3- The Perfect Exception

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I didn't explain it very well so here, Gideon is now very tall and buff (like Gaston from Beauty and the Beast) and Dipper has a thin waste (adding a little curve), soft lips, big eyes with long eyelashes and delicate hands. So there you go.

Bill's POV
I sit on the couch of my new mansion, examining the flesh covered bones in front of me.

-Flash back-

"This can't be right!" I yelled at the boss in vain.
"Oh, but it is Cipher," he responded calmly.
"But... but he has a human form!"
"Which brings me to my next order of business," snapping his fingers, I started to feel a tingling sensation flow through me. A few minutes later I was laying on the floor covered in sweat... "Wait sweat!" I thought, looking down and see a human body where my triangle used to be. "This is for the time being until you win his affection, you'll need it," he continued "you still have all your powers and I have arranged a brand new mansion on the east end for you to stay in, for all your human needs."
"Affection! But it's wrong, there is no way that would happen!" I started to panic.
"To reject the oracle's word you and your soul mate must pass a test to prove you are wrong for each other," he explains "if you pass, the proposal is lifted and you go back to your triangle form."
"And if we don't?" I asked a little sheepishly.
"Then you two are obviously meant for each other and you stay in your human form forever."Like, forever? I think as he continued "if you gain his affection without the test you will be given the freedom to triangle back."

-End of flash-

"Ugh, what am I gonna do!" I think out loud "I can't stay like this forever, but there is no way the oracle is right! Hmm..." I use my powers to put live footage on the television. I see the people in Gravity falls, scrolling through until I find what I'm looking for. "Wow, he changed! Even looks a little good." Realizing what I said, my eyes go wide, "I didn't mean that! It's this stupid human body and its emotions, I don't know what I'm doing. Oh, look at that," I distract myself "he has a boyfriend! wait is that... Wow, didn't expect that." I relax a little. There is no way this can be right, he has a boyfriend and everything.

Dipper POV
Before I realize what's happening, there's a large bowl of spaghetti and basket of garlic bread in front of me.
'Going for the lady and the tramp style I see!' I think 'let's hope this doesn't go the same direction as that spaghetti bowl did!' I smile gently at him, taking another sip of wine. Gideon notices my slightly empty glass and refills it, is he trying to get me drunk? Because it might work if I don't eat something quick.
"You really pulled out all the stops." I finally say, trying to stop this constant silence of him just staring at me. I grab a piece of bread and take a bite, I have to admit it's pretty good but that's probably because he hired some fancy chef.
"I'm glad you like it," he says, picking his fork up and shoving it in the middle of the bowl. Wrapping a bite of pasta on the fork he holds it up to my face.
'Oh No!' I chuckle a little like he's joking, hoping to god he's joking. He's not. He stares into my eyes with an expectant look.
I'm gonna have to eat it aren't I? He keeps the fork there. Yep. I lean forwards and slide the pasta of the fork as fast as possible. He smiles as I chew, fighting the urge to crawl under the table and die.
"So," he says, helping himself to the pasta instead of me. "I've noticed you changed your wardrobe." Of course he would notice that. He was right though, after last summer I ditched the red t-shirt and shorts, settling on black jeans and usually a t-shirt with a band logo or gaming reference printed on the front.
"Yeah, I guess you could say that," I nod, "you know, you've changed a lot to." I desperately try to get the topic off myself for a minute.
"Really, how so?" He smirks mischievously, he knows very well the answer to his question but he wants me to say it.
"Um, well," I stutter, "definitely a lot taller, buff too and more defined cheek bones."
"Oh, you're such a flirt." He says, pleased with my answer. Great know he thinks I'm flirting and the pasta is almost gone, what's next? A game of truth or dare?

I sip my wine again even though I promised myself I would stop. After the pasta is gone, he takes the plate away and it is replaced with two beautiful creme brûlée. Then a blowtorch appears and he bakes the top of mine, when the flame disappears I can see he burnt a heart into it. That is so cheesy, I'm gonna gag! I smile, trying to stop myself from cringing.
"You have a little sauce on your cheek" he whispers.
'Don't go there!'
"Let me get it." He kisses my cheek gently with his tongue brushing against my skin.
He went there! with out a word I just start eating my dessert pretending nothing happened.
After a little while, I looked up. Gideon had a remote in his hand. Music began to play, it's slow and I know where this is going. He offers his hand but I don't take it.
Lets just get this over with! I get up and walk over to the middle of the clearing, my heels clicking a little on some stones in the ground.
Oh yeah, I'm wearing heels. Oh yeah, I'm wearing a dress! I blush at the realization and take a peak behind me. Gideon just stands there taking in the view which seems to be me at the moment.
'Oh god, he's definitely checking me out!' I think looking up at his eyes 'and he's staring right at my butt! God no, god no!' I cough to get his attention, he walks over and gently grabs my hips. We start to sway back and forth, this is disgusting! I try to keep my distance but he pulls me closer.
His hands move down my back a little, and his other hand under my chin forcing me to look up at him.
'Wait a minute,' I think, looking at his face 'he's not even gay! The way he admires my features and checks out my slight curves, he looks at me like a girl. The other Mabel that he might have a chance with.' With this swirling around my head I move my hands from is neck, to his hips. Without warning he spins me around, nocking my balance slightly so that I hold onto his neck as a stabilizer. We go back to swaying and my hands are back on his neck.
I knew it! My mind goes back to when he first asked me out.
'I realized that, though I am more interested in girls, you would make a perfect exception. I see now that it wasn't Mabel I was attracted to before, it was you!' He had said.
'It wasn't me you were attracted to, it was Mabel, it was always Mabel! You said it yourself, I'm the perfect exception.' I look down in disappointment 'why would I think that anyone would want me instead of Mabel. Me!' Then something pops into my head 'wait a sec, this means I don't have to fall in love with him right? All I have to do is explain it to Mabel and she'll sort him out!' I smile a little, but I guess Gideon takes it the wrong way. He puts on a big grin and drops me into a dip, leaning in and closing his eyes.
'Nope, that's it I'm done.'
I move away quickly and stand up straight.
"Well I should be getting home, lots of work to do tomorrow." I walk away a little without looking back.
"Oh I get it," he says behind me "you wanna play hard to get don't'cha? That's alright I'll play along, but I'm already winning!" He laughs and I turn to him in confusion "I almost had you there! This'll be a cinch!"
A car pulls up and we get in, soon I'm back at the mystery shack.
Gideon walks me to the door, but grabs me by the wrist before I can get inside.
"I will win your heart Dipper Pines, just you wait!" he walks away into the night, probably trying to look cool. A chill crawls down my spine, that sounded like the evil Gideon from last summer... Walking in the shack, I sigh a sigh of relief and go to the kitchen grabbing myself a pit-cola. When I close the refrigerator door, Mabel, Candy, Grenda and Pacifica are staring at me. I stumble back a little,
"Mabel, you startled me!" I whine, but she doesn't listen.
"How did it go? Did you kiss? Did you fall in love? Are you two a thing now?!" She yells rapidly. I sigh again, though not in a relaxed way this time.
'I'm to tired to deal with this right now, and I'm probably a little buzzed from that wine so I don't want to say anything I will regret later.'
"Not now Mabel, I can tell you about it tomorrow but I'm really tired right now." They get a little disappointed but seem to understand.
"Alright but we want all the details tomorrow!" Pacifica says as they rush back upstairs.
'Maybe it would be better to sleep in Zoos's break room tonight.'

I just wanna say thank you so so so much to undyneZ for correcting my story so far, she's amazingly good at it and this story would be confusing without her, go check her out! She has some fanfics written and they seem to be doing well. Thanks again. 🐿

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