11- Biker Girlfriend

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🔝 Roughly what Dipper would look like.

Dipper POV
I wake up with Mabel jumping up and down on my bed, giggling like a maniac. Normally I wouldn't mind, but I'm a little hungover from last night, so my head is pounding and my stomach swirling, this is just a really bad time.
"Mabel, please don't." I groan at her.
"No bro bro, you have to get up so we can start getting ready for the sleepover tonight!" She pulls the blanket off my body and shakes me around some more with her bouncing.
"Sleepover? Do you have to have another one here, can't Pacifica use her giant house?" I whine, sitting up and yawning.
"It is at Pacifica's house, and you're coming!" She says sternly.
"What! Why do I have to go?" I jump up out of bed and get ready to run, but she closes the door and locks it, knowing what I'll do if she tries to back me into a corner.
"Because the boys are going to be there and this is their first test. So you're gonna go, and you're gonna be cute, and you're gonna let them battle to the death for your love!" She opens my side of the closet we share to reveal that there are girly skirts and dresses and things like that hanging between some of my clothes.
"Hey what the..." I try to say but Mabel throws a towel over my face.
"I went shopping with the girls last night and we got you some new clothes. Now go clean up." She orders.
"But I don't want to wear any of that stuff, I want to wear my normal clothes." I try desperately to keep the rage in, please don't push this too much Mabel.
"Look Dipper," she turns and places her hands on my shoulders "I just got you some stuff to change things up a bit, can't you just try them," she gives me her puppy eyes "for me?" There it is, my biggest weakness. If her happiness depends on me wearing girl's clothes, then I guess I should start getting used to mini skirts.
"Okay Mabel, I'll give it a shot for you." I sigh walking to the bathroom with my towel. I turn on the shower, but don't step in until I sneakily throw up and take a few Advil for the headache.

After the shower Mabel makes me try at least twenty-five different outfits. She finally settles on a short, black, leather skirt with a chain swinging from the side, a white tank top, a leather jacket and healed leather boots that go up to my knees. This is better than what I expected, I don't mind wearing this. She then styles my hair into a quiff, ties a red heart necklace around my neck, and puts a little black eyes liner around my eyes.
"Perfect!" She squeals. We then pack some stuff for the sleepover and go downstairs. As I walk into the kitchen Gruncle Stan begins to crack up.
"Wow kid you're really going all out with this trans thing aren't you?" He laughs.
"Leave him alone Gruncle Stan, I forced him in it." Mabel defends, at least she can stand up for me when I need her, she cares about me.
"Oh so you're just a doll." Stan continues to laugh. I just look down to the floor in embarrassment. At that moment Ford comes in with a box of mechanical parts.
"What are you howling about now Stanford?" He turns to see me standing there "oh, you look lovely Dipper"
"Doesn't it look great!" Mabel buts in, lifting an arm and gesturing to the outfit. Stan laughs so hard he starts to cough as Mabel puts me on display.
"Stan stop, Dipper has the right to be whoever... She wants to!" He seems unsure of what pronoun to use.
"I'm not trans! Mabel forced me into this stupid outfit." I finally stand up for myself.
"It's not stupid, it looks good!" Mabel says a little upset, she is clearly proud of her fashion skills. "Right?" She glared at me waiting for an answer.
"Yes, it's perfect." I mumble, Ford please help me! But he doesn't, he just chuckles and walks away with his box.
We sit down and Mabel hands me a piece of toast, I'm really not hungry but I take a few bites anyway. I wish I was hungry, ah hangovers and crippling depression.

After breakfast, well more of a brunch, I sneak back upstairs and go on my phone. I got a text.

Bill- I love the outfit
Dip- are you spying on me?!
Bill- let's just say my TV has more than just Netflix 😉
Dip- ugh why did I teach you how to text
Bill- would you rather I call you and make Mabel suspicious?
Dip- True, did you see what happened?
Bill- yeah fez is kind of a jerk
Dip- yup
Bill- and Ford just walks away like...wtf
Dip- I know right!
Bill- no joke though you actually look really good.
Dip- seriously 😒
Bill- no really! I like it, you're like a bad ass biker girlfriend
Dip- 😂 now all I need is a bad ass biker boyfriend
Bill- did you know I used to be in the hell's demons biker gang
Dip- is that like the hell's angels only your alternate dimension version?
Bill- basically yeah
Dip- cool

It goes on like that for a while before Mabel comes upstairs and I have to hide my phone behind my back. I quickly grab a book off my shelf, pretending to have been reading.
"Our ride is here!" She squeals grabbing the bags and running back down the stairs. I say goodbye to Bill and follow her down.
Parked outside is a white and baby blue, Mustang, classic car with shiny rims and a roaring engine, my mouth is watering just looking at it. Gideon leans up against it with a smug grin.
"Your chariot awaits!" He opens the passenger side door and beacons me to get in. I comply and he shuts the door behind me. Mabel gets in the back seat and Gideon in the driver's.
"Wait," I realize "how can you drive us, we're only fifteen." He chuckles and revs the engine, making shivers go down my spine.
"I was able to get a good deal with the police since my dad is the new mayor. I get lots of things." He says the last part seductively, but I just ignore it. "You like it?" He says but I'm distracted by feeling the genuine leather interior.
"Hm?" I look up at him with a dumb look.
"The car." He chuckles.
"Oh, yeah I love it. It's a real classic car, there's not many like them anymore." I sigh admiring glossy finish on the wood panels.
"Yeah it's a nice one, so you like cars then?" He says casually.
"No, not at all." I say in a serious tone, Gideon looks over in surprise and I can't hold my laughter in any longer. We laugh together as he realizes the joke.
"You know," he says after the laughing ends "I could show you around my dad's car dealership, there's some nice old ones like this in the back." My eyes go wide.
"Really! That would be great, thank you." I say without hesitation, "wait, did you just trick me into a date!" He laughs an evil laugh and nods. I groan and stare out the car window wondering how I didn't see that coming. "I guess I don't have much choice now." I sigh.
"Nope" Mabel and Gideon say at the same time.

We arrive at Pacifica's house and Gideon rushes around and opens the door for me, offering his hand to help me out. I glance at Mabel who is giving me that death glare I always fear. Taking his hand he gently helps me up and keeps holding my arm as we walk up the steps to the front door. Ugh creep, I think as I manage to break free when we enter the door. But before long I'm cornered by Butch as he takes off my jacket and explains how beautiful I look. The rest of the boys swarm around me with ohs and aw's. Thankfully, Mabel steps in and explains that she forced me to wear the outfit and that I'm not in fact trans. Thanks Mabes! They seem to understand but that doesn't help the swarming problem, then Pacifica finally steps in.
"You'll all get your chance, now give him a little space!" She scolds, oh thank god.
This is gonna be a long night.

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