20- Plan B

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🔝 inspiration.

A lot of people wanted a kiss in this chapter, so in just gonna let you decide what they do at the end of this chapter.

Bill POV
After PineTree explained the concept of  love a little better we decided to go to my mansion and talk it over. I teleport us into the living room, which he has seen before. He walks over to the coffee table and picks up a book.
"Am I Gay?" He read aloud, my face turns red and I instantly teleport the books away.
"It, um, was research." I sit down, avoiding his gaze.
"You're adorable." He giggles and sits next to me. Without thinking, I pick him up and put him on my lap. "Hey what the..." He seems startled, but not appalled.
"Sorry, I just," I pause "have always wanting to do this." He giggles again and snuggles his head in my chest. "So are we like... A thing now?"
"If you want to be." He mumbles without looking up.
"Do you want to be?" I really do have a hard time understanding humans.
"Yes." He says this so simply it surprises me.
"What are we gonna do about Mabel and all that stuff, someone's gonna win that game." I get more worrisome and nervous, but he just sits there, cuddled into my shirt.
"I'm the one who's gonna win."
"Oh yeah, I forgot about your plan with that Kyle guy." I sigh in relief, but it only lasts so long before I start to worry again. "But what if he doesn't win or stabs you in the back."
"I'm still working on a plan B, and if he stabs me in the back... Well I'm gonna need a plan B for that too." He still doesn't look up.
"And Mabel, what if she finds out about us?" I continue to worry.
"She hasn't found out so far." He states.
"That doesn't mean she won't, it's bond to happen." I argue.
"If or when she finds out, I'll talk to her and will act depending on her reactions." He continues to put each question off, like everything is going to happen ten years from now.
"Dipper..." He knows I'm serious when I use his 'name', and finally looks up. "You're miserable, I won't wait and watch you be controlled and played with like a worthless doll. Not to mention we can hardly see each other. I need you with me, I can't be human without you." I think that is called spilling one's heart out in this dimension.
"Bill, I want to be with you, but I can't just leave. I love you and my family, even if they do, do questionable things sometimes." I frown and look away in disappointment. "Listen, I want to try and find a way we can work this all out so that I can have both in my life. If I can't, I will run away with you." I smile excitedly at this. He smiles back sweetly. "I want Mabel and the Gruncles to be at my wedding." He whispers as he snuggles back down into my chest. I open my mouth, but close it again deciding I won't ask anymore questions. Instead I hug him closer, if that's even possible.

His hair smells sweet and piney like a house on Christmas Eve. Though I don't celebrate Christmas, I have gone on a murderous rampage through a house on Christmas Eve. His skin is bright white when I remember it being a little tanned when he was younger. He seems so delicate, but inside I know there is a strong fire of passion. He is everything I want, and when I look into those doe eyes, I see everything I need.

"Bill!" He breaks me from my daze. I blink a few times and shake my head like a dog drying itself. "You okay?" He asks.
"Oh, uh, yeah I'm fine." I stutter. He gets up from my lap, making me whimper a little.
"I have to get up at some point Bill." He laughs. "I should probably get back to the shack." He seems sad, I know I am. "Oh, I wanted to show you something."
"What?" I perk up a little. I get up to meet his level as he takes off his left glove. On his arm, small speckled lines are revealed.
"Oh PineTree, do you know what this means?" I gasp.
"What?" He says nervously.
"You're getting your demon's mark!" He looks at me stupidly, waiting for me to explain.
"Every demon has a marking on their human form, showing their power. Since your power has only now been awakened, it will come in slowly as you build your strength. That means you are more powerful then you can control right now but it will get easier." As I finish explaining he looks at his arm with wonder.
"Well, I have been working on that flame thing lately." He says, closing his eyes and making some flame appear in his hands. Hesitantly, he opens one eye followed by the other and smiles. I gasp at the little red orb in his palm. He  whips his hand shut and the flame is gone.
"Wow," I sigh "I bet once all your magic is awoken you will be able to do a lot more." He stares at his hands smiling proudly.
"When do you think that will happen?" He asks. I snap in a book to help me with this answer.
"It says here that it will likely all come out at once, during an extremely emotional time. This will result in you involuntarily transforming into your demon form, you will be able to change freely after that point." I close the book away and noticed that his face looks perplexed.
"I'm gonna be a shape?" He deadpans, making me giggle.
"Actually, from the legends I've heard, the last God of Music and Love retained most of her human form and had wings like Cupid. But it might be different for you." I explain, he looks excited again and I smile. "That spark in your eye," I say coming closer and pulling him into my chest again, pecking a light kiss on his lips "it's like fireworks going off."

A bit shorter, I know, but there's about to be some dramatic shiz soon so... I'm taking my time.

Also, I drew a billdip comic a little while ago and someone wanted to see it so...

Also, I drew a billdip comic a little while ago and someone wanted to see it so

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It's really shit and hard to read so I'm gonna write what it says.
1- Bill, "Oh PineTree..."
Dipper, "no Bill, no."
2- Bill, "I didn't even tell you yet. *sniffles*"
Dipper, "fine Bill, what do you want?"
3-Bill- "I wanted to show you something I made!"
4- Bill- "what do you think Pinetree? *seductive wink (or blink, it's hard to tell)*"
7- *texting*
Dipper- "I have to tell you something"
Mabel- "k wat is it?"
Dipper- "I'm"
Mabel- wat!
Dipper- "Gay!"

So yeah... There you go.

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