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"Why're you covering my eyes, Lou?"

"Because the point of a surprise is that you don't know what's coming," Louis replies, sneaking a quick peck to Harry's cheek that makes the shorter boy smile. "Just relax, love. You'll like it, I promise."

"I like you," Harry croons, and Louis smiles adoringly as he leads Harry into the house. His Mum and sisters and Ernie are all standing there, with Dan still at work. There's a lemon cake that Harry had been craving the day before sitting on the kitchen table. Louis uncovers Harry's eyes and Harry's eyebrows furrow.

"What's this?" He asks. Louis just smiles and rests his chin on Harry's shoulder, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Happy late birthday, love," He replies. He watches as Harry starts to smile, biting his bottom lip. "You don't get away with not having a celebration in this house."

"Oh my god," Harry says softly, sniffling as Louis raises his eyebrows. "This is so nice. Thank you."

"Are you crying, H?" Louis asks with a small smile, reaching over and wiping a tear that's rolling down his cheek. "Oh, love, don't cry. Come here, sit down."

"This is so sweet," Harry weeps as Louis helps him sit down at the table. Phoebe and Daisy giggle while Jay just smiles warmly at Harry. "Thank you so much."

"It's nothing, babes," Jay assures. "It's just cakes and a few gifts."

"You got me gifts?" Harry asks in disbelief. "That's so nice. You didn't have to."

"Why're you cryin'?" Daisy asks curiously, standing next to Harry.

"It's just the baby, Dais," Louis assures, kissing the top of Harry's head as he stands behind Harry's chair. "Baby makes him cry more."

"Is the baby kicking?" Phoebe asks, and Harry nods with a small smile. "Can I feel? Please?"

"Me too!" Daisy gasps.

Harry giggles and nods again, wiping his eyes as Louis wraps his arms around his shoulders and rests his chin on top of Harry's head. "Sure, c'mere," Harry says, waving the two girls over. The two girls approach him and he takes their little hands, sticking them up his shirt and onto his belly.

"Careful with his belly, girls," Louis reminds quietly, feeling Harry turn his head and peck right below his elbow.

"We're not doin' anything!" Phoebe huffs.

"I'm fine," Harry assures Louis quietly. "Relax, Lou."

"Can I give Harry my present now?" Fizzy asks her mother, who nods and smiles at her as Daisy and Phoebe take their hands off of Harry's tummy, suddenly uninterested. Fizzy hands Harry a gift bag, which he takes with a small smile.

"Thank you, Fizzy," He says softly, taking out the tissue paper, crumpling it up, and throwing it back at Louis. It hits Louis in the nose, and everyone at the table laughs while Louis wrinkles his nose.

"You're a gem, you know that?"

"I know it," Harry replies with a cheeky smile. Louis rolls his eyes and watches as Harry pulls out a tiny blue baby grow with a little matching cap. "Aw, Lou, look at this."

"'S so small," Louis says quietly, reaching over and feeling the material with his thumb.

"Thank you so much," Harry says toward Fizzy, although his eyes are glued to the tiny baby grow in his hands, his pink fingernails grazing the soft fabric.

"Me next, me next," Lottie says with a large smile, passing over another gift bag. Harry gently folds the tiny baby grow before setting it down and gingerly taking the next gift bag. "I picked it out myself!"

Harry smiles gratefully, taking out the tissue paper and throwing it at Louis again. Louis just sighs with a fond smile, watching as Harry pulls out a pile of black material.

"It's a dress," Lottie explains when Harry furrows his eyebrows. "A maternity dress, because Louis told me none of your dresses fit anymore and you were upset about it, so he helped me pick one out for you."

"Oh my god," Harry says with a big grin. "This is so lovely, Lottie, thank you so much."

"The girls have something for you too, Harry," Jay says with a smile, handing a small wrapped package to Daisy who runs it over to Harry.

"Thank you, love," Harry says, feeling Louis softly kiss the top of his head. Louis' just savouring this moment, savouring the boy in his arms. Harry pulls out a small, soft teddy bear.

"It's for the baby!" Phoebe explains, smiling wide. And, of course, Harry starts crying again. Louis springs into action immediately, walking around and letting Harry lean into him and cry.

"It's okay, love," Louis coos, rubbing Harry's back. "Oh, H, you're okay. Babe, you still have more presents." Louis chuckles while Harry leans back from him.

"Thank you so much, girls," Harry says through his tears, wiping his eyes.

"The baby will love it," Louis assures as Harry wipes his eyes with his sleeve. Harry nods and sniffles, feeling Louis kiss the top of his head. "You've got one more present, babe. It's from my Mum and I."

"Here you go, love," Jay says, handing Harry an envelope. Harry takes it with a sniffle, opening it gently and pulling out a contract for something.

"What's this?" Harry asks, leaning into Louis.

"You're getting your skylight," Louis says, and Harry's eyes light up. "My Mum's friend is a contractor, and he agreed to give us a discount, so my Mum and I are splitting the cost. It's going above the bed."

"What?" Harry breathes out, looking up at Jay. Jay nods, and Harry covers his mouth. "This-I-oh my God."

"Are you okay?" Louis laughs, watching as Harry leans back in the chair, hand over his mouth and eyes wide. Harry shakes his head, and of course, bursts into tears. "H, love, Jesus, breathe."

"You're all so nice," Harry sobs. "This is so nice, thank you so much."

"Harry," Louis laughs again, letting Harry lean into him again. "H, you deserve it, love."

"I like this dress," Harry decides, looking at himself in the mirror as Louis watches him fondly from his bed.

"I do too," Louis admits softly. Harry turns to face him and smiles, biting his bottom lip. Louis smiles back, and it hits him right then. He's fucking head over heels in love for this boy. "Can we go to sleep now? I'm tired."

"Yeah, let me change and then we can," Harry says, walking over to the dresser and pulling out a jumper and sweatpants. He then gingerly takes off the dress, and Louis tries not to stare at Harry and his bump and his fucking beauty.

Once Harry is changed he climbs into Louis' arms, letting Louis kiss the top of his head once they're under the covers. Louis is happy.

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