16- Made of Pure Magic

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It was a little late, but here you go! I took the time to draw Dipper in his dress, hope you like it. It took me about 4-5 hours of work because I suck at drawing, so I don't think I'll draw Bill unless this gets to 50 votes! (That's an awful goal, I know). But yeah, hope you like it!

Just a little reminder that Dipper's singing;

Looks like this!

And Bill's looks like;


And together it's written;

like this!

And I think if they have different lines but sing at the same time, I'm gonna write it like this;

Hey it's Dipper and Bill
Hey it's Bill and Dipper

Also, the songs are dark horse and Et. I'll put Et at the top and dark horse on the bottom for you to listen to.

Dipper POV
Bill and I talked for a while and played around until it got dark (ha, that sounds wrong). I probably should be worried about Mabel getting mad at me, but who cares. This is the first time I have been able to hangout with Bill in a while and I want it to last. Ever since Bill came into my life, everything just got easier. I'm not as lonely or scared, and my drinking habits have gone down considerably. But something always sticks in the back of my brain, "is this wrong?". I mean I know Bill has defiantly changed and I forgive him for what he's done to me and my family. But what about this prophesy, about us being soulmates? Maybe we could just be friends and that counts? It scares me and I don't know what to think. Memories of us hanging out, hugging, dancing, rerun in my brain like a broken record while I wonder what it all means. Bill's human form is breathtaking, as a gay person thing to say (that's a reference to chapter 7) and I really do care for him now that we're friends. That day we kissed, it felt like the whole world stopped and the only things left were us. The way his lips fit perfectly in mine, how warm and soft he felt. I find myself day dreaming about it... Wanting more.

"And that's why I'm on the American bill!" Bill says happily, breaking me from my thoughts.
"Bill, can I ask you something?" He seems surprised at first but nods and let's me continue "are you worried about the prophesy thing? About us being soulmates?" He stops dead in his tracks, staring intently at me with a confused look.
"What do you mean?" He asks nervously.
"I don't know." I shrug "since we're friends and all. It got me worried, how can we be sure that test went how we wanted it to? How can we be sure that we're right?" I look at the ground, awaiting his response. He clears his throat.
"Well," he says nervously "there is way we can test it on our own, if you want to." I look up from the ground, my eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.
"Really! How?" He chuckles awkwardly at my excitement.
"Since the prophesy also says that you are a demon, we could test if that is true." He begins to explain "if you really are the new God of music and love, and I'm your soulmate, something will happen if we sing together." I think it over for a second, contemplating the risks.
"What will happen?"
"I don't know." He says disappointedly.
"Well I guess we could try, it's not like we have much choice other than waiting."  He looks at me surprised.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, let's do it." I giggle excitedly. He smiles and snaps his fingers. A book appears, the same book I read from the first time he told me about this whole soulmate thing. He reads through a few pages, mumbling to himself.
"It says here that all you have to do is empty your mind and start to sing, don't even think of a song just sing." He explains and snaps away the book. "Then if it feels right, I will start singing too." I nod my head and stand in the middle of the small clearing we are stopped at in the woods. "Whenever it feels right, just open your mouth and the words will form themselves." Bill says softly, stepping away. I close my eyes and clear every thought from my mind, which is usually harder for me. I take a deep breath and begin to sing.

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