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"I'm sorry."


"I love you, H."


"I didn't mean to make you upset."

"That's nice."

Louis sighs and drops his head onto his pillow, keeping adoring eyes on Harry as he folds some baby grows he and Louis had bought together the day before.

"You are so beautiful, love," Louis takes another attempt, scooting closer to Harry's pile of baby grows and unfolding one of them. Harry's pout deepens as Louis holds the baby grow up to his belly. "See, perfect size."

"Lou, that baby grow is for twelve month olds," Harry says, exasperated. "I get that I've gotten bigger, but you don't need to point it out. I'm upset enough about it."

"Harry," Louis coos softly, folding the baby grow again (not as well as Harry, but at least he tried). "When I told you that you should start wearing some bigger clothes, I didn't mean you were fat or anything. I think you look cute, babe." Louis traces a heart with his index finger where Harry's belly is showing under his striped t-shirt, the taut skin showing from right under his navel to his waist. "I just figured you'd be uncomfortable like that. You're so perfect, H, you look amazing."

"'M not," Harry practically whimpers, shrinking back from Louis' touch. "You're so perfect, Lou, and I look like a whale."

"No you don't," Louis argues. "You are so beautiful, baby. I love you so much. You always look so hot, you're glowing. Please don't ever think of yourself like that, it makes me so sad when you talk about yourself that way."

"I'm sorry," Harry sniffles. Louis frowns and stands up from the bed, wrapping his arms around Harry.

"Don't cry, love," Louis coos softly. "Why're you so upset, H?"

"I just have a lot of feelings," Harry sniffles with a small giggle, and Louis laughs as well. "I don't know, L. He's kicking a lot and I'm just really tired."

"Come lay down with me," Louis coaxes, picking up Harry's piles of baby clothes gently and setting them on the floor, making sure they don't unfold, or else Harry will literally have a hissy fit.

"Alright," Harry sighs, wiping his eyes before letting Louis help him onto the bed. Louis snuggles into him as Harry giggles wearily, smiling as Louis pressed three soft kisses to his collarbone.

"I've always thought you were beautiful, love," Louis hums, smiling as Harry grabs his hand and brings it to his stomach. "But now? Holy shit, you're so incredibly radiant. I love you so much."

"Louis," Harry giggles again, cheeks turning hot as Louis leans up and pecks his nose. "Louis, god, I love you."

"I love you more," Louis argues quietly.

"Doubt it," Harry retaliates.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" Leigh-Anne asks as she dips her chip in some ketchup, popping it into her mouth and leaning back in the booth.

"Not really," Louis shrugs, his arm around Harry's shoulders, Harry swimming in his footie jacket. "I mean, we haven't discussed it."

"I've always known what I want to name my kids," Niall mentions, reaching across the table to take one of Louis' fries, getting his elbow in some ranch whilst doing so. Harry giggles when Niall doesn't notice. "Beckham and Junior."

"You're gonna fucking name your kid Junior?" Louis asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"Are we just going to ignore Beckham?" Leigh-Anne asks. Harry doesn't say anything, but he smiles a little when Louis continues to talk.

"My kid is going to have a really sick name," Louis says, watching fondly as Harry takes one of his chips. Harry ordered one medium carton of chips while Louis ordered two large. One of them was for Harry, but Harry was a bit bashful of ordering so much food.

"Like what?" Leigh-Anne asks.

"I like Elijah," Louis hums, not noticing how Harry smiles adoringly. "Or Kayden. Or Hayden, even."

"Name the kid Kayden Hayden!" Leigh-Anne laughs.

"Isn't Hayden a girls name?" Niall asks.

"Names don't have to have a gender, jackass," Louis huffs. Harry's heart swells.

"I like Joshua," Harry says softly. Louis looks over to him with a soft expression.

"You've been thinking about a name?" He asks, smiling slightly when Harry rests his hand on his thigh, pink fingernails tapping against his trousers.

"Yeah," Harry shrugs. "But I do like Elijah too. That was a good name."

Louis smiles as Niall looks over to Leigh-Anne and fake gags. "Jealous much?" Louis asks, sticking his tongue out at Leigh-Anne when she does the same.

"I like Elijah," Niall shrugs. "And Joshua. Good Irish name. Maybe have the one you don't use be the middle name."

"Smartest thing he's said since I've known him," Louis mutters not-so-subtly to Harry, causing Niall to pout and Harry and Leigh-Anne to giggle.

"But the 'ah' sounds don't sound good together," Harry pouts. "Elijah Joshua? It sounds weird."

"You're right," Louis shrugs. "We have time to decide, though."

"Louis, he's due in a month!" Harry argues. "We have to think of a name soon!"

"We'll come up with one," Louis assures softly. "Don't freak out, we'll name him before he's here." Harry pouts and leans into Louis.

"Fuck, me head is fuckin' pounding," Niall whines when a few police lights start flashing as they go passed the restaurant. "Calum's party was crazy last night, mate, you should've gone."

"Haz and I watched a few movies," Louis shrugs. "'M not in much of a partying mood lately."

"Whipped," Niall sighs.

"'M not going to leave Haz every night to go get wasted at some party," Louis huffs. "I like spending time with me boys, and besides, my mother would absolutely whoop my arse if I ever came home to Harry drunk off me mind. Some of us are responsible, Niall."

Harry preens at the way Louis is defending himself for being so domestic with him, smiling wide when he kisses the top of his head. Niall just huffs and rolls his eyes while Leigh-Anne shakes her head.




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