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Harry is so...calm.

Like, weirdly calm. Louis prepared himself for a lot of anxiety and caution after they brought Joshua home, but so far Harry has been good. Very chill about asking questions to Louis or Jay when he's confused about something.

And, as Louis looks down at Joshua, who's sleeping in a cot on Harry's side of the bed, his heart is bursting. He feels as though he could stand there and just look at him forever, which he would if he didn't have to graduate tomorrow. It sucks, because according to the doctor Harry is still in no condition to be out and walking around for hours at a time, and even if he was, Harry doesn't want to be away from Josh. Louis is certain he has some form of separation anxiety, because he gets very nervous when Louis goes somewhere without him, and now he's started to become nervous when Joshua isn't close enough.

Harry's diploma was delivered in the mail, and Jay had kissed his face all over and told him how proud of him she was. Louis knew Harry was bummed he wouldn't get to be at the actual ceremony, although he's assured Louis that it's fine, and he'd rather be home with Joshua.

That's another thing–Harry's going to be all alone with Josh for the first time. Louis' whole family is going to the graduation, and Harry's going to livestream it on his laptop with Josh. Louis isn't nervous, he just doesn't want Harry to be.

"Planning on coming to bed?" Louis can hear Harry mumble from the bed. Louis looks up to see Harry with his face squished into the pillow, smiling faintly. Louis smiles and walks around Josh's cot, climbing onto the bed and pulling Harry into him. Harry giggles sleepily as Louis presses a long, lingering kiss to the back of his neck.

"Do you think you'll be okay with him alone tomorrow?" Louis asks softly, smiling as Harry turns around so they're facing each other. Louis wraps his arms around Harry protectively while Harry closes his eyes again.

"I think so," Harry mumbles, cuddling up to Louis' chest with a content sigh. "I-I have to get over this fear of being alone with him, right? Because, when you go off to school and Jay goes to work I'll be alone with him, so I should, like, prepare myself."

Louis expected him to be more panicked about this. He's probably too exhausted to even be nervous. "Right," Louis agrees quietly, closing his eyes and pecking Harry's forehead. "'M proud of you, H, y've been really good with him. You're a proper mum."

Louis' eyes are still closed, but he knows Harry is beaming against his chest, preening under the compliments. He doesn't say anything, just gets closer to Louis, their bodies pressed together while Louis rubs Harry's back slowly.

This moment feels so intimate, Louis can't put his finger on why. Harry's body is so warm, and he's just giving off this maternal energy all of the time that Louis loves. Holy shit, he can't wait to marry this boy someday. There's no doubt in his mind that it'll happen.

Louis is in the grocery store. He can't remember what for–but he's walking down the milk aisle of Tesco's with a basket in his hand. And somehow, he walks right into another person's trolley.

"Oh, sorry," Louis mumbles, but when he looks up at the person, he gasps. It's Harry, looking very tired and worn out with a toddler in the front of the trolley. Louis can't seem to focus on the toddler's face, but somehow he knows it's Joshua.

"Oh my god, Harry," Louis says quietly. Harry just stares at Louis for a few moments before trying to turn around and walk away. Louis grabs Harry's arm and pulls him back. "No, w-wait."

"Louis," Harry says, voice stern. "You're the one who left us, yeah? You're the one who walked out on us. You can't just come in and out of our lives whenever you want, that's not how it works."

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