Mabel's love skills have helped people in the past. I got over Wendy, Soos found Melody and Gruncle Stan actually got Lazy Susan's number!
"I think that would be fun, thank you greatly for your help." The one I talked to, who I now know as Butch says, he seems like the leader of the group.
"Yay!" Mabel grabs a notepad and pen out of her bag and finds a clear page, "Are  you looking for a girlfriend or boyfriend?" Two said girlfriend and three said either is good, then she got to Butch.
"I was gonna say girlfriend, but," he shrugs, "after seeing you, I think either works." He gestures to me and I swear my face is the shade of a tomato.
"No fair Butch!" A cousin yells, "why should you get first dibs?!"
"Because I saw him first!" Butch seems annoyed. I just stand there awkwardly as the group argues, do they not take into consideration that they don't know if I'm gay and/or not interested? Mabel save me! But she doesn't, just stands there writing in her notes.
"Um, ex-excuse me," I try to get there attention, but they just keep fighting, "hey!" I say louder. They finally look over to me. Quickly, I change the way I'm standing to look more dainty. My legs tight together, my hands into a begging position, my biggest puppy dog eyes and my voice the most cute and small as I possibly can. "Please don't fight, I'm sure we can work something out." There eyes go wide and then seem to melt as they stare at me.
"For you, my little flower, anything." Butch says and kisses my hand. I cringe a little, ew, ew, ew, go away, please stop!
"Ease off Butch." one cousin says and the rest agree. Yes Butch, please stop!
"Well we should be heading home." A different cousin says. They say their goodbyes byes and soon walk into the distance. I let out a long relieved sigh and see that Mabel is still standing there writing notes.
"Mabel did you see any of that!" I ask surprised, I would think that if she saw any guy other than Gideon hit on me they would feel her wrath. But she just stood there the whole time.
"See what?" Nice she saw nothing, should I even tell her?
"The way Butch hit on me and their argument about who gets first dibs!" Her eyes grew wide when I said this.
"No way, but you have to date Gideon! Although I guess they deserve a chance." Oh god, I'm gonna end up dating them all!
"We need to talk to Pacifica!" She grabs her phone out of her bag and starts dragging me home.
So now I have to date a bunch of guys I don't know and Gideon then choose a winner like some sort of reality TV series?

And that's exactly what happened, Pacifica and Mabel decided to let the boys pursue me and keep a scoreboard. Then after their decision is clear, I have to date whoever they chose... Do they have any idea how much of tyrants they are? This is like I'm a princess in the Middle Ages or something, and the men are about to have a dual for my heart. Why don't I have a say in this, it's my heart after all!
I sit on my bed thinking it all over, I'm so unhappy. And then it hits me, I have a candle for just such a situation. I reach under my bed and grab the box, taking out the candle and a lighter. I set it in the middle of the room and plop down next to it in a meditation position.
But, what can make me happy right now? I think for a second, maybe it will know. I close my eyes and concentrate on feeling happy, and times when I felt happy. A ball of light appears, when the light fades I see a cellphone laying on the floor. It is opened to contacts, with a picture of Bill and a phone number. Bill? It wants me to call Bill! Why would it give me that, is that what I want maybe? Well, maybe a little chat wouldn't hurt. I pick up the phone and hit dial.
"Hello?" I hear on the other end.
"Hey, Bill?" I say.
"Pine Tree? Oh hey."
"Yeah I used that candle and it gave me a phone with your number, I don't know why."
"Did you ask for it specifically?" What! Why would I just ask for his number.
"No, of course not. I didn't know what I wanted I just focused on being happy."
"Oh, if you thought of a time when you were happy it may try to recreate something that made you happy." He explains, I'm starting to regret calling him. "Does this mean I made you happy?"
"Um, I guess so?"
"Cool, you made me happy to!" He seems overjoyed on the other end.
"Wait," I change the subject, "you have a phone?"
"The candle must have made me one too because this just appeared in my hand and started to ring."
"Oh, sorry if I bothered you, I didn't know what it would do."
"It's alright, do you think we can keep these after?" Did he just ask me a question...?
"Well, if it gives you chocolate like you said it could, then I don't see why it would take these back."
"Nice, I have a human device now!"
"Do you know how to use it?"
"Yes!" He says defensively "I press 'accept call'."
"It can do more then that Bill." I laugh. "Maybe you should teach me some time." I'm surprised at this, can't he just summon a book or find the knowledge in his massive brain?
"Um... Sure, if you want."
"What are you doing right now?" He wants to meet now? I'm not ready!
"Talking to you. But I'm free all day" why did I tell him that!
"Let's meet in the woods."
"In an hour."
"Okay" with that he hangs up, I guess I need to teach him to say good bye first too.

Okay so there are some new characters. People hate when authors add characters, I know, so do I, but they aren't really big characters and will probably leave later. Don't worry I won't make them a big deal, it's just that there weren't many characters that would be 14 and male in Gravity falls for some reason. Anyway sorry again and I'll see you next time! Bye

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