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Christmas is bullshit.

At least, this year it is. Louis decides not to tell his Mum that Harry is moving out until after, because she's generally very stressed around this time of year and two babies are not lessening the fact. His Mum is just a very stressed person in general, and he feels as though he and Dan, as the men of the house, try their best to prevent that.

"Merry Christmas, love, where's Harry?" Jay asks as she bottle-feeds Doris, the baby girl closing her eyes as Jay holds her to her chest. Louis shrugs.

"Sleeping?" He guesses. "I don't know, Mum, I'm not constantly watching him every minute of the day."

Jay furrows her eyebrows. "Alright, darling?" She asks. Louis thinks mums have like a super power or something, because they always know when their kids are upset. At least, from what Louis' seen.

Louis just sits down at the kitchen table. "Eleanor ruined me," Is all he says, and Jay seems to understand the gist of what's happened. She gives him a sympathetic look as he buries his face in his hands, not wanting to face his mother anymore. He feels pathetic.

"Good morning, love!" Jay says suddenly, the whole mood of the room changing. Louis looks up and watches as Harry walks in, giving Jay an obviously strained smile. He looks exhausted. Louis infers that he himself does as well. Jay's eyes bounce back and forth between Louis and Harry as the two boys stay silent. "Um, Lou, do you mind bringing Doris up to the nursery?"

"Sure, Mum," Louis says, getting up and taking Doris carefully from his Mum. He notices the pout on Doris' face and sticks his tongue out at her in attempts to make her happier. Harry watches him intently.

"I'll come help you," Harry says softly. Louis just nods and walks upstairs, Harry turning around and following him.

"I'm sorry, Louis," Is all Harry says once they've gotten to the nursery. Louis ignores him, setting Doris down in her cot. "And I'm sorry for hurting you, and I'm sorry I can't sympathise with you."

"You're not hurting me," Louis grumbles. "Get over yourself, mate."

Harry rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "This is why I can't stay here," He points out. "Just yesterday you said I was. What's up with that? You sound like an absolute tosser." Louis noticeably deflated, shaking his head and keeping his eyes on Doris. He can hear Harry sigh from behind him. "I didn't mean that."

"Bullshit," Louis hisses, storming out of the nursery. Harry follows him, watching as Louis walks into his room and sits down on the bed.

Louis looks up at Harry. "Get out of me room," He grumbles, arms crossed. Harry scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"Now you sound like an utter two year old," He points out, walking to the closet and pulling out his duffel bag. He then starts to fold up some clothes and put them in. "I'm just packing some stuff. I'm leaving for Jade's tomorrow. I'm not taking everything tomorrow, though, I don't have enough room."

"I was so concerned about your moving arrangements," Louis says sarcastically, and Harry just rolls his eyes again and continues to pack.

"I can't believe you're making him leave."

Louis practically gapes at his mother, furrowing his eyebrows. "I didn't make him leave, Mum! It was his choice!"

Jay shakes her head. "You must have done something to make him want to leave, Louis," She points out, and Louis crosses his arms.

"We got into a sort-of fight," He explains. "It was both of us, and it was his decision to leave. I don't want him to leave, Mum."

Jay looks at Louis for a moment. "You brought up Eleanor, didn't you?" She asks, and Louis nods. Jay sighs. "He feels left out, love. You're leaving him in the dark just a bit."

"I'm not ready," Louis raises his voice. His mother gives him a look that makes his face soften. "Sorry. I can't tell him yet."

Jay frowns, and Louis notices. "Mum, do you know the social power Harry has in our school?" He asks. "Sophia Smith already knows–somehow. She doesn't know what happened but she knows who El is and that I moved here because of her. If Harry knew too, I reckon the whole school would find out. We moved to get away from all that."

"Do you not trust Harry?" Jay asks, and Louis sighs.

"I don't know," He admits. Daisy comes running in then, tugging on Jay's shirt.

"Presents?" She asks. Jay smiles and leans down to kiss the top of Daisy's head.

"Sure, love," She says, giving Daisy a gentle push toward the staircase. "Why don't you go tell everyone it's time?" Daisy skips toward the stairs, and Jay turns to Louis. "I got Harry some presents. I don't care what you say or what you think of him–if that boy's family won't treat him right, I want him to know he always has a place here."

Louis nods. "I want that too," He agrees. Jay smiles and pinches his cheek before walking to the lounge.

"This one's for Louis and Harry," Lottie says, reading the tag on a blue and pink gift bag. Louis furrows his eyebrows and reaches for it, and Lottie hands it to him. He looks up to Harry's expectantly, who–upon Phoebe and Daisy's requests–is sitting between the twin girls. He's also holding Ernest in his lap (upon Jay's request, because Dan was away for a business trip and she couldn't help both babies open their presents).

Harry meets Louis' eyes and twists his mouth before standing and walking over to him, sitting down next to him with Ernest in his arms. Louis slowly takes the tissue paper out before taking out the contents of the bag.

"Oh," Louis says softly, staring at the tiny pale green baby grow. "Oh, my god. Mum. You didn't have to."

"Thank you," Harry says, sounding like he's on the verge of tears. Hormones have hit him like a bitch.

Jay just waves them off. "Never too early to start buying things, yeah?" She asks, and Harry nods, but all Louis can do is stare. He can't imagine holding a baby that's his and isn't one of his younger siblings.

"'S almost as tiny as you, love," Harry says in a high pitched voice to Ernie, and Louis' heart flutters for a reason he can't explain.

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