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Louis drives Harry to school now.

They use Harry's car, because it's all around safer and nicer compared to Louis'. Louis feels cool driving Harry's car, because though Harry has the better car, Louis is the better driver.

"Shut this off right now," Louis demands as Lana Del Rey plays loudly through the speakers. Harry throws his head back and laughs, Off To The Races blasting throughout the entire car. Louis reaches over and turns it off, only for Harry to turn it on again.

"'S my car," Harry points out, and Louis groans. He secretly likes the music, it matches Harry's personality quite well, and he likes hearing Harry sing softly under his breath as he kicks his feet and stares out the window.

They walk into school together, and people give them odd looks. Louis is not the type of person to be walking into school with Harry Styles. Harry looks to Louis and smiles, waving slightly before walking over to a large group of girls. They all greet him with hugs and smiles while Louis walks over to his own lot of friends.

"Dude, what are you doing with Harry Styles?!" Niall asks, gaping at Louis. Liam looks down at his shoes while Louis just shrugs.

"His mum and my mum are friends," Louis replies casually. "His car broke down, so my mum asked me to give him a ride."

Liam raises his eyebrows at Louis, surprised at the made up excuse. Niall just nods and goes on to start talking about footie tryouts while Louis eyes Harry, whose group of friends is not too far from his own. He catches Harry's eyes a few times, and Harry smiles at him, obviously not paying attention to whatever the blonde girl next to him is saying.

The bell rings, and Louis sighs and walks to maths reluctantly.

It's a long day.

Louis can't wait to go home, honestly, though he knows his mum will probably ask him to babysit yet again. It's not like he ever minds, he has a lot of siblings and his mum really needs the help, especially now.

Harry usually is able to occupy the girls so they stay out of trouble. They get Harry to braid their hair for school almost everyday. Harry doesn't care, though, and Louis is so grateful.

He and Harry meet at a tree in front of the school, both of them silent as they walk to the car together, ignoring the confused glances people give them as they walk.

"Um, I," Louis clears his throat, trying to make conversation, and Harry looks up at him with raised eyebrows. "I like your sweater?"

Harry gives Louis an amused smile. "Thanks," He replies, looking down at his white sweater. Louis blushes at how awkward the compliment came out, looking away from Harry and toward the car.

They get into the car, Harry immediately plugging his phone into the aux cord and playing Ellie Goulding. Louis just rolls his eyes, but he's smiling, and pulls out of the parking lot.

"When's your mum due again?" Harry asks over the music, scrolling through his phone. Louis thinks for a moment, biting his lip as they approached a red light.

"Two months?" Louis guesses. Harry nods, putting his phone back down and looking out the window. "I mean, it's supposed to be three, but 's twins, so I'm guessing."

"Gotcha," Harry replies, and it's silent again. An awkward silence builds up like a wall between them, and Louis tries to get through it the entire car ride, realising it's not easy to just talk to Harry sometimes.

When they get to Louis' house, no one else is home. He assumes his Mum is at work, and Dan definitely is. The girls are still at school.

"Um, is it okay if I take a nap?" Harry asks softly, and his mood seems to have changed quite quickly. Louis nods, setting his rucksack down next to the kitchen table. Harry carries his upstairs.

Louis cleans the kitchen for his Mum, knowing she might want to lay down when she comes home from work. He then finds the laundry basket, full of clean and folded clothes, and decides to bring it upstairs to have the girls put their clothes away.

As he passes his bedroom he hears sniffling, and he freezes. Louis puts the laundry basket down and walks into his bedroom, seeing Harry crying into the pillow on the bed. Louis slowly walks in, hands in his pockets as he twists his mouth.

"Everything alright?" He asks quietly. No shit, everything's not alright, but Louis doesn't know what else to say.

Harry nods, wiping his eyes and giving Louis a shaky smile. "I'm fine, don't worry about it," He assures, voice trembling. Louis ignores him, sitting down next to him on the bed and sitting close to him as an invitation to lean against him or do whatever it takes to make him feel less alone.

Harry leans into Louis, head resting on his shoulder. Louis wraps his arm around Harry's shoulder, pulling him closer and letting him cry.

"You wanna tell me what happened?" Louis asks quietly. Harry sniffles, wiping his eyes and burying his face into Louis' shoulder.

"Sophia found out I was pregnant," He explains, sniffling again. "I-I don't know how, I haven't told anyone, but she's basically telling everyone I'm a slut."

"Shit, Harry," Louis says softly, trying not to get angry because he knows exactly who told Sophia. "It'll be okay." Harry leans closer into Louis, and Louis just pulls Harry into his lap and lets Harry hug him tightly. Louis rubs his back, quietly comforting him into his ear as Harry cries into his shoulder.

Harry falls asleep leaning into Louis, and Louis figures out how to lay Harry down onto the he without waking him up.

He grabs his mobile out of his pocket and calls Liam, face hot with Anger as he puts a hand on his hip, leaning against the wall in the hallway.

"Fuck you," Louis hisses as soon as Liam picks up. "You prick. I trusted you."

"What are you talking about, mate?"

"You told Sophia!" Louis exclaims, taking a moment to lower his voice again. "I just witnessed Harry practically sobbing because your little girlfriend is spreading the word that he's a slut. That's sick, dude."

"Louis, I'm sorry, but you know how she is."

"I thought I knew how you are," Louis practically growls. "I thought you were trustworthy, I thought I could come to you with a problem I had and trust you'd keep it confidential. Instead you run off to that witch you call a girlfriend and spill everything to her. Fuck you."

"Oi, if you don't need me why don't you just go back to your little boyfriend then!"

"I will," Louis barks, hanging up. He groans, slamming his hand against the wall. He can hear Lottie and Fizzy enter the house and he sighs, shaking his head.

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