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*theres a spoiler for The Fault In Our Stars*

also pls listen to the playlist while reading :0 link to my Spotify is in my bio!!

"Harry, dear, would you like something for breakfast?"

Harry looks up at Jay, face flushed. He looks surprised that someone would ask. He swallowed and gave her an uneasy smile. "No thank you," He replies quietly. Jay furrows her eyebrows in concern–she hadn't seen Harry eat much since he'd arrived.

"You should eat something," Louis suggests lightly, watching as Harry bites his lip.

"Is it because you're nauseous, love?" Jay asks. "I have a few things that would help, if you'd want to try." Harry just nods, and Jay smiles before turning to the counter.

"Do you want to stay home today?" Louis asks. Harry nods shyly, and Louis nods back. "I'll stay with you."

"You don't have to," Harry says quietly, but Louis waves him off, and Harry can't help but smile. Jay sets a cup of tea in front of Harry, making him smile. He thanks her and takes a sip while Louis finishes off his own breakfast.

"He just showed up to her door!" Louis exclaims. Harry laughs, shaking his bed as he looks down at Louis. Louis' head is in his lap as The Fault In Our Stars plays on the telly.

"He took her on a date!" Harry argues with a giggle. "He's taking her to Amsterdam! That's so romantic!"

"Just showing up at someone's door with or without Dutch tulips is weird and creepy and stalker-ish," Louis declares, feeling Harry laugh under his head. Harry scoffs and shakes his head, looking down at Louis with a smirk.

"Good luck getting married with that attitude," Harry snorts, and Louis can't help but chuckle as well. "Augustus Waters is the most romantic man alive."

"He's not real," Louis points out, looking up at Harry. "And he dies at the end."

Harry's face falls. "He what?!" He practically screeches, eyes wide. Louis' eyes widen in realisation.

"Shit, I-I thought everyone just knew that," He explains, sitting up as Harry buries his face in his hands. "Like, it was just a universally known thing. I'm sorry."

"You just ruined romance for me," Harry sighs, leaning back in the bed and crossing his arms. "Romance who? I don't know her."

"Harry, quit being dramatic," Louis laughs, covering his mouth and leaning forward. Harry just pouts, putting both his hands on his cheeks and sighing.

"Next think you know, John Legend and Chrissy Teigen will divorce," He says staring at his lap. "Kanye will never buy Kim another wall of roses. Taylor Swift will never write a good love song."

"Has Taylor Swift ever even written a good song?"


Louis laughs again as Harry smacks his bicep. "I can't believe the person I impregnated has shitty music taste," Louis sighs, shaking his head. Harry's pout deepens, and he smacks Louis' bicep again.

"I listen to good music!" Harry argues, but he's cracked a smile. Louis raises his eyebrows, a challenging expression overcoming his face.

"Like what?" Louis asks.

"Like," Harry purses his lips. "Ellie Goulding! Ellis Goulding is so good, Louis. And Sam Smith! Lana Del Rey, God, her voice is amazing."

"Gay," Louis deadpans, and Harry giggles, knowing Louis' saying it ironically.

"Shut up!" He whines. "I bet you have just brilliant music taste then, huh?"

Louis nods. "'S ace, is what it is," He replies. "The Fray. Kanye. Oh Wonder is phenomenal. The Script is great."

"Boring!" Harry crows, making Louis raise his eyebrows. He watches as Harry laughs, head going back and hands going to his mouth. And he can't help but smile just a bit.

"Tea worked then, yeah?" Louis asks with a small smile. Harry nods, still giggling a bit. "Then what do you say we go outside for a bit, yeah?"

Harry looks out the window, seeing the rain pouring down. "Yeah!" He says excitedly, standing up. He's already halfway down the stairs by the time Louis has finished shaking his head and laughing. 

Louis feels like he's seen something miraculous.

Harry is standing on a large rock in his backyard, arms stretched out and head back. He giggles as the rain hits his face, hair wet and stringy and longer than usual.

"Louis, c'mon," Harry calls out. Louis walks across the wet grass to the rock, where Harry is outstretching his hand toward him. He grabs it, letting Harry pull him up. They're hands stay entwined once they're both standing, feeling the rain and not noticing Jay watching from the kitchen window, smiling and shaking her head.

"Take my jacket," Louis says, taking off his windbreaker. Harry shakes his head, but Louis notices how he's shivering and shoves it to Harry's chest. Harry smiles and puts the jacket on, it being a bit too big on him.

"I love the rain," Harry mumbles, holding his hand out to feel it again. He looks so natural and happy without all the makeup he wears everyday, and Louis hasn't noticed how great he looks without it.

And Harry isn't really anything like Louis thought he'd be. Harry's known for being a bit provocative, but Louis doesn't think there's anything wrong with that. Harry has always been outspoken and loud, but ever in an obnoxious way. His friends are snobs, so Louis just assumed he was as well, but he was wrong.

When he and Harry are alone he's so different. He's gentle, and shy sometimes, and very grateful. And watching Harry with his sisters, and seeing how caring and patient he is with them, proves Louis wrong all together.

Soon the rain stops, and Harry pouts and asks to go back in. They do, and when they walk in Jay is ready with hot chocolate and cookies for the shivering boys.

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