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"I know, baby, I know," Louis coos desperately into Harry's curls, rocking him back and forth slightly and rubbing his back. "Deep breaths, okay?"

"Can we go to the hospital now?" Harry sobs, his head leaning against Louis' chest as Louis looks at his Mum with raised eyebrows.

"They're still ten minutes apart, darling," Jay reminds, walking into the living room from the kitchen and putting her hand on Harry's shoulder. "They won't want you to come in until they're five apart at the most."

"I've been in labour eleven fucking hours," Harry growls, and Jay's doesn't even flinch at his tone while Louis furrows his eyebrows. He has never heard Harry talk like that.

"I know, babes," Jay replies. "And I know it sucks, but you are doing swimmingly so far, and your baby boy will be in your arms before you know it."

"I love you so much, Harry," Louis whispers gently into Harry's hair, kissing the top of his head as Jay wipes one of Harry's tears and walks back to the kitchen. "Thank you for giving me Joshua."

"I think it was really you giving him to me," Harry replies, sniffling as his grip on Louis loosens. Louis laughs, throwing his head back as he hears Harry's weary giggles.

"You're a dork," Louis teases, reaching up and wiping Harry's cheeks. "How'd I get so lucky?"

"Sap," Harry teases back, making Louis smile. The door opens and closes, and they both look up to see Lottie entering.

"'M back from Molly's house," She says before looking at how Harry is in Louis' lap and wrinkling her nose. "Get a room."

"He's in labour," Louis argues as Lottie starts to walk into the kitchen.

"He can be in labour in your room," Lottie replies, and Louis scowls as Harry holds back a laugh.

"She was just messing around," Harry giggles as Louis huffs and turns his bead back to Harry. Harry leans over and kisses the tip of Louis' nose, and his scowl is suddenly gone.

They don't speak for a bit, Louis brushing his fingers through Harry's curls as Harry's eyes drooped sleepily. After a few minutes Harry tensed, and Louis knew it was coming before Harry could even react.

"Fuck," Harry whimpers, and Louis just pulls Harry into him as Harry's grip tightens.

"Breathe through it, love," Louis soothes, scratching Harry's scalp lightly as Harry continues to whimper.

"A room," Lottie reminds as she walks past the sofa to go upstairs. Louis grits his teeth and rolls his eyes.

"Shut up, Lottie," He growls, and Lottie's eyes widen before she races upstairs. Louis shakes his head and continues to comfort Harry, kissing the top of his head again.

Harry's breathing becomes calmer as Louis kisses his forehead. "Good?"


"That one was nine minutes from the last one," Louis says, leaning up and kissing Harry's forehead. "We're getting somewhere, babe."

Doris starts to cry from the kitchen where she's laying in her swing, and Harry's eyes widen as he leans back from Louis and looks down at his t-shirt. Two wet spots are where his nipples are. "Oh, for fuck's sake!"

"Sorry, Harry!" Jay calls from the kitchen as Louis stifles his laughter. Harry glares before slowly getting up by himself, practically waddling towards the stairs. Louis gets up, rushing over to help him as he puts his hand on the small of his back.

"'S not that funny," Harry mumbles, but he giggles a little after. Louis just smiles and helps Harry up the staircase before following him to the bedroom and assisting him in sitting down on the bed.

"Another t-shirt?" Louis asks, opening one of the drawers in Harry's part of the dresser. He would offer to have him borrow something, but his clothes stopped fitting Harry around a month ago.

"Yes please," Harry hums, looking down at his shirt again and wincing. Louis picks out a grey one, taking it out and walking over to Harry.

"Arms up," Louis orders, and Harry obliges. Louis takes off Harry's shirt, smiling at his bare belly. "You're so fucking gorgeous, love."

"Shut up," Harry huffs, but he laughs as Louis pulls the shirt over his head, smiling as Harry yanks it on. "I love you."

"I love you too," Louis replies, leaning down and pressing his lips to Harry's sweetly. Harry reaches up and puts his hand on Louis' cheek, his lips subconsciously turning up into a smile.

It's only a few minutes into them repeatedly kissing that Harry groans quietly, and Louis jumps back from him. He then realises Harry's getting another contraction and he steps forward. Harry leans his forehead against Louis' stomach, letting Harry run his fingers through his curls.

"You're doing great, sweetie!" Louis chirps, hoping it will get a laugh out of Harry.

"Fuck you," Harry groans lightheartedly,

"Harry, love, I couldn't find your-" Louis stops when he notices Harry is kneeling on the floor, leaning into the couch and crying into it. "Oh, fuck, Harry, you should've called me downstairs."

"It's almost done, it's almost done," Harry sniffles, closing his eyes and inhaling shakily before un-tensing. It's silent between the two before Harry glances at the clock on the wall, his eyes lighting up. "That-That was four minutes apart from the last one. Oh my god, Louis, we can leave! We can finally fucking leave!"

Louis glances at the clock and smiles before rushing toward Harry to help him up. "Let me get my keys, and tell my mum we're leaving, and your bag is over by the door, oh my god-"

"Relax, babe," Harry says with a big smile, reaching up and pressing his hand to Louis' cheek. "We're going to be fine, yeah? We're going to be okay. Just go and tell Jay we're leaving, I'll get your keys."

"No, y-you sit down," Louis insists softly, helping Harry sit down on the sofa. "Let me find my Mum, and then we can get going."

"I love you," Harry squeezes Louis' hand. "I can't wait to meet Joshua."

"I love you too," Louis smiles nervously. He turns around and rushes into the kitchen, his mother sitting in front of Ernest, whose in a high chair. She's feeding him mushy orange baby food before she looks up at Louis. "I-It's time. I'm gonna drive Harry to the hospital."

"Do you want Dan or I to take you?" She asks. Louis shakes his head almost immediately.

"I-I'm going to do this by myself," Louis nods. Jay smiles proudly.

"Let me call Lottie and tell her Dan is going to pick her up now," Jay says. "And we'll meet you there."

"Thanks, Mum, I love you," Louis mumbles timidly, grabbing his keys off the counter before rushing back to the lounge.

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