37,5- First Mission: Part Two

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Bill POV
Pinetree and I split up and start 'mission distract', I made the name... I think it's cool. Anyway, Pinetree goes looking for this Thomas kid, while I try to intercept the cheerleaders before they get to Mabel.

I quickly find where they are in my mind and rush down the hall, trying to act casual.

When I get to the perfect spot, I wait. Then, at the perfect time, burst through the door and slam into a bratty cheerleader.

"Ugh, watch where you're going!" She yells at me in the most annoying voice I have ever heard.

"Oh! I'm so sorry." I say while helping her up. "I don't know how I didn't see something as beautiful as you~" I look down at her, right into her eyes, letting my hands linger on hers.

"Um... I guess it's okay." She responds. God, she really is a dumb cheerleader.

"You're not hurt are you? I would hate if something as delicate as you were injured~"

"N-no I'm fine."

She's falling.

"Good, a flower like you should be kept safe. Protected from the world. In someone's arms~" I whisper the last part in her ear, with the voice that makes Pinetree stutter and blush a deep red.

"Y-yeah." She sighs, her eyes falling to half-lidded.

"I should be off then, feel free to let me see those gorgeous eyes again sometime~" I say and start to walk away, "Tah Tah!"

Welp, my job is done. And just in time to watch Pinetree.


When I get there, his act has just begun. Let me just say, he is a genius.

His outfit is changed to some very short black shorts and a shirt that hangs off one shoulder, wow! He has the slightest bit of makeup on and looks somewhat scared? Wait...

"Excuse me?" He says sheepishly to Thomas, who is just closing his locker. "Do you think you could show me to the lunch room? I'm new here." He seems rushed and looks around anxiously.

"Sure, nice to meet you! I'm Thomas." The boy says, slightly picking up on Pinetree's actions. "Hey, is everything alright?"

"Yeah no, everything is fi-"

"Hey!" Someone yells from down the hall, rushing up.

"Oh no." Pinetree groans, looking at Thomas fearfully.

"Hey sweet cheeks, how's it going~" a guy says, rushing up to Pinetree and pinning him to a locker.

"I told you, please just leave me alone!" My boyfriend squeals. This is tough to watch, but I think it's planned.

"Hey, leave him alone!" Thomas says angrily, shoving the guy away.

The guy just scuffs and strides away acting like it was nothing, what a douche.

"Th-thank you so much!" Pinetree gasps, hugging Thomas tightly.

"Hey it's alright, a cute little thing like you needs a little protection sometimes right?" Thomas chuckles.

Pinetree giggles adorable, it sounds like his sister's laugh, only even better. Nice. This guy is definitely falling for it. I can see his eyes from here and... Well, I see myself in those eyes. I get it, man, he did that to me too.

"You're so nice! There aren't too many people like you around." Pinetree giggles to Thomas.

"You are just a ball of sunshine! Do you wanna have lunch with me?" Thomas says hopefully.

"Sorry, I still have to go talk to some teachers about the stuff I've missed, but I hope we see each other again sometime!"

"Yeah, I hope..." Thomas says hazily, entranced by the giddy angel in front of him.

Pinetree struts away, hips swaying, down the hall and turns a corner to stand right next to me.

We pretend to slip into the bathroom, but actually, walk through a portal and end up back home.

"You were watching the whole time." Pinetree states bluntly. Turning to stare at me.

"I wanted to see how it went." I chuckle, collapsing on the couch.

Pinetree walks up and sits down next to me, flicking on the tv as he does.

"If you get to watch me I get to watch you." He simply says before finding the spot in time and pressing play.

By the end, Pinetree is laughing. Not just giggling, he is literally rolling on the floor laughing.

"That was the cheesiest thing I've ever seen!" He wheezes, laughter-induced tears streaming down his face. "Is that the best flirting you can do!"

"Hey, it worked didn't it?" I defend, rolling my eyes. "Besides, I didn't want to feel like I was cheating on you or something."

"With skills like that, there is no way you could find someone else." He giggles, clutching at his stomach.

After a few minutes of panting and sighing, Pinetree finally calmed down.

"Did you feel like I was cheating?" He suddenly gets serious.

"No, you were clearly faking it, but I didn't like the look in his eyes. And who was that other guy?" I chuckle, watching as he picks himself off the floor.

"Oh, that was just a hologram kind of thing I made with flame."

"Cool," I say, looking away, not really paying attention to anything.

"Hey," Pinetree says softly "you don't think I'd ever been with anyone else right?"

"No, I know you'd never do that to me, but I hate the way guys see you. You're just so beautiful." I sigh, looking at the ground.

Suddenly, I feel him come closer to me, and he ends up straddling me. This gives me a quick reminder of what he's wearing... Wow!

"That doesn't change anything," he says simply, then leaning in close and whispering into my ear, "I'll always be your little Pinetree~"

I can feel a tingling between my legs, I hope he doesn't notice.

"Pinetree... Does this mean...?" I say shyly.

"Maybe it does~"

...It's happening

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