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Jade practically drags Harry out of the house.

Harry is not happy. He's in jeans and a jumper, with only minimal makeup, and his stomach hurts, his back hurts, and his legs hurt. Jade doesn't even let him drive.

"Cheer up, buttercup," Jade crows, and that just causes Harry to deepen his pout. "We can get you some new clothes! You were complaining about your clothes not fitting, right?"

Harry is about to respond, but he feels a bit of fluttering in his stomach. He freezes, and Jade can see it out of the corner of her eye. "Y'alright, H?" She asks, watching as Harry furrows his eyebrows.

"I think the baby just moved?" Harry says, biting the curve of his thumb and looking down at his stomach, covered by the baggy jumper. Jade smiles wide, watching as Harry pulls out his phone. "I wanna call Louis, should I?"

"Absolutely," Jade says. Harry smiles and presses Louis' contact, holding his mobile up to his ear. It rings for what seems like forever until it goes to voicemail. Harry furrows his eyebrows. He doesn't think Louis has footie practice this morning, because he practically memorised the schedule.

"Did he pick up?" Jade asks as Harry puts his mobile down. He shakes his head and huffs. Jade twists her mouth. "Hm. Weird."

They arrive at the shopping centre soon enough, meeting Andrea and Dodie in the parking lot before walking in together. Harry can't help but notice they're babying him a bit, because they're constantly asking him if he's up for the walking with his sore legs and if he wants to sit down for a bit somewhere (he doesn't mind at all).

"Do you want to go to the food court, babes?" Dodie asks, noticing Harry's small pout from his aching legs. He gives her a shy nod, and she smiles. "Yeah, of course, then we can go to that baby store you were talking about."

"Okay," Harry says softly. They walk up the small flight of stairs leading up to the food court, and as they get closer Harry stops walking and stares.

Louis is sitting at the edge of the fountain next to Leigh-Anne Pinnock. His arm is around her and he's talking into her ear, making her giggle. Harry's heart is pounding, hands shaking as he just stands there. Because what the fuck, Louis?

"Harry, what's the matter?" Jade asks, walking up to him and putting her hand on his shoulder. Harry doesn't answer, eyes filling with tears, and Jade finally follows his gaze. Her eyes widen, and once Dodie and Andrea catch up to them they realise what's going on as well.

Louis notices too. When he looks up he makes eye contact with Harry, mouth falling open. Jade turns Harry around and starts to walk him away. "It's okay, H, love, deep breaths," She urges softly.

"Are you still hungry? We can still get you some food," Andrea offers, biting her lip and watching Harry as he sniffles.

"Harry! Harry, please!"

Harry turns around to see Louis practically sprinting toward him, his hand gripping Leigh-Anne's wrist from behind him. "Just leave him alone, yeah?" Dodie spits, tone a lot more aggressive than her usual soft spoken words.

"I think you've done quite enough, Louis," Jade says quietly, giving Leigh-Anne a small look before turning Harry around again and guiding him away.

"I just want to leave," Harry decides. Jade nods understandingly.

"You two can stay for awhile longer," She says to Andrea and Dodie. "I'll drive H home."

"Love you, H," Andrea says softly, giving Harry a tight hug. Dodie does the same before Jade leads him to the exit.

"'S raining, you should put your hood up," She mumbles, Harry obeys. She walks in front of him, and Harry can tell she's angry with Louis by the way she does everything so aggressively.


Harry turns as Jade continues to walk to her car. And there he is, standing in the middle of the pouring rain for Louis, who's running up to him. "Harry, please, it's not what you think," Louis pants desperately.

"I think you made all that Eleanor stuff up as an excuse not to get together with me," Harry whimpers, feeling his eyes tear up again. "If you didn't want to be with me you could've just said so."

"No, Harry," Louis groans. "Leigh and I aren't together! She was telling me about how her parents have been fighting recently and I was trying to comfort her, that's it! We're just friends."

"I just don't know if I can trust you anymore," Harry whimpers, clutching his stomach on the inside of his jumper pockets. "It moved today."

Louis' eyes soften. Harry continues. "And I called you, and you didn't answer. You ignored my call because you were with Leigh-Anne. What if I were in serious trouble? What if it was the baby?"

"I'm so sorry," Louis chokes out. Harry just frowns and turns around, walking to Jade's car.

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