45- Holiday Miracles

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Dipper POV

"Shit, I forgot that one!" Stan whispers under his breath.

"Hehe... Hey Sixer!" Bill chuckles nervously.

"Ford, don't do this." I say, slowly standing up.

"Why shouldn't I? Give me one good reason not to kill the demon that lied to me, used me, and almost killed me and my family!" He yells, cocking the gun.

"Because he is your family Ford!" Stan yells.

While Ford is distracted, Bill and I pull a swap. He teleports out of the line of fire, while I cover him with flames. Then, Bill teleports the gun into his own hands, twirling it around in his hand before setting it down on the table.

"Don't even try Ford," I say sternly, "it's fucking Christmas." Then I burn the gun to ash, being careful not to harm the table.

"In all fairness, it was just business." Bill states, looking hopefully at Ford.

"Your business is taking over the world and killing my family, demon!" Ford yells, trying to find another weapon.

"Taking over the world was my business, and I never wanted to kill your family Sixer. I still don't, and my dimension domination days are over." Bill explains casually.

"Also he has a name, Ford." I snap, "and so do I. My name is Demetri Love and I'm a demon, get over it asshole."

Everyone but Stan has wide eyes at this point.

"I thought you were smart Dipper, that you wouldn't fall for it." Ford is now speaking softly, though I can still hear the venom in his voice.

"Smart doesn't mean paranoid. Sometimes you gotta trust people, because you need people to fall back on. Sometimes the person you trust can stab you in the back, but you have to learn to trust again." I say sadly, sitting back down.

Ford takes a deep breath.

"I trust you Dipper." He sighs, "but how can I trust him?"

"Because I trust him." I say simply.

There's a moment of silence. Everyone sits down and relaxes slightly.

"Besides," I add "I'm a lot more powerful than him, so if he tries something we're all safe."

Stan, Bill and I all laugh. Ford looks curious. Mabel is still stone faced.


The afternoon went by quite fast. We talked and answered questions for Ford, those we could answer. He seemed satisfied with the answers, but still a little hesitant towards us, Bill especially. Mabel didn't say much except for asking the odd question. Bill and I helped cook the meal with Stan. I did all the actual cooking portion of the job while Bill helped out anywhere he could, human style. Ford was impressed by his human abilities.

Now, after eating the meal, we lay in the living room. Stomachs sickeningly full, with a cup of hot chocolate in our hands.

"Wow, Christmas for humans is way better than demons!" Bill laughs.

"I like demon Halloween better than human Halloween though." I say.

"Yeah, that's true."

"What's demon Halloween?" Ford asks.

"That, Sixer, may be a question you don't want to know the answer to." Bill chuckles, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. "This stuff is amazing! We should have it at our cafe."

"I'll add it to the list." I laugh, taking a sip of my own.

"Cafe?" Mabel says from the corner.

"Yeah, once we get everything sorted out with the new job and everything, we're thinking of starting a little cafe here in Gravity falls." I exclaim.

"Cool, we can see you whenever we want." Stan says excitedly.

"All we're missing is an extra employee who can work when we have a mission." Bill says thoughtfully.

"I think we should get Teeth to do it." I suggest.

"Yeah, I guess so. He is a lot more human now a days."

"Hey Dipper?" Mabel cuts into the conversation once again.


"What are those?" She points to mine and Bill's hands.

I look down and notice that she's probably talking about our rings. They are almost exactly the same except Bill's is gold and it glows when something important is about to happen, good or bad. It should be pretty obvious what they mean, but maybe she's playing dumb.

"The rings? Oh.... Yeah." I look to Bill, seeing his reassuring smile. "Well, Bill and I are engaged."

Mabel starts choking on her beverage and Ford deadpans. The only one that's okay in this situation is Stan.

"That's great!" He cheers excitedly.

"You're getting married?!" Ford gasps when he finally registers what's going on.

"Yup!" Bill says excitedly. "I actually asked him last night."

There's an awkward moment of silence before Bill continues.

"Sixer, I know this is a lot to ask, but do you think you could officiate the wedding?"

Now I start choking.

"You're still getting used to this whole demon family thing, I know. But you're the best person I know that can officiate a demon wedding. Remember when you got that license in the dream scape?"

"How did you know about that?" Ford asks. To which Bill just shrugs.

"Well if we're asking people to do stuff at the wedding, Mabel, if it's not too much to ask, can you be my maid of honour? Or best woman, or what ever you would call it." I ask as soon as I can breath again.

Mabel and Ford look at each other for a second, having a silent conversation. Bill's ring starts to glow and so does mine from the anticipation. After a moment, Mabel gets up and walks over to me.

"Yes, I'd love to." She says as she hugs me as tight as she can.

I can feel the tears that have been building up for so long.

"I missed you." She sniffles.

"I missed you too Mabel."

In the background, I hear Ford sigh.

"Well, I guess it wouldn't kill me to officiate a wedding. I don't think." He says.

With that, Bill jumps up and gives Ford a big hug.

"Thank you, great uncle in law Ford!" Bill laughs, squeezing him.

"Please don't call me that Bill, and for god sake let go!" He struggles in Bill's grip.

"Aw, you love me Fordzy!"

This, is all I've ever wanted.

The end

Merry Christmas!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this story, I really didn't expect it to do well and it never would have gotten this far without you guys. So thank you. Thank you for giving me the joy of writing this fanfiction. Thanks to @AutumnWolf20 for helping me edit a few chapters so this finale is the best it can be, it made my life easier trying to get this out on time. Stay tuned on Boxing Day for an extra little surprise. Thank you all so much again.

Your author- Nyx Tenebris

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