21- Tango of Chaos

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There's the song if you want to listen! 🔝
Change the shirt on the photo and that's the outfit.

Luckily, Mabel wasn't sceptical about my whereabouts this time, and Bill did poof me in some nail polish, but said I wasn't aloud to paint my nails without him. I sit on my bed now, just thinking it all over.

I guess I finally have something I wanted, Bill. But I don't know if I can keep this happiness, or I'll have to give everything else up for it. It's not like I have much going for me here, with all the shit going on with Mabel and the others, but I still love them and I don't want to lose them all. I don't want to lose Bill either. What do I want more, what do I need more?

My thoughts are interrupted by Mabel barging into my room. Without saying anything she started to look through my closet, the one she refilled with girls' clothes, and pulled out a short, ruffled, black skirt and red, long sleeve shirt (thank god) with a V neck laced together (you get it right?).

"What are you doing?" I ask dumbly.

"We're going dancing tonight." She answers bleakly without even looking at me.

"Really, why?" I know why, but I'll play dumb.

"Just a night out with everyone, the tent of telepathy is hosting a party." She pulls out my high heeled leather boots along with a leather jacket. Without warning she shoves me in the bathroom with the clothes and waits for me to change. When I come out she is looking through my box of jewelry. I cough for her attention.
"Twirl." She says strictly, I obey and she nods. "That will be good." I sit down on my bed and while she walks over with a necklace. "What's this?" She notices the charm Bill gave me, finally.

"Oh it's just a little trinket from the fairies." I say nonchalantly. It's not that hard to lie to her anymore, not since we were younger.

"When did they give you this?" She continues to interrogate me.

"A little while ago, but I forgot I had it until I found it in my pocket, so I put it on."  Surprisingly, that's a good lie. Although I had been planing it for a few days.

"Do you need to wear it now?" She seems a little unamused, annoyed at my "defiance".

"I would like to. I know it doesn't go with this outfit like the one you chose for me, but I like this one." I put on some puppy eyes, holding off the anime girl act for now.

"No, I want you to wear this one." She says bitterly. I frown, thinking it through.

"Okay." I give in. I can keep my charm with me and switch them out when she's not looking.
And that's what I did, on our way to the tent of telepathy in one of Pacifica's limousines.

When we get there I know I'm in for a difficult night. The three boys left in the game, Gideon, Butch and Kyle, are standing at the entrance in their nice clothes and a smile on their faces as they see me. Butch is wearing an expensive looking suit, of course. Kyle is wearing jeans and a plaid shirt, I like it. Gideon, with no surprise, is wearing what looks like a hell's Angels member Halloween costume. Consisting of a lot of leather, which just so happens to match mine... I wonder why, Mabel! I give a little wave as we walk up. They oh and ah at my outfit and compliment me on what ever they can think of. Like usual.
When we walk into the party it looks really fun, with lights, a good sound system, and a bar... Hm. I go to a stool and sit at the counter of the bar, Soos is the bar tender for some reason and it looks like they actually have alcohol! Maybe one cocktail would be okay, it takes a lot for me to get drunk and I'll tell Mabel it's a virgin.

After a while of sitting at the bar, drinking a surprisingly delicious cocktail that I thanked Soos for not telling anyone, the boys start to start making their moves.

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