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On the third date Louis takes Harry on, Harry asks to move back in with him.

Louis calls his mum from the museum, and he swears the people around him can hear her happy chattering from his mobile. So that's a yes. Harry's coming back home. Louis is thriving.

"I can't wait to live with you again," Louis says softly, arms around Harry's waist as they stare at a painting of roses. Harry leans into Louis more, practically melting into him as Louis sneaks his hands up a bit to Harry's belly, feeling the tiniest kicks against his palms.

"I expect morning cuddles," Harry stays, voice stern as Louis chuckles into his shoulder. "And for you to fulfill my nightly cravings. And take cute couple pictures with me for Instagram."

"Anything," Louis says softly. "You deserve the world, H."

"I like this Louis," Harry decides, and Louis chuckles again, rubbing his thumbs along the material of Harry's cream coloured sweater that falls mid-thigh, baggy everywhere except where his bump pokes out a bit. He has it cuffed by his tiny wrists because the sleeves are too long for him, and Louis can't remember why he ever let this person go.

They end up kissing.

Not in the museum, where pretentious adults would glare at them for disrespecting the paintings and sculptures around them. They kiss outside of the ice cream place they go to after, and Harry tastes like strawberry ice cream and the raspberry lip gloss on his lips, and Louis can feel the fireworks in his stomach as Harry reaches up and puts his hands on Louis' cheeks, pulling him closer.

Louis moves his hand to Harry's tummy, the other one on his waist. He can feel Harry's lips curl up into a small smile against his own and the feeling in his stomach intensifies. This feels right, everything about this feels right.

"That really just happened," Louis breathes out when they separate, looking into Harry's eyes with his heart pounding. Harry's eyes are brighter than he's ever seen them, dimples deep as his smile widens.

"Can it please happen again?" Harry asks, and Louis nods frantically, practically diving toward Harry and smashing their lips together. He can hear Harry's muffled giggles as his tiny hands move up to Louis' hair.

"You're not supposed to be lifting anything heavy, love, let me take that."

"I can carry it," Harry argues, huffing and holding the box closer to him. Louis rolls his eyes with a small smile and gently takes the box from him, leaning over to press a kiss to the tip of Harry's nose before walking toward his room. Harry's cheeks turn a rosy pink and Louis snickers.

"You should sit down," Louis suggests, setting the box down near his closet and turning to see Harry walking into the bedroom. "It's not good for you to be on your feet so much."

"Relax, I'm fine," Harry assures with a small smile, leaning in the doorway as Louis exhales deeply and wipes the sweat from his forehead. "I'm eighteen, I can take care of myself, Lou."

"Eighteen?" Louis asks, looking up. Harry furrows his eyebrows and nods. "Eighteen? But you were seventeen before you moved out!"

"There's this thing called a birthday," Harry giggles. "And mine was two weeks ago. I'm eighteen."

"I missed your birthday?" Louis asks with a frown, and Harry just bites his bottom lip. "Oh, H, I'm sorry..."

"No, it doesn't matter," Harry assures, waving him off. "My family never celebrated birthdays much."

"Why?" Louis asks with furrowed eyebrows. His family celebrates birthdays to the max. His mum would never dare miss a birthday celebration, even if all they could do is a quick present exchange before school.

Harry shrugs, letting Louis lead him to the bed and sit him down. "My parents were always working. I guess they just didn't have the time?"

"Oh," Louis frowns again, sitting down next to Harry and smiling when Harry leans into him, nuzzling his face into his neck. "I'm sorry, Harry."

"It's fine," Harry hums, pressing a tender peck to Louis' neck. "Now, cuddle with me. I'm sleepy."

Louis smiles as Harry lays down, laying down next to Harry and cuddling up to him. He can feel Harry jump a little bit, and before he can ask what's wrong Harry takes his hand and places it on his stomach, smile wide.

Louis giggles into Harry's hair, Harry's dainty fingers tangled with his on his stomach. "How've you been feeling lately?" Louis asks softly, kissing the top of Harry's head.

"My back's been hurting a bit," Harry admits. "And my belly button is an outie now," He's pouting, and Louis smiles as Harry's other hand rubs his eyes. "And I think it's getting scarier."

"Yeah?" Louis hums, smiling adoringly. "I'll be here every step of the way with you, love."

Harry's lips split into a large grin. "Good. You're a lot better at this than I am," Harry giggles, nuzzling his nose into Louis' chest.

"And he just didn't celebrate birthdays?" Jay asks like it's the most horrific thing she's ever heard. "His parents didn't make him a special dinner or take time to give him presents?"

"No," Louis shakes his head, eyebrows raised. "His parents worked a lot, I guess, maybe they didn't have the time."

"Nonsense," Jay replies. "A child's birthday should be acknowledged! We should do something for him, that poor boy."

"Mum, you're busy enough," Louis argues.

"Not too busy to acknowledge his birthday!" Jay replies. "It'll take me maybe a week to get some presents for the girls to give him and such. You're on your own there, love."

"I'll think of something," Louis assures, kissing his mum on the cheek before walking back upstairs to Harry.

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