44- Pancakes

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Dipper POV

I flutter my eyes open, feeling Bill's arms wrapped around me. I sigh happily and cuddle into him more, closing my eyes again.

"Happy Christmas Pinetree~" Bill whispers groggily.

"It's merry Christmas, Bill." I giggle. "Wait. It's Christmas!"

I jump up from bed, sending the blankets flying.

"Hey!" Bill complains, reaching for the blankets.

"Bill, we have to get up. We're going to the mystery shack!" I yell excitedly, running to my wardrobe to get dressed.

Bill sits up slowly and rubs his eyes.

"Come on sleepy!" I chuckle, shaking him.

"Okay okay." He whines.

"Did Stan say anything about a dress code?" I ask, pulling out a tasteful sweater and some black jeans.

"I'll ask him." Bill says yawning as he pulls out his phone.

I shrug and pull on the jeans.

A few minutes later, Bill and I are both dressed. Bill's phone buzzes as we sip our coffee.

"He says as long as we don't show up in demon form, we're good." He laughs.

"Okay we're fine then."

I get up and put on my thin blue trench coat. Bill follows suit, pulling on his matching yellow tail coat. He forms
a portal and we hop through.

On the other side we find ourselves in a snowy wonderland. I instantly recognize the trees that surround us, the gravity falls forest.

"It's great to be back gravity fa-" I'm interrupted by a blanket of snow falling on my head.

I look over to my left, seeing Bill. Laughing his ass off. Shaking my head and dusting off my jacket, I start to walk in the direction I know is towards the mystery shack. Bill follows behind, not seeing a small burst of flame in my hands. Suddenly I stop.

"Do you hear that?" I ask, turning around.

Bill turns also, looking back to the path we've just walked on.

"No, what do y-" this time it's him who is interrupted.

When he turns to look at me, I can see the damage I made. His face is caked in snow, with only his eyes visible. I wish I could see his reaction, but I'm already ten feet away by the time he registers what had happened.

"Hey!" He yells from behind me, running after me as I laugh.

He teleports in front of me, but gets hit by another snow ball. By the time he catches up to me, he tackles me and we roll down to the ground. We laugh for a moment before I realize where we are. Right outside the mystery shack!

"Bill!" I whisper, getting up quickly.

He gets up too, snapping away the snow we're covered in. I slow our heart beats down to a normal speed so we're not panting.

"You ready?" I ask him, staring at the door in front of me.

"Are you?" He holds up my hand.

My ring, the one Bill gave me, my engagement ring, is glowing.

"The real question is, are they?"

"Let's find out."

With that, Bill reaches out and knocks on the door.

Stan POV

Dipper and Bill should be here any minute. I should be nervous, but I'm actually excited. I just hope it will go well. Plus, while Ford was helping Mabel with the tree, I took the liberty of locking away and hiding all the demon weaponry in the house. Just incase.

I'm making the last of the pancakes for breakfast and setting out two more plates while Mabel isn't looking, when there's a knock at the door.

"Who's that?" Mabel says loudly, walking to the door.

I walk to the door, shortly after. Bill and Dipper are standing there awkwardly, with Mabel staring back at them in disbelief.

"H-hi Mabel!" Dipper laughs nervously.

"Hey shooting star!" Bill smiles more naturally.

She doesn't say anything, just steps aside and lets them in.

"Hey guys!" I say as cheerily as possible.

"Gruncle Stan!" Dipper runs up and hugs me.

"Don't be shy Bill." I laugh, noticing his awkward attempt at a hand shake.

Without warning I pull him into a hug.

"Mabel, I know this is hard for you, I'm sorry, I just want the family back together." I say sombrely, looking to Mabel.

"It's fine." She says blankly, walking away.

There's a shared moment of confused silence from the three of us before we follow her into the kitchen.

"So I made some pancakes." I say gesturing to where they can sit.

"I love pancakes!" Bill gasps excitedly.

"I remember." I laugh "it won't be as good as yours, but I did the best a human can."

"I honestly can not explain why magic flames taste so good." Dipper laughs.

"I was hoping you guys could help cook the turkey today?"

"No problem." Bill responds casually.

"So Mabel... How are you?" Dipper asks.

"Just fine thank you." Her demeanour remains blank of emotion as she chows down on her pancakes. "You?"

"I'm great, we're great." His voice dies away at the end.

"How's the job?" I ask, trying to move the conversation forward.

"Great, we've just finished training not too long ago." Dipper says, thankful for a slight release of tension.

"Do you get days off for the holidays? Well, do you even have a holiday?"

"We have a week off work to do as we please, but there aren't really any religion or heavy traditions. It's just rest time." Bill chimes in. "But poor Pinetree has to work through the holidays."

"Why?" Mabel asks suddenly.

"Being the God of love and passion, I'm responsible for all love in the world, and Christmas needs a lot of love." Dipper explains.

"He basically has to sing a lot." Bill adds.

Mabel simply nods.

"What are you doing here." A low grumbly voice says from the corner of the room.

I look to see an angry Ford, with a gun pointed at Bill's head.

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