34- Gym Exploration

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Dipper POV
When we get home, Bill magic's up a gym room in the house for us to start preparing. Adrenaline and excitement starts to coarse through my veins as I realize, we'll actually have something to do! Having no responsibilities, all that I could want and more is great and all, but it does get boring. Especially when you go from having way too much work, to having none at all, it's not that fun.

"Should we test out the new gym room?" I ask, walking towards our bedroom.

"Already? We've got lots of time." He laughs, following me down the hall.

"I'm just so excited! We actually have something to do with eternity!"I giggle and walk into the room, searching through the wardrobe for workout clothes. Our have everything we could need and more. If you pull a lever, it rotates to reveal a whole new wardrobe with more clothes.

"Alright, I don't exactly know what's in there so I guess we should take a look." Bill chuckles, searching through his own wardrobe. There is two so that our clothes don't mix. "And we should try some skills out, to see what kind of things we need to work on."

I squeal and pull out a crop top and a skirt with shorts underneath. Changing into them without worrying about Bill seeing me change, I mean he is my boyfriend.

"Going back to the feminine look?" He says as he changes into some sweats.

"I like to have a choice in what I wear, besides, it's just fabric." I say simply "going without a shirt again I see."

"You know I don't like shirts that much."

"Oh, I know." I say dramatically, gesturing to him "how could I forget this amazing view."

"You had a panic attack the first time you saw this glory." He chuckles, leading me out the door and down the hall.

"It's a lot to take in!" I fake defend laughing. "Is this it?" I point to the door we are facing. It's dark oak, like the rest of the house, and has a sign on the front that says 'exercitatione' which means 'training' in Latin.

Every door has a sign that says what's inside, since our house is so big and confusing. The signs are all in Latin because that's Bill's first language. It's easier for him if there's an emergency and also if we have demon guests, it's fine with me because I'm bilingual with English and Latin.

A year ago I decided to learn Latin and it came very easily to me. At the time it was a surprise, but now I realize that the language was probably in me to begin with, the information just needed to be woken up.

"Yup, this is the one." He says, opening the door slowly for dramatic effect. What a weirdo. A beautiful one.

We walk in and I gasp at the site. New shiny equipment is placed around the calming and encouraging room. It has Japanese style decor with small water fountains, bamboo plants, and even a shrine at the front of the yoga area.

"Like it?" Bill chuckles. I nod and walk over to a machine, studying it.

"The machines seem fairly easy to use, that's good." I say, walking over to the yoga area and investigating it. "This is nice too." After assessing the room I walk back over to Bill, who has just been standing and watching me the whole time.

"I'm glad you like it." He chuckles. "Should we start with weights?"

"Should we stretch first? We have this nice area." I gesture to the space I had just walked from.

"Stretch? What for?" He still doesn't understand the human body very well does he...

"It loosens your muscles and joints so you don't hurt yourself. It's also a nice routine to get you warmed up for your work out." I explain as I lead him to a yoga mat. "Just do what I do." He nods and I start stretching.

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