29- Prison Break (brought to you by bad ass Stanley)

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Thanks to everyone who left comments on my last AN, your feedback helps so much and I'm grateful for your communication! Thanks so much!!

**warning: emo Bill (cringy)**

Bill POV
It's all over. This cell is my new world and I'll die here. When Ford is done doing tests and asking questions I don't answer, he'll get rid of me and my suffering will end. I would try to kill myself, but that takes a lot of effort and why bother. I guess I kind of owe Ford all the research he can get, it was my fault Pinetree died. I took him to the mindscape, I got distracted, I couldn't save him. He died because of me.

Ford does some dumb experiment everyday, followed by a tornado of questions. I co-operate during the experiments, which Ford praises me on, but I know I can't tell him everything he wants to know. It's against demon law. If I told him, the counsel would find out and get rid of him. I've killed enough of the Pines family.

I refuse to eat or drink anything, it's not like it can kill me. I hardly move, but I don't sleep, just replay it all through my head. I try to picture his face, smiling at me, but all I can see is his limp, blood splattered body in my arms. I can only somewhat remember the nice times we've had together, everyday that passes it gets harder to remember. It's hard to remember the feeling of happiness, then again I only had it for a small amount of time. He was my happiness, my shining star, my everything, and now he's gone.

After my little breakdown I went back to laying on my bed, starring at the ceiling. Ford didn't do anything, but I know he was watching. My powers must have been flaring because he kept pulling it out of me. How he figured out how to do that, I don't know, but I do know that it can be really dangerous. That's how he's gonna kill me in the end. That's okay though, I deserve to die.

"Get up!" I hear a whisper, dismissing it as one of my thoughts trying to escape. "Did you hear me? Get up!"
That one sounded too real.

I slowly sit up, curiosity running through me. I'm even more confused when I see that it's Fez.

"That's it, come on!" He's standing at the door, it's wide open. "Come on, hurry!" I walk forward a little, to make sure I'm not hallucinating.

"Why?" I whisper back with a raspy voice, I don't use my vocal chords much. I've also been crying.

"Just follow me, I'll explain later. We need to go now!" He's frustrated.

"Where are we going?" I say curiously.

"Look," he looks around him anxiously "I can explain in the car, but you need to come with me." I stare at him blankly, not moving. "It's about Dipper." That name hits me like a brick wall.

"P-pinetree's d-died." I stutter, turning away. The tears are about to come to my eyes.

"Bill, listen to me. He is alive and you're going to go see him. Now we need to go before we get caught!" He's whisper shouting.

I decide to follow him, but I know it's gonna be some experiment Ford set up to play with my emotions. He's trying to get in my head, but he doesn't know it's already shattered beyond recognition.

"That's a good boy." Fez pats me on the back as I follow his out the door.

His words startle me at first. To Sixer I'm always his special little lab rat, a monster, a beast. Fez just addressed me as a person. This night is getting weirder and weirder.

Dipper POV
It's Monday so I'm at Gideon's again for the week. It's already night fall and I, like every night, can't sleep. Normally I would have a few shots of something and just slip into darkness, but I haven't figured out how to sneak alcohol in the middle of the night. I tried once but got caught. Gideon scolded me and forced some more sleeping pills down my throat.
I stare out the window blankly. The moon is full tonight, so it's fairly bright outside. It's beautiful, it reminds me of him.

A few minutes later, bright lights shine into the window, temporarily blinding me. When my vision returns I rush to the door in curiosity. I open the door without hesitation to realize that it's Gruncle Stan's rickety old car. My mind swirls with possibilities of why he would be here, only coming up with the worst outcomes.
I'm not surprised when Stan steps out of the drivers side, but am shocked to see a gorgeous head of blond hair step out of the passengers seat. At first sight my heart feels as though it's glowing, but soon it sinks when I remember reality.

"Dipper!" Gruncle Stan runs towards the door, startling me.

Usually things like this wouldn't scare me, but lately I've been really jumpy, the smallest things can freak me out.

"You need to come with us quick." He says sternly. I look at him confused then at Bill who seems shocked. Slowly and gently he walks up to me, reaching his hand out.

"What do want?" I snap, flinching away.

"Is-is he real?" The demon gasps.

"Yes Bill, he is." Gruncle Stan sighs. "He is very much alive."

"If this is some sort of joke just stop, you've hurt me enough what more do you want?" I shy away into the door way, tears already coming to my eyes. Bill seems hurt, tears build in his eyes.

"Dipper, this is no joke." Stan says quickly. "What ever you remember happening with Bill was fake, he didn't lie." I shake my head, sure this is some sick prank. "Ford, Mabel and I drugged you to think that you lost each other. You need to remember what happened before you fell asleep, before the nightmare you think is real. You need to remember the truth." I look at him confused. "Here," he reaches into his jacket and pulls out the journals I saw burn, they were perfectly intact.

"This can't be real, I saw you burn them." I cry to Bill in anger, my white night gown flowing in the wind. "You lied to me, you used me, this has to be some sort of monstrous illusion."

"It's all real," Bill pleas "I never did that to you, I would never lie to you." I turn away. "They did the same thing to me, I thought you were dead. Ford had me rotting away in a cell, being his lab rat. Mabel wanted you do what she wanted, forcing you to go with Gideon. You have to believe me, they broke us so we would be easy to manipulate."

My heart and mind are battling the truth, I want to believe him, but I just can't. "The prophecy, remember?"

"It was all a lie." I laugh and shake my head.

"You're a powerful demon, look you're even glowing right now!" Tears are pouring down his face as he falls to the ground. "You have to believe me." My eyes grow wide as I stare at my seemingly glowing skin.

"It's real Dipper." Stan chimes back in. "I lied to you before, but I know the mistake I made. You need to trust me, even if I don't deserve it." I look deep into his sincere eyes, then to Bill's sobbing body on the floor. I can't seem to make up my mind.

"Dipper! Where did you go my little lamb?." I hear Gideon call from inside the house. Suddenly my mind clicks off and I nod to Stan and Bill.

"I believe you." Bill looks up and smiles through the tears. We start running to the car, but I'm caught by my sleeve and pulled back.

"Where are you going!" an evil voice bellows in my ear. I struggle but he holds me close. Bill looks back, but before he can react I see my skin is glowing profusely. Using an energy I forgot about, I push him away with a powerful wave of flames.

When I reach the car, Bill pulls me into the back seat with him and Stan drives off like we just committed a robbery. I look into his eyes and suddenly the memories come flooding back. I remember looking into his eyes before they closed in that lab. I remember being in his arms all those times before, they were all real. This is all real!

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