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Louis is not in the mood to go to a party.

Niall insists, though, because he swears it will put Louis in a better mood. So Louis is dragged to Perrie Edwards' house in a hoodie and jeans and he doesn't really feel like doing anything except watching the video of Harry's ultrasound.

"At least try to have fun for me, mate?" Niall says, giving Louis a very rare warm smile. Louis just sighs and nods weakly, letting Niall lead him into Perrie's large house.

"You're finally here!" Perrie gasps, smiling wide and giving Niall a hug almost as soon as they enter. Once her and Niall separate she looks to Louis. "Louis, right?" He nods. "Ah, you're the one Harry's been talking about."

Louis blushes as two other girls hug Niall. He's always been more popular, and it leaves Louis a bit jealous. "Lou, mate, this is Ashley," Niall introduces a girl with blue hair. "And this is Leigh-Anne," He points to a girl with black curly hair next to him.

Louis just gives them a small wave, and Ashley raises her eyebrows while Leigh-Anne returns the wave sweetly. Leigh-Anne then turns to Niall. "I'm going to go get a drink!" She yells over the music.

"Take Louis with you," Niall replies, and Louis nods. You never know who's at parties like this, and girls shouldn't really walk around alone. Leigh-Anne turns around and smiles at Louis, and they both walk to the kitchen together.

"So, you're one of Niall's friends?" Leigh-Anne yells over the music. Louis just nods as Leigh-Anne picks up a soda. He notes the beers that were on the table right next to them, and how she took a soda instead.

Leigh-Anne says something else, but Louis can't hear over the music. He points to his ear and leans closer, and she repeats herself, but the music and surrounding people are so loud he can't hear her. Leigh-Anne just laughs when he repeats his action and grabs his hand, leading Louis outside onto a dimly lit porch. There's no one else, and once Louis closes the door behind him there's barely any noise.

Leigh-Anne sits down on a bench swing, and Louis sits beside her. They sit in silence for a while, and Louis is so grateful to get away from all the noise.

"I'm sure you've heard a lot of bad things about me," Louis says ashamedly, voice barely a whisper. Leigh-Anne turns her head to look at him, giving him a warm smile. It's then Louis notices how modestly she's dressed, unlike most girls at the party who seemed to forget it was January. She's wearing a grey sweater and a pair of blue jeans, her curls up in a ponytail.

"That doesn't mean I believed them," She replies, shrugging and taking a sip of her soda. "I barely know you, I can't pretend to know things about you just because other people said them."

Louis can't help but smile and lean back, because that was such a relief to hear. "That's-Wow," Louis laughs. "Thanks. That's great to hear."

Leigh-Anne just smiles. "Harry's one of my friends anyways," She continues. "I wouldn't believe anything about the situation unless it came from him."

"It's good to hear his friends aren't dissing him because he's pregnant," Louis says, because between Sophia and the sort of people Harry seem to hang out with, Louis was worried they would give him a hard time.

"I can't really judge, my own mum had me when she was seventeen," Leigh-Anne says.

"My mum had me when she was eighteen," Louis replies, stretching his arms over the bench as Leigh-Anne leans back. "And I think she wanted better for me, but I fucked that one up a bit, didn't I?"

Leigh-Anne shakes her head. "I don't think so," She admits. "I don't think you'd do anything stupid like some teenage dads do. You've applied for uni, yeah?"

Louis nods. "Manchester."

"And you wouldn't ditch Harry, right?" Leigh-Anne asks, and Louis shakes his head. "It'll be hard for sure, but maybe it will work out in the end. I bet you'll make your mum proud."

Louis feels all warm and fuzzy and he doesn't know why. He nods before noticing Leigh-Anne shiver at the cold breeze. "Here," He mumbles, taking off his sweatshirt and handing it to her. Leigh-Anne doesn't even try to reject it, just takes it with a smile and pulls it over her head. It's baggy, going passed her hands, but she thanks Louis quietly and leans back again.

"Have you found out the gender of the baby yet?" Leigh-Anne asks, turning a bit to face Louis. Louis smiles at her, feeling a lot more at peace than he had in a long time. It was nice, just him, her and the moon.

"No," He sighs happily. "H is only four months along, I think, and you find out at five. I saw the first ultrasound a couple days ago, though. Jade gave me a DVD they recorded at the appointment. That was insane."

"Yeah?" Leigh-Anne asks quietly, telling Louis to continue.

"Yeah," Louis replies. "Like, I've seen ultrasounds before. I have a lot of younger siblings. But seeing my own was wicked."

Louis and Leigh-Anne talk for the rest of the night, exchange numbers when Niall drunkenly finds them and tells Louis he has to drive the two of them home, and promise to hang out the next weekend.

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