22- Coming Out...

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OMG chapter 22! (My favourite number is 22)

🔝 Picture isn't what he looks like in demon form, I'll probably draw something for that later but I didn't want you guys to have to wait any longer.

Mabel POV (finally! Am I right?)

Me, Butch, Gideon, Kyle and the girls are rushing to the mystery shack in Pacifica's roomy limo. Something is wrong with Dipper and we need Gruncle Stan and Ford. That man in yellow kidnapped my brother after he started to glow and throw flames everywhere. I've never seen him do that, but he is a little screwed up so I wouldn't be surprised if he had some weird magical sickness.

Not to mention that whole thing with Bill and the demon counsel people, Bill probably did that to him. Although now that I think of it Dipper did mention that Bill was in a human form... Omg, Bill Cipher kidnapped my brother! He probably caused Dipper to get sick in the first place. That stupid Dorito head, messing with my brother like a puppet.

We get to the shack and I run in to get the Gruncles. They seem confused but go along with it when I say it's Bill's doing. We all rush into the woods and find the location on the note Bill left. Gruncle Ford says it's a trap, but it's our only chance to get Dipper back. When we enter the small clearing we are shocked to see, standing in the middle, Bill. Just Bill.

"Where is he Cipher!" Ford shouts, holding up his new invention. It's a gun that extracts power from the being it hits, our best chance against a demon like Bill.

I'm expecting Bill to laugh evilly and reveal Dipper all tied up and that this is all some sick plan to kill us all. But he doesn't. He stands there with his arms at his sides and a nervous expression on his face.
"Look," he says seriously "PineTree is here, but he didn't want to scare you."
We look at him confused, he lets out a breath like he's scared and rubs his arm nervously. "He changed a little bit, he is something you didn't know he was. The oracle," he tries to explain, but seems to be having trouble.
"We know you're up to something you crazy bastard, just tell us the truth!" Gruncle Stan yells impatiently.
"Enough!" Comes a voice from behind some trees. We all watch in horror as Dipper walks out, but not normal Dipper. Beautiful, red, feathered wings have grown from his back, causing his shirt to be ripped off. His hair is black with blue stripes on his bangs, his fingernails are replaced with claws and there is a tattoo like pattern imprinted on his left arm.

"Dipper!" We gasp.

"What did you do to him!" I scream accusingly.

"Nothing." Dipper snaps, shocking me.

"He didn't do anything to me, so stop yelling at him." We stand in disbelief. "The oracle was right, Bill and I are soulmates."

"So they did that to you?" Someone says from behind me.

"It's just a trick, you need to get away from that monster." Ford snaps sternly.

"Stop it!" Dipper shouts again. "It's no trick, I'm..." He hesitates and closes his eyes. "I'm in love with him!" We gasp again, this can't be. There has to be something wrong with him.

"Whatever he said to you, Dipper, he lied. He tricked you, he's playing you." Ford pleas, but Dipper won't listen to him.

"Stop it, just stop it!" Dipper yells, tears streaming down his face. "He didn't lie, he didn't do anything to me. I know this is real. Look at me, I changed into this, I have powers, I'm a demon!" Fords mouth is wide open and he lowers his gun. "The oracle said that Bill and I are soulmates and that I am the recipient of a dead demon's power, I was chosen to hold this power." He holds out his hand and swirls around some flames. "See?"

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