36- Birthday- Scrapbook-ertunity

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Dipper POV

Training went pretty well, for the first day. They definitely weren't expecting our approach to it. When they gave us a task like, Demetri needs to ring that bell on the ceiling without magic, Bill and I would do our launch technique. Or, escape that locked tank filling with water, I would turn into a siren for more time (giving Bill oxygen when he needed it), damage the glass with my claws, then bill would teleport us high into the air so the fall would shatter the tank. Each challenge was done quickly and efficiently with little to no communication, we just did it. This definitely surprised our instructor, Pytronica.

Surprisingly, Pytronica is one of Bill's demon buddies. She seems cool, and super friendly, for a demon. She reminds me of Mabel, the good memory I have of Mabel, so we get along really well. She even has a human form! Apparently news about mine and Bill's, somehow touching, story circulated quickly. Demons in every dimension have started to turn human, just for fun. It's kinda weird.


After training is done for the day, we say goodbye to Pytronica and teleport home. I gasp to see that there are streamers and confetti all over the living room.

"Surprise!!" Bill shouts, putting a plastic birthday hat in my head.

"Bill, what the..." I fade off, not really knowing what to say.

"You didn't think I would forget your birthday do you? And I promised you an awesome birthday party."

I begin to laugh, this is just so amazing.

"I know you don't really like people, and I couldn't think of anyone to invite, so it will be a two person party." He explains, shooting another confetti canon.

"This is so... Cheesy. But awesome!!" I chuckle and run up to hug him. "I love you so much!"

"Okay, touchy-feely moment over, let's party!" Bill shouts, turning on some music and poofing in some cake.

We eat cake, sing and dance to the music for a while until we flop onto the couch in exhaustion.

"Bill, this was the best birthday I've ever had, thank you. I love you so much for doing this for me." I sigh, curling up on his lap.

"It's not over yet," he whispers, getting up and carrying me to the kitchen.

He sets me on the counter and turns around to pull something out of the microwave.

It's a coffee cup you would get from a cafe. Portable, but still really personalized.

"It's a vanilla latte." He stats blankly, handing me the cup.

"I love vanilla lattes! Thanks." I beam, cautiously taking a sip from the somehow still steaming beverage.

"Wow, this really is your first birthday isn't it?" He laughs, "I mean, I grew up a demon and I still understand basic human holidays."

"I'm not really used to gifts." I shrug, taking another sip, "This is really good!"

"I made it!" Bill says enthusiastically.

"Really?! Wow! Wait, you didn't even know I love these. Why would you make this out of the blue?" I ask, he smiles proudly at me.

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