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"I think Louis' still sleeping, baby."

Louis, however, was not sleeping, and instead was listening to Harry's conversation with his belly as he got ready for school. Louis will never understand why someone would choose putting random powders on their face instead of sleeping in an extra forty minutes, but to each their own.

"He sleeps in late," Harry giggles as Louis hears him close some sort of compact or palette or something. "He's always rushing after he sleeps through his alarm, it's rather funny. His bedhead is quite endearing anyways." Harry's quiet for a few moments. "If I have my dates right, I think I'm twenty-six weeks? I'll have to ask Lou later–that's your dad, if I didn't make that clear–because he's very good at keeping track of this sort of stuff. I'm not."

Louis is completely still, not wanting Harry to think he's awake at all so he can listen to Harry's conversation. "You're a proper bump now, yeah?" Harry hums adoringly, and Louis can just picture it; Harry applying makeup with one hand, grazing his fingertips across his bump with the other. "Louis pointed it out yesterday. You were always kind of low-key, what happened? Suddenly I can't wear my favourite sweaters anymore, you traitor. I guess it's just an excuse to start stealing more of Louis' then, I reckon."

Louis is really trying not to smile, but it's getting increasingly harder. "We've got to start thinking of names for you, yeah?" Harry continues softly. "Louis probably has some in mind. He's a lot more whipped than he likes to think, you know? He thinks about you all the time, he just doesn't admit it. You're always on both of our minds, love, always will be. We both love you very much." Harry pauses before giggling to himself again. "He is whipped, isn't he? Sometimes he notices that I'm embarrassed because I eat a lot more than everyone else, so he eats more than me to take away the attention. I think he regrets it every time, because he always complains of a sore tummy afterwards, but he', he's one of the sweetest people I've ever met."

Louis smiles. He can't help it. Harry is quiet again. "He's also a little nosey, apparently, because he's currently eavesdropping on our conversation, but he's still sweet," Louis opens one eye to see Harry facing him. "You're not very subtle, love."

"It's not my fault you're loud," Louis huffs, but he catches himself smiling wide in the reflection of Harry's small mirror. Louis' been telling himself he'll build a vanity for him, he just hasn't had the time. "Besides, it's my baby too, I should know what information you're feeding him."

"All good things," Harry assures softly, climbing up on the bed and sitting in between Louis' hips. Louis smiles again and places his hand on the side of Harry's bump, Harry leaning down and pecking the tip of his nose. "I can't wait to enroll in online classes. I hate going to school now."

"Is anybody giving you shit?" Louis asks worriedly, propping himself up on his elbows with furrowed brows. Harry smiles adoringly and shakes his head, leaning his forehead against Louis'.

"No," Harry assures. "It's just that my back and feet always hurt and walking through the corridors gets me exhausted and it's embarrassing sitting there while everyone else is doing P.E. Plus, Ms. Marshall won't let me switch out because she's a shitty guidance counsellor."

"Poor babies," Louis coos under his breath. "C'mon, let's go downstairs and get you some brekkie. We can drive your car to school."

So the two boys stumble downstairs sleepily with Louis' hand on Harry's back. Louis tosses Harry a banana before going into the lounge to say good morning to his mum, picking up Ernie and carrying him out to the kitchen with him.

"You want to hold Ernie while I make you the rest of your breakfast?" Louis asks with a knowing smirk. Harry has been so attached to the baby twins lately, and Louis is living for it. Harry nods eagerly and takes Ernie from him, sitting him on top of his belly and smiling wide.

"Hi, love," Harry coos as Ernie smiles at him. Louis walks over to the refrigerator, rubbing Harry's back as he passes him.


"Yes, please."

Louis pulls out strawberries and blueberries as Harry talks to Ernie in a high-pitched voice, pressing kisses to his forehead as Ernie giggles. Louis reckons baby giggles are his favourite sound, right next to Harry's.

Now when Louis and Harry walk into school, they walk hand-in-hand. They stand in a group of Harry's friends as the girls coo over how cute the two are together, Louis kissing Harry's cheek and murmuring in his ear to which Harry only assures him that yes, he's fine and yes, he can handle it for the rest of the day.

So Louis walks Harry to his class before walking to his own, which thankfully isn't too far away. He reminds Harry to text him if he happens to have any pains or anything, and they go through the rest of the day like that.

They meet up at Louis' locker at the end of the day, Harry looking sleepy and achy as Louis wraps him up in a hug. He kisses the top of Harry's head and leads him to the parking lot, turning Harry's shoulder away a bit from some members of the baseball team that are glancing over at him and then looking at each other and whispering. Louis wants to fucking break all of their noses with their stupid baseball bats for looking at Harry like that.

"Can we stop at the park on the way home?" Harry asks quietly. Louis nods and looks over to Harry worriedly, but Harry is staring out the window.

Louis pulls over at a mostly empty park, helping Harry out of the car before leading him down the paved path across the green park. Louis slowly takes Harry's hand, and they start to walk toward a group of trees nearby.

"You look upset," Louis observes gently, noticing Harry's slight frown. Harry looks down at his wandering feet and swallows thickly.

"Those flowers are pretty," Harry mutters softly, eyes stuck on the tulips poking out of the soft March grass. Louis purses his lips and squeezes Harry's hand until he looks at him again. "Um, Luke Hemmings called me a whore today. And he, uh, threatened me. But he doesn't mean it, I'm fine, it's not a big deal."

Flashbacks of Harry in Rena and Nia Lovelis' kitchen pop into Louis' mind. Luke Hemmings is fiddling with the end of Harry's skirt while Harry bites his bottom lip. Louis stops walking, pulling Harry back a little bit with their intertwined fingers. "He what?"

Harry sighs. "He told me he wanted kill me. Because I'm a mistake, and a freak, and-" Harry chokes, and Louis is quick to pull Harry into him and kiss the top of his head, although on the inside he's thinking of how to murder Luke Hemmings without getting caught.

"I'm so sorry, H," Louis coos softly, rubbing Harry's back. "I wouldn't let anything happen to you, baby, I promise. We have to go to the headmaster about this, though."

"Okay," Harry sniffles into Louis' chest. "I-I want the baby to be safe."

"He's safe, love, I'll keep him safe," Louis says soothingly, kissing the top of Harry's head. "I would never let anything happen to either of you."

"Thank you," Harry whimpers. Louis just leans back a bit to peck Harry's trembling lips, letting Harry cling onto him like he's safety.

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