18- I'm Sorry I Love You

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🔝 here's the song!

Bill POV
"Shouldn't you be going home?" I ask curiously. PineTree had me magic in some ingredients and he now proceeded to make human food for us. "You can stay!" I quickly correct myself "I just thought you would be worried about Mabel freaking out at you." He laughs as he measures stuff into a bowl.
"Yeah I probably should be home right now, but we haven't hung out in a while, we just found out some ground breaking news, and I don't even have a good excuse yet." I make an understanding face and sit on the counter while I watch him cook.
"Hey if you're a demon, you have powers now!" I suddenly realize. He turns to me with curiosity plastered on his face.
"Really? Can I just snap and things will appear like you do!" He asks continuing the cooking.
"I don't know I think most powers are different for everyone. Although, all the friends I have that are gods can make objects and stuff appear." His face lights up and he closes his eyes tight, concentrating, but when he snaps nothing appears.
"You have to want it, need it, like with that candle I got you." I laugh. He tries again, but again nothing happens. "It could be that you don't have your powers refined and fully awakened yet, at least not completely. You don't even know if snapping is the right way to do it. Give it some time." He sighs but nods.
"The food is ready I guess." He says with a plate full of human looking... Something.
"What is it?" I ask, probably sounding stupid.
"Pancakes, it's human food!" He laughs and we sit down at the little breakfast bar curving the kitchen. I seem to be holding the fork and knife right, I'm good with knives, but after that I have no clue what to do. He sits in front of me, cutting off a price of his pan-cake and sticking it in his mouth. I hesitantly follow. He teaches me how to chew and swallow and soon I get the hang of it. I eat three pancakes in a minute, causing PineTree to giggle at me.
"What?" I say fake defensively.
"Hungry?" He giggles out.
"I don't need food I'm a demon! This is just really good, and eating is fun." I mumble the last part, earning more giggles.
"Thanks, wait does that mean you don't need sleep either?"
"Then why did you sleep with me last night?"
"Because that is also fun, and you looked cold... And cute." I mumble the end again, but he hears the last part. His eyes go wide and he continues to eat his food in silence, blushing slightly.

After a while we're both finished and I have snapped the dishes away.
"Ready to go home then?" I ask awkwardly.
"Yeah, Mabel's probably having a cow right now."
We teleport back into the woods somewhere around the shack, but not too close so there would be less risk of someone finding us. I look over to PineTree smiling, but he's just looking at the ground.
"Is there something wrong?" I ask fearing he's upset with me.
"Bill, I..." He mumbles, still not looking up "I need to tell you something but I don't know how."
"Hey it's okay." I try to comfort him "you are the God of music and love, you can express your emotions and mind through music now. Just open your mouth like you did before and sing it." He perks up a little and nods.
"I guess that could work." He looks around a little to make sure no one is around and steps away from me. Closes his eyes and opens his mouth. When he starts, music starts with him; that's new.

Never put my life out on the line.
Never said yes to the right guy.
Never had trouble getting what I want,
But it comes to you I'm never good enough.

He starts to glow slightly, but I try to listen to the lyrics.

When I don't care,
I can play them like a Ken doll.
Won't wash my hair,
And make them bounce like a basket ball.

The flames start to emanate around him, spinning slowly.

But you,
Make me wanna act like a girl,
Paint my nails and wear high heels.
Yes you,
Make me so nervous that I just can't hold your hand.

He starts to move his hands around while he sings, the flames move and form with him. He realizes this as he continues to sing.

You make me glow.

This makes more flames.

But I cover up,
Won't let it show

He wraps the light around him like a blanket.

So I'm,
Putting my defences up.

A see-through shield is formed.

Cause I don't wanna fall in love
If I ever did that,
I think I'd have a heart attack.

Now a heart appears in the sky. He really has figured out his powers, the flames are the power, visible magic.

I think I'd have a heart attack!

Does he really mean what he's saying? I don't understand how this human stuff works, does he love me like a friend? No he's in love with me! Was it the magic from last night? Did it poison his brain? Nothing makes sense!

Never break a sweat for the other guys,
But when you come around I get paralyzed.
And every time I try to be myself,
It comes out wrong like a cry for help.

It's like he's talking to me now as he sings, pleading. He's spilling his heart out to me, and I don't know what to do.

It's just not fair.
Means more trouble than it all is worth.
I gasp for air,
It feels so good but you know it hurts.

Do I hurt him! No I think he means emotionally, but it feels good? What does this mean! I'm screaming inside, I can't make sense of these emotions.

Like you,
Make me wanna act like a girl.
Paint my nails and wear perfume,
For you.
Make me so nervous that I just can't hold your hand!

He continues to use his hands and control his powers, but he is focused on me and the words to the song. Giving me his message.

You make me glow.
But I cover up,
Won't let it show.
So. I'm.
Putting my defences up,
Cause I don't wanna fall in love.
If I ever did that,
I think I'd have a heart attack.

I don't know what do. I don't know what this means. It doesn't make sense.  I can't stay here, it's too much.

Dipper POV
I stop singing, I can't anymore. There's no more to say. I can't handle this pressure. Right when I think I might run away, Bill disappears.
"I'm sorry." I whisper to myself and walk back to the mystery shack. I guess I ruined another friendship.

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