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hi everyone,

i'm sure these past few days have had a toll on all of us, especially those of us who are black. i want to take the time to use this as a platform to tell everyone to do their part. if you are silent, you are taking the side of the oppressor.

as a white woman, i feel obligated to use my voice and privilege to speak out against injustices towards others that don't have the same privilege as me. that's why i'm asking all of you to do something. anything. sign a petition, post something on social media, take action. george floyd should be alive. tamir rice should be alive. breanna taylor should be alive. it's our responsibility to use our voices to speak up.

black lives matter. feel free to dm me if you need resources, whether it be for mental health or how to help out. we are the generation that can end racism.

i hope everyone is healthy, and able to cope with everything that is happening in the world right now. i'm here for all of you always.


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