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Harry doesn't look as nice as he usually does.

Don't get Louis wrong, Harry always looks great, but he walks into the restaurant in sweatpants and a baggy sweatshirt, and very minimal makeup, and he just looks really tired. It leaves a pang in Louis' chest, and he doesn't know why.

Harry's hands are stuffed in his pockets as he walks over to Louis, smiling wearily and sitting across from him. Louis gives him a small smile in return, looking down at the tabletop.

"I-I told my Mum and stepdad," Harry says quietly, looking down at his lap. Louis raises his eyebrows, waiting for Harry to elaborate. "Um. They kicked me out. I'm staying with a friend for now, but I have to go back and get all my stuff tomorrow."

"Oh," Louis says sympathetically, frowning. "I-I'm sorry." Harry just shrugs, and Louis can tell that inside his pocket he's clutching onto his stomach.

"You want to keep it?" Harry croaks, avoiding Louis' eyes and staring at a couple with a baby of their own a few tables away. Louis swallows thickly and nods, sweaty palms set down on his thighs.

"Um, yeah," Louis says quietly. "I do. I'm sorry."

"No, no," Harry shakes his head, speaking softly. "It's okay, I kind of do too."

Louis nods. "Um, my Mum is expecting," He says. "Twins. So I'm sure she'd let us, like, practice with them. She's due in a few months. And she's replacing all the old baby stuff from my younger sisters, so we could use some of that too. And I'm sure she'd let you stay a few nights, until you find somewhere to stay."

Louis doesn't notice Harry's eyes are teary until he stops talking. "I love cheerleading," Harry says quietly. "And I love my friends, and I love school, and I love going to parties. And now I can't do that anymore." Harry sets his hands down on the table and sniffles, and Louis reaches across to grab one of his hands.

"I have ice cream at my house," Louis tries, and Harry can't help but giggle. "And my Mum is nice, she'll let you have your friends over sometimes. And you can do online school when you have to stop going. I have little sisters who'll let you do their makeup, and will most likely be all over you."

Harry giggles again, wiping his eyes without smudging his eye makeup. "That sounds nice," He admits, and Louis gives his hand a squeeze. "I don't want to give your Mum any trouble, though, she's probably stressed enough."

Louis shrugs. "It's a big house. She'll probably appreciate the help."

They eat, Louis pays for the both of them, and then he gives Harry his address. They arrive at Louis' house around the same time, Louis leading Harry into it.

His mum is sitting in the kitchen, a laptop in front of her as Louis leads Harry in. She glances up, smiling when she sees Louis. "Hello, love! Who's this?"

"This is Harry," Louis says. "He has to stay with us for a while, if that's okay."

Jay freezes, eyes widening as she looks over to Harry, who's close to tears. He looks so small next to Louis, the clothes he's wearing are far too big on him. Her face softens, and she nods. "Sure, yeah. Harry, love, why don't you go sit in the lounge for a few moments while I talk to Louis?"

Harry gives her a grateful smile, slowly trudging to the room she was pointing to. Louis sits down next to his Mum, stomach doing flips as she frowns at him.

"What's wrong? Why does he have to stay with us?" She asks sympathetically. Louis swallows thickly, licking his lips and looking down at his lap.

"I-I got him pregnant," He says quietly. "And he told his parents, and they kicked him out. Please don't be mad at him, Mum. I don't care if you're mad at me. We want to keep it, I'm sorry."

Jay soaks in what he said before exhaling. "I thought I raised you better, Louis," She mutters disappointedly, and Louis hangs his head in shame. "He can stay with us. But he better expect to help out around here."

"Thank you so much, Mum," Louis says, kissing Jay's cheek before standing up and walking to the lounge, where Harry was explaining how he did his eyeshadow to Lottie. Harry looks over to Louis expectantly, eyes full of fear. "You can stay," Louis says, and Harry exhales in relief.

"I'm not making you sleep on the floor."

Harry furrows his eyebrows. "Well where else am I going to sleep, Louis?" He asks.

"My bed," Louis replies, sitting down on the sleeping bag as Harry shakes his head.

"Louis, I'm fine," Harry says, but Louis climbs into the sleeping bag anyways, and Harry gives up. He sits down on Louis' bed, slowly pulling back the covers. He's quiet for a while before saying softly, "I didn't think you'd be this nice."

Louis turns over so he's facing his bed, looking up at Harry. "Why?"

Harry shrugs. "You're quiet. I just thought you hated me or something, you never talked to me."

Louis raises his eyebrows amusedly. "Who says I don't hate you?" He asks teasingly, making Harry roll his eyes and giggle. "Now, go to sleep. We've got to get your stuff over here tomorrow."

Harry nods, biting his lip. "Thank you Louis. You're very sweet."

"I'm a saint, I get it," Louis says jokingly, trying to hide how red his cheeks are. "Goodnight."

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