25- Bad Dreams

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Ford POV

As I close the door behind me, a hint of guilt strikes my heart. I know this needs to happen, for the good of my nephew and safety of man kind, I need to stop this. I nod to Mabel as she pushes the release button. We watch through a camera as the gas starts to seep into the room. We turn on the power demobilizer as it starts to become visible. Within a minute, the two are asleep. When the smoke clears we enter with stretchers.

The sight is something I'm sure I will never forget. Laying on the floor is Dipper, in a fearful position, fast asleep and cuddled up to who he says is his lover. It disgusts me to think that Bill is the one he has chosen, that Bill has tricked him so easily. But, no matter how hard I try, I can never rid of the joy deep down that I feel when I see them smile. When they are together.

Soos, Wendy and Stan come in to help us as we pull the couple apart and carry them away in the stretchers.

We carry them into two separate containment chambers that sit side by side. They are basically white rooms with a one way mirror so that we can monitor the creature inside. I've set up a chair in each room.

We strap the boys into a chair and I give each a shot of the serum, then we exit the room to watch what happens.

The two look distressed, like they are experiencing a nightmare. I turn up the power demobilizers slightly, so only the strongest of their powers can come out.

We continue to watch as Bill begins to shake and tears fall from his eye. Dipper, however, seems angry or shocked as tears fall from his eyes as well.

The sound of music can be heard as flames rise from each of them, collecting and moving to the wall that divides them. They continue to cry a shake while the flames try to reach each other, pounding at the walls. I'm about to turn up the demobilizer again, though the flames begin to fade, eventually they disappear and the boys are left in a still slumber. Though they definitely aren't in peace.

When we are sure it's safe we open the doors and unstrap them from the chairs. Mabel and Stan carry Dipper away, while Wendy, Soos and I set up a prison like room in the chamber. Taking away the chair and adding a small bed, night stand and textbook about math or something. When we're finished we set Bill down on the bed and leave, setting up the alarm system for when we wakes up.

"Now, you know the plan." I say, turning to Wendy and Soos. "We don't say anything about what really happened, what they dreamt is the only truth they need to know." They nod sadly and return to the gift shop to continue work.

When Mabel and Stan arrive back in the lab, Mabel looks proud and pleased with the job well done. Stan, sadly, doesn't look like he feels the same way. He wears a frown on his face and looks to the ground in shame.

"It had to happen Stanly." I pat his shoulder as comfortingly as possible. He nods, still not looking up from the ground.

"How long do you think it will be until they wake up?" Mabel breaks the silence, sounding like her usually bubbly self.

"A few hours at most." I say simply.

With that we all return to work like nothing had ever happened.

Dipper POV

I woke up on my bed, cold and alone. I start to walk around looking for Bill, but I can't find him. Then, finally, I go outside to see him standing in the middle of the drive, his back to me.

"Bill? What's wrong, what are you doing?" I call out, but he doesn't respond.

He turns around and I see that he is holding the weapon that Gruncle Ford created to help fight demons. Along with the now four journals, three of which were rewritten. I look at him confused as he starts to laugh. In an instant the weapon and journals are in flames as he laughs evilly.

"Bill no!" I cry, but it's too late. It's all in ashes on the ground.

"Thanks for your time, PineTree!" He laughs as he turns back into his triangle form. "It took a lot of time and effort, but I got what I wanted." My eyes go wide.

"You..." I gasp.

"That's right PineTree, I used you." He yells "and it took long enough, I didn't think I could withstand all that lovey human crap anymore."

"But, what about the counsel? We're soulmates!" I can feel tears coming down my cheeks.

"It was all a big prank I pulled off with a few of my friends. An illusion!"

"What about my powers, I'm a demon."

"Just a trick I played with my powers. Did you really think that we were meant to be? That anyone would love you!" He laughs in my face.

"I-I..." I cry harder, not knowing what to say.

"Haha, I'll see you later kid. Thanks again for being so ignorant!" He teleports away and I'm left crying my eyes out. It's too much, I feel like I'm gonna...

The world goes black.

Sorry for the short one guys!

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