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"Woah, woah, woah," Louis picks Joshua up from where he's starting to climb on top of the kitchen table. "Nuh uh, little dude."

"Daddyyy," Josh whines, smacking his hand against Louis' chest. Louis rolls his eyes fondly, kissing the top of Joshua's head and carrying him over to the refrigerator.

"We're supposed to be making Mummy breakfast, mate," Louis reminds, giving Joshua a squeeze. "Eggs and toast, right?"

"I-I wan' cake," Josh mumbles.

"Well, we don't eat cake for brekkie," Louis explains, pulling a carton of eggs out of the refrigerator. "So how about we make you some toast too?"

"'Kay," Josh mumbles, his little baby curls falling into his eyes. Louis brushes them back before closing the refrigerator with his hip.

"Maybe later we can go play some footie in the park," Louis mentions. "How's that sound, J?"

"Yes!" Joshua gasps, and Louis chuckles. "I-I wan' be goalie, Daddy."

"Sure, bubba," Louis grins. "You can be goalie." He sets Josh down on the counter, resting his hand on Josh's little tummy so he won't move. "Stay put, okay? Mum doesn't like it when you sit on the counter."

"Mumma mad," Josh mumbles.

"'S right," Louis nods, pulling a pan out of the cabinet and setting it on the stove. "And Mumma's scary when he's mad."

Louis makes Harry's eggs and toast, with Joshua babbling on about everything under the sun (Louis cam understand him, like, 75% of the time). When Louis' finished he scoops Joshua up and carries him and the food upstairs.

"'G morning," Louis greets when he sees Harry's awake. Harry looks away from the telly and grins at his two boys, raising his eyebrows at the food.

"Good morning," He says, laughing when Joshua wiggles out of Louis' hold to climb up onto the bed. "You guys made breakfast?"

"Don't feel too flattered," Louis teases, setting the food on the bedside table and kissing the top of Harry's head. "'S really for the baby, not you."

"Ah," Harry nods while Louis rests his hand on the curve of Harry's tummy. "Well, then, it kind of has to be for me, right? Since she's, you know, inside of me."

"Technicalities," Louis rolls his eyes playfully. Harry just giggles, placing his hand over Louis' so they're both resting on his bump. "Josh helped Daddy make brekkie, right, buddy?"

"Mhm," Josh grins, looking up at Harry. "I-I put the buttah on the toasts."

"Really?" Harry gasps over-dramatically, glancing over at the toast with mounds of butter on it. "Looks good, bubba."

Joshua beams, and Harry kisses his forehead. Louis climbs onto the bed, scooping Joshua up and making him squeal. Harry smiles fondly, shaking his head.

"You alright, H?" Louis asks as Josh cuddles into his chest.

"'M fine," Harry assures. "She's behaving today."

"That doesn't happen often," Louis hums. He kisses the top of Josh's head. "What do you think, mate, will your baby sister be a trouble maker like you?"

"I'm not a trouble baker," Joshua pouts. Harry throws his head back and laughs while Louis just smiles adoringly. He loves his boys (and his girl). Harry takes a bite of his egg before wincing.

"That bad, huh?" Louis asks.

"No," Harry assures quickly. "No, baby, it's good. Think she just moved weird."

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