24- Smoke of Doom

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Dipper POV
After breakfast Bill and I head out to the gift shop where we meet Soos and Wendy.

"Okay dudes, I wanna hear all the details!" Soos squeals, jumping from foot to foot, his arms flailing.

"Calm down Soos! Your gonna scare them." Wendy laughs "but seriously, tell us." She get's sinister at the end, creepy.

"Well... We're dating..." We laugh nervously. The two squeal and lean in for more information.

"The oracle told me we were soulmates," Bill starts then makes a gesture for me to continue.

"And that I was some demon God. So we did a test to prove that that was all wrong." I gesture to him like he did me.

"We became friends, and ba da bing," he looks at me to finish but I've already figured it out.

"Ba da boom. We fell in love!" Wendy and Soos are wide eyed.

"Wait, hold up dude." Soos says confused, "you're a demon God thing?"

"Yeah apparently I'm the god of love and music. I'm a demon but have specific powers and am a symbol of passion." I explain casually.

"Whoa, cool!" Wendy blurts. "Can you do magic stuff like triangle guy?" Bill laughs at her name for him. I smile and nod, putting out some flames and dancing them around.

"Cool!" The two gasp.

I laugh and form things like shields and swords with the flames. They oh and ah as I twirl colour into life. After a while I pull back and the flames disperse. They clap and I do a cheesy bow, laughing with them.

"So how come triangle dude is, like human now?" Soos changes the subject.

"Well the demon council gave me this to win Dipper's heart, but after I did the rejection test and failed, I'm stuck with it." Bill sighs "for now anyway, I'm trying to figure out a loophole."

Just then, Gruncle Ford walks in. We freeze and I can feel Bill getting nervous.

"Hey Gruncle Ford, what's up?" I try to keep my cool, for Bill.

"I just wanted to see you and Bill." He says casually "I was wondering if I could check your vitals and human stuff to compare to... Well humans."

Bill gets even more nervous, but he calms down a little when I put my hand in his. He squeezes it and I nod reassuringly.
"If you trust him, I trust him." Bill whispers to me.

I follow Ford down the stairs, Bill holding tight to my hand. When we get to the bottom Bill seems shocked at the new lay out.

There is now separate rooms for things like a chemistry lab and private office. There are new shelves for weapons and dangerous inventions. There is also two room sized containment chambers for magical creatures, with built in technology that sucks up magical energy when it is used, but can also pull the power away if needed.

Ford leads us to a medical room, it's small, but just large enough to fit a shelf of organized medical equipment and an examination table. Bill squeezes my hand again and I squeeze back smiling.

"This reminds me of the medical tent at that carnival." I giggle to him.

"Get away from me, I'm fine" Bill laughs, impersonating me.

"I would be a great doctor!" I do my best impression of him. We laugh as Ford closes the door, looking unamused.

"Okay," he interrupts our laughing "first I'll check your heartbeat." He brings out a stethoscope and holds it to Bill's heart. He seems surprised as he listens.

"It, your," Ford stutters "it's purring!" He's in total shock, but I just laugh.

"A demon's heart beat is their own, it matches who they are and their powers." Bill explains. "In other words, meow!"

"So every demon has a different heart beat?" I ask in excitement. Bill nods as Ford puts the metal up to my chest.

"What is it, what is it!" I squeal.

"It sounds like that emo music you always listen to!" Ford looks up at me horrified. Bill and I laugh, but Ford remains shocked. "Okay I guess I'll continue the examination."

Ford checks our blood pressure, which he was surprised to find that there is none. Our reflects, which come out as magic so I ended up putting a scorch mark on the wall. And finally, took a blood sample, which Bill got all nervous about for some reason.

"So I notice that you have some sort of marking on your arm Dipper." Ford says calmly. I nod and show him my arm, he takes it a begins to examine it. Then he grabs a camera and begins to take some photos.

"It came with his magic Fordzy." Bill chimes in "every demon has a marking on its human form to show that he or she is a demon." Ford looks up and walks over to Bill. Bill sighs and takes off his shirt, making me blush. He is quite handsome... I never take the time to really look at his toned body, but... wow. Ford begins to study and take pictures of Bill's back, chest and stomach. He laughs at the attention and moves as Ford tells him to.

"Okay." Ford nods, putting the camera away. "Now, can I see the spot on your back that those wings came from." He turns to me and gestures to my back. I nod and take off my shirt. Ford gasps and touches the ribs that can be seen.

"Depression." I mumble to Ford as Bill looks at me sadly. Ford nods and takes a few pictures of my back.

"How did it feel, when all your powers were released?" He says as he pokes at my back.

"Well," I sigh, wish he would just hurry up. "It kind of felt like something inside of me shattered, like glass." Bill smiles as I explain.

"The crystal, containing the power you know wield. It finally broke." Bill whispers to me. Though Ford overheard, he doesn't ask.

"Well boys," he sighs when he's finished. "I'm gonna go process these photos, can you stay here for a sec until I know they came out well?" We nod as he exits the room. I put my shirt back on but Bill just leaves his off, laughing when I roll my eyes at him.

Suddenly the room starts to get hotter and I look at Bill questionably, he seems the same way. I try to use some power, but it doesn't work, smoke pours into the room making it hardly visible. Bill grabs me and tries to teleport, but our powers aren't working. We bang on the locked door for Ford to let us out, but there's no response. My eyes start to get tired, I'm being dragged into slumber. Bill seems that way too, but stays standing longer, allowing him to catch me and lower to the floor before we go limp.


"PineTree!" We manage out before the blackness takes over and we're sucked into lifelessness.

Ohhhhh, cliff hanger baby! I'm sorry this has to happen so soon.

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