42- Cocktails with Friends

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🔝 the song is the one they are humming.

Bill POV

It's the day before Christmas Eve and Pinetree and I decided to decorate the house for our cocktail party. I'm setting up some gold sparkly stuff all around the house, while Pinetree tackles the tree. He said he wanted it to be different, but I'm not really sure what that means.

"Okay Bill come look!" He yells from the living room.

"Coming!" I shake the gold from my hair and clothes, leaving a little dust pile of the floor.

Quickly snapping it away, I walk to the living room. When I enter, I'm amazed. This is no human Christmas tree, it's so much better. Instead of being made from a pine tree (😏) with lights, this tree is made from stars. Little, golden, sparkling stars that light up the whole room.

"Wow, it's beautiful." I sigh contently, taking in its feeling of warmth.

"Come closer." He whispers, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to the tree. I stare intently at a star, and as soon as I get close enough, a little scene starts to play in the star. It's of me and my brother building a fort somewhere in the dreamscape when we were just little, it was one of the very few times we could work together.

"Memory stars!" I gasp, watching the scene turn back into pure light.

"Yup, when you look at one you see one of your fondest memories."

Now it's even more beautiful. I look at another one, this one is more recent. It's from when Pinetree and I were still just friends, he's teaching me how to use my phone and we're laughing really hard.

Suddenly I feel warmth on my shoulder. I look down to see my boyfriend, leaning against me with a dreamy look in his eyes as he stares at the tree.

"I still think this place could use a little more decoration." I say, putting my arm around him.

"Yeah, you're right."

He starts to hum a fast little tune, shooting fires from his hands. These flames form into decorations. He starts to sing and I sing back up while we magic decorations all around the house. By the time we're done, it looks amazing.

"This is great! Why don't we do this for other human holidays?" I look over to Pinetree for a reply, but he just walks over and leans on me again.

This time, however, he seems to be tired.

"Wanna go for a nap?" I ask, picking him up and letting him snuggle into my chest.

"right here is perfect." He yawns.

I chuckle and walk to our bedroom holding him close to me.

Once he's laid down and asleep, I write a note and grab my jacket. I have a very important gift to pick up.

He may be working hard, but this is going to be the best Christmas yet.

***le timeskip de Noel!***

Dipper POV

"Okay try this one!" I say, sliding a glass over to Bill.

I've been practicing different cocktails all morning, trying to figure out how to make drinks. I decided not to drink, because it bothers Bill a little bit and it's Christmas Eve. I can have a few sips of egg nog though.

"I think it needs more tequila." He states plainly.

"You say that every time. This recipe doesn't even have tequila!" I groan, cleaning up the table and glasses.

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